
Tada Tamura was pulled up from the ground.

"Now it's all right! From now on, Class E belongs to me." His eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his lips rose.

Looking at Ryuguin Aoyama's face above against the light, Tamura Chuta couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

Just as he said, the people he brought were not enough for Ryuguin Aoyama and his men to deal with. The battle didn't last long, and they were all defeated.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task, the system strengthens the physical fitness by +75, and rewards money by +500,000. 】

Ryuguuin Aoyama let go of his hand, threw Tamura Chuta on the ground, straightened up, turned around and looked at the brothers who were still standing, with a smile in his eyes.

The Mikami brothers shook their coats and walked towards him. The two brothers stretched out their fists towards him tacitly.

Ryuguuin Aoyama bumped his fist with it, and the three of them smiled without saying a word. Makise

Takashi touched the wound on his face with his hand, showing some impatience, kicked the person lying on the ground hard, and walked towards them.

"Damn it, how can I go to see a cute girl with a hurt face~"

Ryuguin Aoyama took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, smoked it and held it between his lips, then passed the cigarette to someone else. He frowned slightly and asked,"Who are you going to see? The one who gave you the note last time?!"

When asked about the person, Makise Takashi, an old man, smiled a bit in a tough guy style and shyly, and his face was too dark to tell whether he was blushing or not.

Seeing that Makise Takashi didn't say anything, Sangaku cursed,"Damn it, you really did it?!!"

""Makise, what's with your expression? You look like you deserve a beating~" Mikami Hao mercilessly finished off the opponent, swinging his fist at him. Makise

Takashi straightened his shoulders, thickened his neck and bumped into Mikami Hao beside him,"Ah, boy! What do you mean, I can't go on a date with a cute girl?......"

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at them with a smile, looked up and saw Suzuki who had bought drinks for everyone, and raised his hand slightly to signal Suzuki.

Suzuki, who had returned with two large plastic bags of drinks, looked at the group of people lying on the ground, with a confused look on his face, and jumped over them and came to them.

"What's going on? I just left not long ago......."

"So, you kid didn't have the good fortune to see the good show!"

The Mikami brothers took the drinks bought by Suzuki, took the drinks out of the bag and turned around to distribute them to the brothers present.

Ryuuguuin Aoyama lowered his eyes to glance at the Coke in his hand, turned around and bent down to put it on the ground in front of Tamura Chuta.

The school bell rang at noon -

Ryuuguuin Aoyama blew out a smoke ring,"Let's go! Let's eat, it's my treat!"

A group of people followed Ryuuguuin Aoyama and left, leaving only the defeated E class people;

Tamura Chuta's eyes moved away from Ryuuguuin Aoyama's leaving back, and fell on the Coke in front of him. He gritted his teeth and grasped the Coke tightly in his hand.............

The night bar was as noisy and lively as ever.

On the stage, Ryuka Aizawa looked past the dancing people in front of the stage and looked at Ryuguin Aoyama who was sitting at the counter. She raised her lips and smiled, took the microphone from the microphone stand, and swayed her charming waist to the music.

""A beer, with lots of ice!" A familiar voice sounded beside his ears.

Ryuguin Aoyama turned his head and looked at the seat beside him. The seat that was empty just now was now occupied by someone. It was Ken Katagiri, whom he had not seen for a long time.

"Hi, brother! Long time no see. How are you doing recently?

Katagiri Ken greeted him and took a sip of beer.

"Oh, it's good! Why didn't you see your brothers?"After putting out the cigarette in his hand, Ryuguin Aoyama asked him casually.

Hearing this, the smile on Katagiri Ken's face turned a little bitter. He laughed awkwardly, took another gulp of beer, and spoke in a difficult way.

"We are not together today, so let's drink some wine to keep ourselves company!" As he spoke, he shook the empty wine glass in his hand and placed it on the counter.

Ryuguin Aoyama hummed lightly and said no more, looking at Ryuka Onizawa on the stage.

"If possible, I would like to go back to the days when Suzuran went to school." Katagiri Ken said with emotion, holding up the full glass of wine and bringing it to his lips.

""Eh?!" Ryuguin Aoyama looked at him and said,"It seems that you have a lot of troubles!" Katagiri Ken grinned and didn't deny it. Recently, it has become increasingly difficult to collect protection fees in his area. It's okay for him to not be able to collect protection fees, but his brothers who follow him have to suffer with him. The patience of the boss above them is gradually wearing out.

The slap on his face is still burning on his face;

"Young man, you must cherish every day in Suzuran, live every day to the fullest and with passion, otherwise you will regret it when you leave Suzuran.

Seeing Katagiri Ken suddenly say this, Ryuguin Aoyama picked up his glass and clinked it against his glass, and drank all the beer in the glass.

After drinking three glasses of beer in a row, Katagiri Ken felt relieved, paid his bill and left.

Looking at his back as he left, Ryuguin Aoyama became thoughtful.......

"Who was that person just now?"

Ruka Aizawa, who came down from the stage, sat in the seat where Ken Katagiri had just sat.

Retracting his thoughts,"A simple acquaintance." Ryuguin Aoyama put down the wine glass in his hand. Ruka

Aizawa didn't ask any more questions and slung her bag over her shoulder,"Let's go, my performance is over! Let's go for a midnight snack together~"

Now there was a male rapper on the stage, livening up the atmosphere of the entire bar.

The two people left the bar side by side. The middle-aged man behind the counter put away the money on the counter, shook his head, and muttered:"Are they boyfriend and girlfriend?......"

PS: Thank you for your support!

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