Accompanying Misaki to the hospital, Ryuguuin Aoyama saw a familiar figure on a bench in the hospital corridor.

Serizawa, who was sitting on the bench, looked up and watched Ryuguuin Aoyama walking past him.

In the ward behind Serizawa, Tokio was lying inside. The doctor had long suggested that Tokio prepare for surgery as soon as possible.

Because the success rate of the operation was very low and he might not even be able to get off the operating table, Tokio had always refused the operation and believed that even if he died, he should die meaningfully, not on the operating table.

But this emergency left him with no choice but to prepare for surgery.

Ryuguuin Aoyama glanced at the name written on the ward door, put his hand on Misaki's shoulder, and took her away from Tokio's ward door.

Under the arrangement of the attending physician, Misaki followed the nurse into the treatment room to do various examinations.

"Misaki looks fine, there shouldn't be any major problems."

The doctor said comfortingly, patting Ryuguuin Aoyama's shoulder, and then followed him into the treatment room.

There was nothing to do for the time being, so Ryuguuin Aoyama walked to the corridor and saw Serizawa still sitting there alone, so he strode over.

Standing in front of the ward door, looking at Tokio through the glass;

Serizawa sat aside and motioned for him to sit down as well. This was not a school, and there was no need for the two of them to confront each other.

"How is Shisheng's condition?" Ryuguin Aoyama asked, but from the first glance, Shisheng's condition seemed to be quite serious.

Serizawa rubbed his hands heavily on his face and let out a sigh,"It's not good, he must have surgery, and the success rate of the surgery is not high."

Speaking of this, Serizawa was very upset. He had been staying in the hospital for the past two days and didn't even go to school. The beard on his chin grew densely.

"What are you doing in the hospital?"Serizawa asked

"Accompany my sister to get checked."

Ryuguin Aoyama said slowly, glancing at the closed door of the clinic at the end. He didn't know what was going on inside, and what the result would be.

Serizawa touched his pockets, as if he was looking for something.

Ryuguin Aoyama took out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and put it in Serizawa's hand. Serizawa looked at the cigarettes in his hand, and was slightly stunned.

He took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. His eyes fell on the no-smoking sign on the wall in front of him, and he took the cigarette out of his mouth, tightly holding the cigarette box in his hand, and looked down at the ground under his feet.

Time passed little by little.......

The door of the clinic at the end of the corridor was opened, and Misaki walked out.

Ryuguuin Aoyama got up from the bench and walked towards Misaki; the doctor walked into the office with the data of the treatment results in his hand and explained the results of this treatment to them. All the data were in line with the standards. As long as Misaki paid attention to it on a daily basis, there would be no problem with other things for the time being.

Coming out of the doctor's office, Serizawa, who was originally on the bench, disappeared.

Misaki noticed that her brother was looking at the ward they just passed by, and asked,"The person inside, is he someone your brother knows?"

Seeing Misaki asked this, Ryuguuin Aoyama nodded without disguising,"Yes, he will be arranged for surgery soon, and the risk of the operation is very high."

Hearing this, Misaki was a little depressed. Just now in the clinic, she asked the doctor what would happen if she could have a heart transplant!

But the doctor just said a few vague words and did not tell her the result directly. Maybe by then her situation would be similar to that of the person in the ward.............

The next day, when I was about to send Misaki back to the countryside, I opened the door to my house and found Suzuki and his group all at my door.

Ryuguin Aoyama looked at them and said,"You......What are you doing here???"

"Hehe, we want to see our sister too~" Suzuki said with a smile, and quickly handed over the signature sushi he brought from his own restaurant as a gift.

Ryuguin Aoyama's eyes fell on Makise Takashi who was hiding behind them, and he immediately understood what was going on, and a sneer flashed across his lips.

Misaki looked up at her brother with a smile on her face,"Can I accept it?"

""Of course I will! The sushi at Suzuki's is pretty good. I'll take it home and try it with grandma." Misaki handed the box of sushi from Suzuki's hand to him.

"Go home? ? ? Isn't this home!!" Sanxue came forward.

They heard from Makise Takashi that he saw Aoyama's sister, and asked them to come together today, and asked Suzuki to bring a few servings of sushi, just to eat at Aoyama's house at noon.

"That's right! Isn't she a sister? Shouldn't they live in the same house?"Mikami Gou added.

Seeing their disappointed faces, Ryuguuin Aoyama had a triumphant smile on his face. He was a little glad that his sister lived in the countryside.

Otherwise, he would be a little worried about a group of 'wolves' with ill intentions around him.

A group of people watched Ryuguuin Aoyama take Misaki to the bus to the station, and they all turned around and punched Makise Takashi.

Makise Takashi ran away immediately. It was indeed his idea to ask everyone to come, but he didn't know that Aoyama's sister didn't live at home, but lived in her grandmother's house in the countryside.......

"Damn it, Makise, stop right there, you kid!!!"

"Stop, I'll break your legs, you're the only one who ate with your sister!!!"

The two Mikami brothers were chasing Makise Takashi from behind; seeing the two of them chasing Makise Takashi, Tamura Chuta also ran after them;

Suzuki couldn't run as fast as them, so he stopped and gasped. He did know that his sister lived in the countryside, but he didn't expect that they would meet Aoyama sending his sister off as soon as they arrived.

In the end, it was Makise Takashi's fault for providing them with false information, so he had to be beaten.

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