After the battle on the basketball court, two days later, Tamura Chuta and his people came to Class B and to Ryuguin Aoyama.

Tamura Chuta, with scars all over his face, took a deep breath before speaking, and said,"Fulfilling my duty, from now on, I, Tamura Chuta, and the brothers of Class E! Report!!!"

Ryuguin Aoyama stood up with a smile,"Very good, welcome to join!"

After saying that, he turned around and looked at the two brothers Mikami behind him; because the two of them had just suggested to him to flatten Class E again, and he was still reluctant to release the news to follow them, perhaps because he was still not convinced by them.

The two brothers Mikami looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and grinned.

In any case, Class E now belongs to them, which is a good thing; the two brothers stepped forward and hooked Tamura Chuta's shoulders to express their welcome to him;

Suzuki behind Ryuguin Aoyama put a check mark behind Tamura Chuta's name on his notebook, which means that he is completely part of their power.

Just when everyone was happy, the mobile phone carried by Ryuguin Aoyama suddenly vibrated.

With a smile on his face, Ryuguin Qingshan answered the phone,"Hello, what's the matter?"

The other end of the phone was talking intermittently, and the smile on Ryuguin Qingshan's face faded away little by little.......

"Aoyama! Let's celebrate tonight!!" Sanxue turned around and said with a smile.

This time Suzuki also nodded in agreement. They haven't gotten together for a long time, and today is a good opportunity.

Suzuki suggested loudly:"Hey, hey, hey, how about we go to my restaurant for dinner and then take a bath?"

"No, No, No!" Mikami Gou denied,"Why take a bath? Of course we have to go to the bar. Having a good drink is the best thing to do!"

Because there was no consensus, everyone looked at Ryuguin Aoyama who had been silent.

"Qingshan, what do you think, should we go take a bath or go to the bar for a drink?"



Everyone looked at Ryuguin Aoyama who was serious and silent.

After the call was hung up, Ryuguin Aoyama slowly raised his head, his eyes fell on Suzuki, and opened his mouth,"Something happened......."

Looking at the abnormal Ryuguin Aoyama, Suzuki seemed to know something and asked slowly:"Misaki?......"

Without answering Suzuki's words, Ryuguin Aoyama pushed aside the people blocking him and rushed out of the classroom.

"Hello, Aoyama——"

Suzuki quickly chased to the door, and Ryuguin Aoyama's back had already disappeared at the stairs.

Everyone present was confused. Tamura Chuta walked to the window and saw Ryuguin Aoyama running out of the school gate. He turned around and looked at everyone.

"What's going on? What happened to him?"Tamura Chuta asked in confusion.

The Mikami brothers shrugged their shoulders and shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know.

"Hey! Suzuki, Qingshan said something happened. What happened? Could it be that Fengxian's people came to cause trouble?"The only thing that the Mikami brothers could think of was this.

"No, it's Qingshan's sister, maybe......Are you sick?......"

Suzuki didn't explain in detail. Aoyama seldom told him about his own affairs. He only knew about Misaki's affairs when he saw girls' clothes at his house.

He also heard Aoyama briefly say about Misaki's illness, but Suzuki knew that Aoyama cherished Misaki very much.

This is why Suzuki couldn't help but think of Misaki when he saw his expression change drastically.

"Qingshan has a younger sister?? Never heard of it"

"What disease did he have? Is it serious?"

As the first two brothers to follow Ryuguuin Aoyama, this was the first time they knew that Ryuguuin Aoyama had a sister.

When they heard that Tamura Chuta was taking people to Class B, Makise Takashi also came to join in the fun. Looking at the unusually quiet Class B, he was confused.

"What, what happened?"

He looked around but didn't see Ryuguin Qingshan.

"Where is Qingshan? Why isn't he here?"

"Something happened, so I'm leaving!" Suzuki briefly said, avoiding the main point.

Makise Takashi didn't ask much, his eyes looked at Tamura Chuta, he stepped forward and hugged him,"Welcome to join us!"

Facing the gorilla Makise Takashi, Tamura Chuta didn't say much. The two of them had some interactions before and had done some tricks.

Although there was no winner, the strength of the gorilla was obvious to all the Suzuran people. He was a crazy guy who dared to face Serizawa's challenge again and again.......

Ryuguuin Aoyama ran all the way out of the school and jumped onto a bus that was about to leave for the hospital.

His heart was in a knot at this moment. The call was from Misaki's attending physician, because Misaki was sent here from a country hospital.

The doctor did not explain the specific situation in detail on the phone, but just asked him to rush to the hospital.

The bus stopped and started, and when it was about to arrive at the hospital, it was stuck in a traffic jam, and it remained stuck there without moving.

Ryuguuin Aoyama stood up from his seat, pressed the button to get off, and stood by the door waiting for the driver to open the door.

"Students! We haven't reached the stop yet, and you are not allowed to get off on the road. Wait a moment longer!"

Hearing the driver say this, Ryuguin Qingshan turned around and walked to the open window at the back of the bus, clasped his hands inside, and then jumped out of the window.

The people on the bus screamed, and they all felt that his action was dangerous.

After getting off the bus, Ryuguin Qingshan crossed the road, came to the hospital opposite, and strode into the hospital.

His shoulder bumped into a person with strangely dyed hair, and someone grabbed his arm.

""Hey, kid! You hurt me, just pay me!"

Seeing that the other person was wearing a school uniform, he didn't say anything, and continued:"Be quick, don't waste my time!"

Longgongyuan Qingshan shook off the arm that was grabbed, turned around and knocked the man to the ground with a punch. This kind of person is a scammer in the hospital.

If you meet a timid person, you will get a lot of money; if you meet an ordinary person, you will take some money from him; but if you meet someone like Longgongyuan Qingshan, you can only get beaten!

This job is also a high-risk job.

PS: Thanks to [Mengchen, Xue Weiyang】、【Dimension Walker→_→】Monthly ticket support!

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