Everyone present was excited. Serizawa was about to face off against Ryuguuin Aoyama, and this match would definitely be exciting.

Among the current Suzuran, apart from the mysterious Hayashida Kei, the most influential three people are Serizawa Tamao, Ryuguuin Aoyama, and Takiya Genji.

And privately, people often compare Ryuguuin Aoyama, Serizawa, and the rising Genji. They all hope that the three of them can fight each other. Now that Serizawa Tamao has declared war on Ryuguuin Aoyama in person, their hope has come true.

Makise Takashi turned his head to look at the backs of Serizawa and the others as they left, then turned his head to look at Ryuguuin Aoyama.

【Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task, the system strengthens the physical fitness +20, money +20000. 】

Ryuguin Aoyama shrugged slightly, completed the task with one punch, and made Serizawa declare war on him, which seemed to kill two birds with one stone.

"School is over, let's go too!" He turned his head and said to the people behind him.

Ryuguin Aoyama took his brothers away, leaving only Izaki Shun and his brothers, Genji's GPS, and other people.

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama leave, Genji and his people also left one after another.

Izaki Shun, who was left behind, didn't say anything for a while. He was surrounded by his brothers, with a solemn expression on his face, and left with his brothers.

"Who won this battle?"

"It's Serizawa, right?!!"

"But Izaki Shun didn't fall down.~"


Everyone left in groups of three or five, talking about it. After all, school had been over for a long time.

Hearing people passing by talking about what happened after he left, Kirishima Hiromi took a deep breath. In his eyes, it was Senior Izaki Shun who lost the battle.

Senior Izaki Shun's strength was somewhat comparable to Serizawa's at the beginning, but later Serizawa became more and more courageous, and Senior Izaki Shun's strength began to become a little unstable.

But how sure is Ryuguin Aoyama to win against Serizawa's"Hundred Beasts Army"? ? ?

Makoto Sugihara, who was next to Kirishima Hiromi, slowly said,"You don't have to look like that, Senior Izaki Shun. Losing is also respectable."

Kirishima Hiromi put away the stiff expression on his face, let out a long breath, nodded slightly, and looked at the setting sun.

You're right, Senior Izaki Shun has always been someone he respects.

The three of them left the school side by side, temporarily putting aside the gloom in their hearts. After all, a win or loss cannot determine who is stronger or weaker, which is the same as sports competition.

After leaving school, Ryuguin Aoyama did not go home. Instead, they strolled along the river bank to Uncle Suzuki's bathhouse.

"Aoyama, what are your plans for the war with Serizawa in a week?"Tamu Tadashi asked beside him.

If it was just Serizawa and Aoyama, he wouldn't worry about anything; but the difference is that Serizawa's 'Hundred Beasts Army' has a large number of people, and compared to their current number, they might be at a disadvantage.

Ryuguin Aoyama considered this issue, and he had already thought about it when he accepted Serizawa's declaration of war.

"There is still one week left. Except for the people from the Beast Army, all the others should be accepted!" His eyes changed slightly, mixed with his emotions.

"What about Izaki Shun? Suzuki asked the key question.

"That's right! Otherwise, we should fight with Izaki Shun and the others first and recruit them to our side!" Makise Takashi added. With the ability of Izaki Shun and his brothers, if they can become part of their power, then it will be easier to fight Serizawa.

Ryuguin Aoyama hesitated slightly,"Don't worry about Izaki Shun."

A number one person like Izaki Shun has his own ideas and his own way. He is not like the Mikami brothers, who follow those he thinks are strong; nor is he like Tamura Chuta, who can conquer with fists.

On the contrary, Izaki Shun is a bit similar to Makise Takashi. He will follow or associate with the people he likes according to his own ideas.

Seeing Ryuguin Aoyama say this, the others expressed that they had no objection; no matter what, they are now people who are traveling with Ryuguin Aoyama, and no matter success or failure, they will gallop side by side in the lily of the valley.

It's time for the crow to flap its wings and take off again.......

Separated from the others, Serizawa walked towards home alone. Tokisei, who had already left, caught up with Serizawa again and walked side by side with him on the road. He glanced at Serizawa who had no expression on his face.

"Have you decided? Start a war with Ryuguuin Aoyama!"

Listening to Tokio's words, Serizawa just nodded slightly in response to him.

Tokio took a deep breath, put his hands in his pockets, and continued:"When you skipped Class B, I could feel that you wanted to have a fair fight with Ryuguuin Aoyama!"

"Right now, the strength of Ryuguin Aoyama and his team is still a little behind ours. Do you think it's a good time now?"

As he spoke, Shisheng turned his head to look at the expression on Serizawa's face.

Serizawa listened, leaned against the wall of the street, took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it to his mouth, lit it with the lighter in his hand, and took a deep breath.

It was as if he wanted to absorb all the emotions and then release them.

"Good timing? Hehe......"

"There is no such thing as a good opportunity. If Ryuguuin Aoyama really has the ability, he will turn the opportunity into a 'good opportunity';"

"If he can't do it this time, then no matter how long I wait, it won't be a good time.’"

Serizawa turned his head to look at Shisheng beside him, with a slight smile on his face.

"Oh, if you put it that way, it is true. I am looking forward to Ryuguin Aoyama's performance this week.~"

"He more or less helped Izaki Shun, so he should ask Izaki Shun to borrow someone, right?" Shi Sheng asked with a smile;

Serizawa removed the cigarette from his lips and said slowly:"Who knows~"

Leaning against the wall, Serizawa smoked a cigarette, and the two chatted intermittently.

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