Walking out of the bar at night.

Ryuguin Aoyama separated from the Mikami brothers and went home. After all, they had to go to school tomorrow, so they didn't stay in the bar for too long.

Walking home alone, Ryuguin Aoyama smoked a cigarette as usual, walking leisurely near the edge of the road. There was a roar of motorcycles behind him, and he turned his head to see several motorcycles speeding not far away. The people riding the motorcycles were wearing leather jackets.

This reminded Ryuguin Aoyama of the group of motorcyclists he saw the night before; his mind also remembered the last time he used a motorcycle to seduce Taisaka Hitoto in front of the school building; when he turned around and continued to walk forward, the motorcycle behind him drove right up to him, and with a bang, a motorcycle crashed into a telephone pole three steps in front of him.

The person on the motorcycle fell off the motorcycle and stopped right at his feet.

""Damn it!"

Ryuguin Qingshan threw away the cigarette in his hand and quickly stepped forward to reach out to help the person on the ground.

���At that moment, the rest of the motorcycles behind him all stopped and surrounded him and the person on the ground.

Boom, boom, boom - the sound of the throttle roared, and the headlights in front of the motorcycles shone directly on them in the middle.

Ryuguin Qingshan, who was bending over, showed displeasure on his face, but still stretched out his hand to pull the person on the ground up,"Hey, your man fell down, as a companion, don't you care?" The people riding on the motorcycle laughed,"Haha, companion? He is just a traitor, how can he be our companion.~"


Ryuguin Qingshan muttered; and the person he was supporting pushed his arm away, stepped forward to block him, snorted at the person in front of him, turned his head and said:"I am not a companion of these shameless guys. Thank you for just now, but you have nothing to do here, please leave!"

One said traitor, the other said shameless, Ryuguin Qingshan was a little confused, which side was right?

However, he was just kind enough to help someone up, and it really had nothing to do with him, so he turned around and prepared to leave.


"Oh my god!!!"

He subconsciously raised his hand to block his eyes, frowning slightly;

"Hey, what do you want to do? You want to attack me? ? ?"Longgongyuan Qingshan asked coldly.

The motorcycle in front of him not only blocked his way out, but also shone the headlights directly into his eyes. As soon as he finished speaking, Longgongyuan Qingshan swung his fist and smashed the motorcycle headlight that was shining into his eyes; the scene was quiet for a short time. No one expected that he would take action first and smash their motorcycle with a fist.


"Boy! Do you know what you are doing? You dare to attack the armed front!!!"

The man on the motorcycle got off the car with an unhappy look on his face. A mere boy on the roadside actually dared to attack their armed front first. It was really itchy!

"You little bastard, I think you're looking for death......"


Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Ryuguin Qingshan swung his fist again without hesitation and hit the other party's face hard,"You keep talking nonsense, it's so annoying!" The person who was hit by Ryuguin Qingshan crashed into the motorcycle behind him, with a fierce look on his face, and spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm on the ground. Does this kid's fist have any power?

"Brothers! Come on, teach this guy what rules are!"

As this man spoke, the rest of the people in the car got out of the car one after another, and the man that Longgongyuan Qingshan had just helped up slowly stepped back two steps and stood back to back with Longgongyuan Qingshan.

""Little brother, you are in trouble now~" Facing the people who surrounded him, he said to Ryuguin Aoyama jokingly.

With this posture, they will not only not let him go, but also will not easily forgive the boy behind him.

Ryuguin Aoyama snorted coldly, jumped forward, swung his fist and hit one of them, and instantly met fists with these people.

The people of the armed front are different from other street gangs. They are not the largest in number, but anyone who can join the armed front is an elite and powerful person. He kicked out with a heavy kick, kicking the person in front of him away. Just as he continued to move forward, he was punched in the back by the person behind him.


Ryuguin Qingshan staggered forward a few steps, stood firm, straightened his waist, turned around quickly, and looked at the person who had just punched him.

His arm moved with his sight, and he pulled the person in front of him, punching him once, twice, and three times.......

With the last kick, he sent the man flying, his whole body emitting a violent and violent aura. The man he had just helped up knocked down one person, was kicked in the abdomen by another person, and his body crashed into Ryuguin Aoyama.

He raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth,"Not bad, bro!" He glanced at the black school uniform on the other person,"A student of Suzuran? Haha, really good."

Ryuguin Aoyama didn't say anything, but just glanced at the person next to him. Only then did he notice that although the person next to him was dressed almost exactly like them, there was one difference, that is, the leather jacket worn by the person next to him did not have a skull logo printed on the back.

The other people who attacked them all had skull logos on the back of their leather jackets.

"You are not from the armed front?"

The other party heard Longgongyuan Qingshan ask this, and while fighting with others, he answered:"I used to be, but not now, but I will definitely return to the armed front in the future!!"

Longgongyuan Qingshan didn't continue to ask after hearing him say this, guessing that it might be a gang fight!

Aiming at the guy who rushed up and punched, Longgongyuan Qingshan took a step forward, smashed the opponent's head with his hard fist, and followed up with two punches in a row.

These guys are fast, heavy-handed, and have stronger physical fitness than ordinary thugs. They must be knocked down in one go and it is over.

PS: Thank you for the reward and support from [Haotian Jinque Supreme Supreme Natural Wonderful Jade Emperor]!

The next chapter will be released later......

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