The weekend passed, and classes resumed as normal on Monday.

The battle with Serizawa was scheduled for tomorrow, but Serizawa has not shown up at school since Tokio was taken away by the ambulance.

This made most people wonder whether the battle between Ryuguuin Aoyama and Serizawa would be cancelled because Serizawa did not show up.

The originally noisy class suddenly became quiet, and the teacher who was writing on the blackboard turned around in surprise. There was a large group of people standing at the door of the classroom, led by Izaki Shun from Class D, and the people outside were crowded with his younger brothers.

The teacher's legs suddenly became weak again. Is this going to start another fight? But he didn't have time to run out. He quickly scanned the class, and didn't see any place for him to go out, except for the glass windows outside. But the window was on the third floor, and if he jumped out, he would be seriously injured or even killed.

"Izaki-san......If you have any questions, can we solve them after class?"

Isaki Shun glanced at the teacher on the podium. Just as he was about to step into Class B, everyone in Class B stood up, rubbing their hands, and squeezed towards the classroom door.��


Suzuki shouted in a low voice.

Ryuguuin Aoyama sat upright in his seat, looking at Izaki Shun who was standing at the door of the classroom.

Mikami Gakkou and Mikami Go stood at the front, raised their chins and growled in a long voice,"Hey, Izaki Shun, what do you want to do? Do you want to attack us???"

Mikami Go rolled up his sleeves and punched Izaki Shun directly. His fist hit Izaki Shun's body, but Izaki Shun grabbed his wrist tightly with his hand and stopped it.

Izaki Shun turned his head slightly, passed Mikami Go in front of him, looked to the innermost part of Class B, and shouted,"Hey, Ryuguuin Aoyama! Don't you come out and say something?"

When his name was called by Izaki Shun, Ryuguuin Aoyama slowly stood up, kicked over the table he had just let go, with a little smirk on his face.

"That depends on what you say. If you want to attack us, then I'm sorry, I bet you can't get through that door today."

"If you want to make friends and become brothers, this door is open to you!!!"

Seeing Ryuuguuin Aoyama say this, Izaki Shun smiled, loosened his grip on Mikami Go's wrist, strode into the door of Class B, and some of his brothers followed him in.

Makise Takashi, who was still recruiting people on campus, heard from his younger brother that Izaki Shun had rushed into Class B, and immediately ran upstairs.

Izaki Shun came to Ryuuguuin Aoyama and stopped,"I have two questions for you. First, why did you take action in the carport that day?"

"Second, since you are recruiting soldiers, why didn't you send anyone to Class D? Do you think highly of me, Izaki Shun?"

After hearing Izaki Shun's two questions, Ryuguuin Aoyama didn't rush to answer. He chuckled and glanced at the crows flying outside the window.

His eyes met Izaki Shun's again,"I was just responding to the attack and defending, not taking any action; and......"

Izaki Shun stared into Ryuguin Aoyama's eyes, waiting for him to continue;

"And even if I hadn't looked for you, wouldn't you have come by yourself?!" The corners of his mouth slightly raised, looking into Izaki Shun's eyes.

Hearing him say this, Izaki Shun suddenly laughed, feeling that he must have fallen into the trap set by Ryuuguuin Aoyama, but he didn't feel disgusted or angry in his heart.

Indeed, as Ryuuguuin Aoyama said, he didn't come to find him, but in the end he found him instead.

Ever since they began to accept large and small groups in the school, he has been waiting, waiting for Ryuuguuin Aoyama or Ryuuguuin Aoyama's people to find him.

They went to recruit other people, but did not touch his D class and his brothers; in the upcoming battle between Ryuuguuin Aoyama and Serizawa, everyone's eyes were actually on him, Izaki Shun , to see what he would do.

Not taking action means having no loyalty; taking action means joining Ryuguuin Aoyama and the others, but Izaki Shun is not the kind of person who would just follow others casually.

So during this week, he has been waiting, waiting for Ryuguuin Aoyama's action, to see if he would want to"eat" them in order to recruit soldiers, or if Ryuguuin Aoyama would take the initiative to ask him to borrow people.

But Ryuguuin Aoyama has been slow to act, which makes him a little confused about the other party's approach, and he finds it a bit interesting.

In the end, he had to bring people here, wanting to truly understand whether Ryuguuin Aoyama is someone worth following.

Now it seems that it may be worth a try.......

Izaki Shun threw a punch, landing lightly on Ryuguuin Aoyama's shoulder,"You are so cunning! However, Izaki Shun is willing to try to follow you."

Ryuguuin Aoyama raised his eyebrows slightly,"Try???"

"Yes, that's right. At least from now on, until the battle with Serizawa is over, I will follow you." As he spoke, Izaki Shun stretched out his hand towards Ryuguuin Aoyama. Ryuguuin Aoyama raised his hand and shook it, saying,"I guess the time won't be that short."

""Then it depends on your performance!" There was a hint of admiration in Isaki Shun's eyes.

Makise Takashi led his men to the third floor, but there was no scene of mingling as he had expected in his mind. All he saw was Aoyama and Isaki Shun holding hands.

"What, what's going on?" Makise Takashi touched his head in confusion.

The Mikami brothers hooked their arms around Makise Takashi's shoulders and laughed at the gorilla. What's the point of figuring it out? Anyway, now Izaki Shun and the others have joined.

They have recruited seventy people, and now there are Izaki Shun and more than twenty brothers he brought, a total of more than ninety people.

Now they have a little less people than Serizawa's"Hundred Beasts Army", but the difference is not big.

This battle is even more worth fighting.

Everyone showed excitement and excitement on their faces, and began to look forward to tomorrow's battle.

The teacher who was squeezed into the corner and trembling with fear, saw that they didn't fight, breathed a sigh of relief, and raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his face.

PS: Thank you for your support!

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