The people on the periphery saw that the people coming were Ryuguin Aoyama and his group, and they consciously made way for them to pass.

Ryuguin Aoyama came to the front and stopped, looking at the two people who were facing Serizawa and Izaki Shun.

Serizawa was a well-known strong man of Suzuran, and he swung his fist with a strong wind and smashed it towards Izaki Shun.


After blocking Serizawa's punch, Izaki Shun took two steps back and immediately steadied his legs.

When Serizawa threw the second punch, he bent down to avoid it and punched Serizawa hard in the face.

The air suddenly became quiet, and everyone stared at this scene, watching Izaki Shun's fist hit Serizawa's face, and Serizawa tilted his head slightly after blocking the punch.

His feet stood firmly in place, and a little blood flowed from the corners of his grinning mouth.

Although Serizawa was the first to see blood, this was just the beginning. No one would say that Serizawa would lose;

Serizawa, who was hit by a punch, became more ferocious. He rushed forward and suppressed Izaki Shun's neck with one hand. With his other arm, he used his elbow to hit Izaki Shun's back once, twice, and three times.

Under the attack from the back, Izaki Shun gritted his teeth and hugged Serizawa's waist with his arms, and rushed towards the carport.

The instability of his legs forced Serizawa to stop attacking, and he grabbed Izaki Shun's shoulders with both hands, trying to hold him back and stop him from stopping.

His feet rubbed the ground backwards, and his body was hit hard against the bicycles, which fell over one after another.

Ryuguuin Aoyama narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the two people fighting inside. Now it seems that they are evenly matched, but Serizawa has a spirit of getting braver and braver.

Moreover, Serizawa is famous for his bravery. Even after being hit several times, he can still exert his fierce power.

Standing aside, Kirishima Hiromi, one of the 'Ebizuka Trio', frowned, and his hands on both sides of his body were clenched into fists.

Serizawa, who was pressed to the ground, roared, and directly pushed Izaki Shun on top to the ground;

Serizawa quickly turned over from the ground, grabbed Izaki Shun's clothes, and punched him hard on the head.......

Two people came out of the carport. Serizawa raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and lowered his head slightly to look at the panting Izaki Shun.

Their faces were covered with bruises, showing the status of their battle.

Serizawa's eyes changed slightly, and he took a big step forward like a sprint, kicking Izaki Shun, but Izaki Shun grabbed his leg in the abdomen.


He swung his right fist towards Serizawa's head, but was blocked by Serizawa's arm.

As time went on, Izaki Shun's strength weakened, and although Serizawa had some injuries on his face, he still looked fierce.

But no one would say that Izaki Shun was weak. In this battle, no matter who won or lost, they were both strong and could not be compared with ordinary people like them.

The two entered the wrestling stage, punching each other alternately.

Serizawa suddenly jumped up and punched Izaki Shun, who staggered backwards.......

Seeing this battle, Kirishima Hiromi gritted his teeth and turned away, followed by Sugihara Makoto and Honjo Toshiaki.

At this moment, a system notification sounded in Ryuguin Aoyama's head:

【Ding Dong! Hot-Blooded Battle System Mission: Stop the Battle in Front of You! 】

After hearing the system's prompt, Izaki Shun's body just bumped into him, and Ryuguin Aoyama looked up and saw Serizawa's fist swinging at him.......


Everyone's eyes were focused on Ryuguuin Aoyama.

Because Ryuguuin Aoyama used one hand to catch the fist that Serizawa swung at Izaki Shun;

Serizawa's fist, Ryuguuin Aoyama's palm, Izaki Shun's head, the distance between the palm and the head was only a few centimeters.

The picture stopped at this moment, Serizawa kept swinging his fist, and his eyes slowly moved from Izaki Shun's body to Ryuguuin Aoyama's body.

Not far away, Genji dropped the cigarette in his hand, frowned, and didn't quite understand the meaning of Ryuguuin Aoyama's sudden move.

Tatsukawa Tokisuke, Tokaji Yuji and others who were standing opposite them walked towards them one after another. Behind Ryuguuin Aoyama, the Mikami brothers, Makise Takashi, Tamura Chuta and others took a step forward and confronted Tokisuke, Tokaji and others.

""Ryuguuin Aoyama!! What do you want to do?!" Tokaji Yuji roared. Ryuguuin Aoyama looked at Tokaji Yuji coldly.

Everyone present held their breath. No one expected such a scene to happen. No one could guess what would happen next. They could only wait and see.

Hearing Tokaji's roar behind him, Serizawa retracted his fist and stood up straight, looking at Ryuguuin Aoyama

"Ryuguuin, today I and Izaki Shun will end here, but the battle between you and me must begin!!!"


Seeing him say this, Shi Sheng whispered.

All along, Serizawa said that he would challenge Ryuguin Aoyama after unifying the others. Why did he suddenly.........

"Last time you beat up a cadre of the Beast Corps. I've thought about it and I can't just let it go."

Serizawa was referring to the incident with Tokaji. Even if it was Tokaji's fault, we need to put an end to it.

"Yes, it's OK." Ryuguin Aoyama replied calmly.

When he attacked Tokaji, he had already considered that this would happen, but there was nothing wrong with it.

Hearing Serizawa say this, Tokaji Yuji was very touched and stared at Serizawa with moving eyes. He really treated him as a brother.

"A week later, we officially started fighting."

Serizawa said this and left with his men.

PS: Please support me!

The update is a little late, I apologize to the big guys, and the next stop will be released soon.......

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