After having supper with Aizawa Ruka, it was already very late. When I got home, it was already after midnight.

The neighbor's dog in the yard heard the noise and started barking loudly. The light in the bald man's house was turned on. He opened the door and went out to check. He found that it was Ryuguuin Aoyama who came back late at night, and he showed disgust between his brows. After comforting the dog in his yard, he closed the door heavily and went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Ryuguuin Aoyama was awakened by the doorbell and got up, rubbing his messy hair.

Suzuki, who was standing outside the gate, saw Ryuguuin Aoyama coming out, smiled and lifted up the things in his hands, and shouted:"Aoyama, look what I brought you!"

"What did you bring? You came so early, I'm still sleepy."

"It's still early, it's already ten o'clock!"

As soon as the door to the yard was opened, a dark shadow passed by Suzuki.

Suzuki dodged to the side and saw clearly that the person who just came in was a big dog."When did you get a dog?"


Longgongyuan Qingshan looked at the dog that ran in and remembered the dog barking he heard when he came back last night.

"It should be the one next door! There is a dog next door......"

After he said it, he realized that what he said was inappropriate, and he said again:"It's the dog next door."

Ryuguin Aoyama had just finished speaking when he saw the bald man behind Suzuki, staring at him with a gloomy face, and smiled awkwardly.

He turned around and took the dog's leash, and handed the dog to the bald man.

The bald man took the leash and turned away with a very unhappy expression.......

"Xiaobao, don't go to any shady or dirty places in the future."


"Hey, how can you talk like that!" Suzuki turned around and questioned.

When Ryuguin Aoyama heard what the bald man said to the dog, his expression changed slightly and he quickly chased out of his yard.

He raised his hand and pressed the bald man's shoulder,"Don't leave yet! What do you mean by 'unfair, dirty'?’??"

The bald man raised his hand to remove the hand from his shoulder, but found that he was not as strong as the other person. He was so angry that his neck turned red and he shouted,"Literally! Let go, let go, do you hear me!"


Ryuguin Qingshan's eyes turned cold, and he loosened his grip on the man's shoulder, then punched him in the nose.

The bald man's nosebleed sprayed onto his fist, and he fell heavily to the ground with a muffled sound.

Looking at the blood on his fist, Ryuguin Qingshan's eyes were full of disgust, and he bent down towards the bald man and stretched out his hand.......

The bald man thought he was going to be beaten, and he screamed in fear,"No, no, don't hit me anymore."......"He stared at the hand that the other person stretched out.

He watched helplessly as the other person wiped his hand on his clothes again and again, wiping all the blood from his nose on his clothes.

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at the bald man coldly and said,"You mean it literally, I mean it with my fist."

The bald man didn't dare to breathe again. After watching Ryuguin Aoyama return to the yard and close the door, he got up from the ground, took his dog, and ran back to his home.

Suzuki took the finished sushi that he brought from his own store out of the bag and placed it neatly on the dining table.

Looking at so much sushi, Ryuguin Aoyama smiled helplessly. To be honest, sushi is something that is okay to try occasionally, but it is really not okay for him to eat it as a meal.

"You brought so much, did you pack up your store and move it here for me?"

After placing the sushi, Suzuki came over from the dining table and sat down,"My mom asked me to bring these to you, saying that she wanted to thank you for protecting me at school!"

"Protect you?!" Ryuguin Aoyama smiled and shook his head. Did his mother think of him as a gangster?

After taking care of everything, Suzuki took out a notebook from his backpack and opened it. There were dense words written on it.

It listed the various relationships between people in Suzuran and the names of those small groups.

Suzuki pointed at the notebook with pride and said,"How about it? Comprehensive, right? I know that everyone in Suzuran wants to stand at the 'top'!"

"But I hope that in our class, the one who can stand at the top of the 'Lily of the Valley' is you!!!"

Ryuguin Aoyama picked up the notebook on the table. The neatly written records on it were enough to show the creator's care.

"Now we have B、C、Although the power of the three classes of E is not small, compared with the people of previous classes, our strength is not strong enough."

As Suzuki spoke, Ryuguin Aoyama flipped through a few pages, and the information of the people of previous classes was also recorded by Suzuki.

Suzuran's 22nd class:

Genjiro Kagi was one of the three major factions at that time.

He was a junior high school student of Oshima Nagazo.

When he graduated from junior high school, he refused the invitation of his seniors to join the armed front and chose to study at Suzuran.

He was hospitalized because of enteritis during the battle with the Housen Group.

After Mito Makio died, he negotiated with Housen on behalf of Suzuran.

From then on, they kept their distance from each other and signed an armistice agreement to end the mess at that time.

Suzuran's 21st class:

Nakai was one of the three major factions of the time. The faction had about 60 people. Together with Kawanishi, he participated in the large-scale war between Suzuran and Housen. He was stabbed in the lung and died in that battle.

Kawanishi Noboru One of the three major factions of that era, the faction of about 80 people and Nakai fought against the then Fengxian. The two leaders organized more than 100 people to fight against Fengxian's 150 people.

Later, Kawanishi Noboru stabbed Fengxian Mito Makio in the abdomen with a knife. Makio died two days later.


Looking at the detailed notebook, Ryuguin Aoyama raised his eyes and looked at Suzuki who was sitting opposite him.

"You want to stand on the 'top' and enjoy the view of lily of the valley, right?"


Suzuki nodded silently. He didn't understand lily of the valley before, but now he has discovered its charm.

He closed the notebook in his hand and put it on the table. Ryuguin Aoyama lit a cigarette and continued,"The scenery at the top of the lily of the valley should be here soon......."

PS: Thanks to [200***888】、【Memories╰Commemorating the Obsession of That Year】Big Brother's monthly ticket support!

Thank you for the reward support of [Memories╰Commemorating the Obsession of That Year]!

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