The school swimming pool.

The GPS members gathered here.

Because Ryuguin Aoyama and the others were active, GPS seemed to be a little quieter in the school.

In fact, the most important thing is that Genji looked a little abnormal since the day when Hitoki was taken away by the ambulance.

There were a pile of cigarette butts at Genji's feet, and he sat there expressionlessly, as if he was thinking about something.

Two members looked around, smiled at each other, and the two of them lifted Genji's upper body and legs at the same time, and threw him into the swimming pool at the same time.

Genji was thrown into the water unexpectedly, choked on the water twice, and then his head emerged from the water.


Seeing the people laughing on the shore, Genji sighed and climbed up the floating bridge they had built on the water.

"You look so depressed and listless, so I'll wake you up!"

The man who had just thrown him into the water handed him a towel.

Genji took the towel and wiped his wet hair, threw it into the man's arms, and strode out of the swimming pool.��

"Hey, Genji, where are you going?"

Genji walked a distance and stopped,"I'm going home, you guys continue to play." After saying that, he waved his hand and strode away.

Everyone looked at each other. Genji had been acting strangely these past few days, and seemed to be hiding something, but no one could tell why.

"Hey, did you guys hear that? Izaki Shun just took people to Class B!"

"Go to Class B? Damn, will I have to follow Ryuguuin Aoyama and the others?~"

"I heard that he was going to follow Ryuguuin Aoyama and the others to participate in the battle with Serizawa scheduled for tomorrow!!!"......

Everyone discussed briefly for a few words, but nothing came of it.

Genji did not go home as he said he would. He walked out of the school gate in his wet school uniform and walked all the way to the hospital entrance.

He stood in front of the hospital gate, smoked a few cigarettes in succession, and finally took a deep breath and strode into the hospital.

He came to the door of the ward with the name 'Tatsukawa Tokisei' written on it, and saw Tokisei lying on the bed through the glass;

Tatsukawa Tokisei in the ward seemed to feel that someone was looking at him, and turned his head to meet Genji's gaze outside, and he was a little surprised.


Shisheng was about to pull out the infusion needle, but the door of the ward was pushed open from the outside and Genji walked in.

There were only two of them in the ward, and no one spoke first, and the atmosphere became a little depressing.

"How do you......"

"are you alright......"

Both of them spoke at the same time;

"You go first! I, I'll listen to you." Tatsukawa Tokisei smiled awkwardly. Genji took a deep breath and said slowly:"Are you okay? Why haven't you gone to school yet? Is it serious?"

Tatsukawa Tokisei raised his hand that was not receiving an IV drip, pointed to his head, and said:"I have a tumor in my brain, and I need surgery to remove it."

The success rate is only 30%, and after Tatsukawa Tokisei's description, it was like a minor operation.

"Hand, surgery......"

Genji didn't know what to say for a moment. He raised his hand and touched the back of his head. He felt a little guilty. If he had known, he would never have punched Shisheng.

"When will the surgery be performed?"


I heard the sound of a door being pushed open behind me. It was a nurse who came in to make rounds and change the dressing.

"Hello, Shisheng——"

Genji shouted awkwardly

"Come on, come on!"

After saying this, Genji put his hands in his pockets and quickly turned around and left the ward.

"Hey, Genji!!"

Tatsukawa Tokisei was about to jump off the bed to chase after Genji, but the nurse held his shoulders and made him sit back down.

"Still want to run around? You're going to have surgery tomorrow, you need to rest more, didn't the doctor just tell you that?"

The nurse said as she recorded the data on the instrument, and she would show it to the attending doctor later.

Tatsukawa Tokisei in the ward had no choice but to give up and lie back on the bed, staring at the door of the ward. He really didn't expect Genji to come to see him.

A smile appeared on his lips.......

Tomorrow is very important. It is the day he will fight, and it is also the day Tamao will fight.

They will both cheer for each other and win their own battles.......

After returning to school, Serizawa Tamao stood at the bottom of the teaching building, frowning and looking up at the top of the teaching building.

The whole teaching building began to boil, and everyone cheered. Serizawa Tamao's appearance in the school meant that tomorrow's appointment would go on as scheduled. Tokaji

Yuji, who was on the top floor, heard the noise and leaned over to look down. Seeing Serizawa standing below and looking at them, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Serizawa is back!!"

Tsutsumoto Masaharu quickly leaned over and looked down. As Tokaji said, Serizawa was indeed back.

The two of them took their brothers to the bottom of the teaching building to welcome Serizawa back. When the people of the"Hundred Beasts Army" saw Serizawa, they all became excited.

Serizawa looked at the brothers who came to him and smiled;

Tokisei in the hospital kept emphasizing that tomorrow was an important battle for them all, and they all had to do their best to win.

"Finally back!!!"

Tsutsumoto Masaharu stepped forward and hugged Serizawa tightly; just now he and Tokaji discussed that even if Serizawa didn't show up tomorrow, they would lead the"Hundred Beasts Army" to fight Ryuguuin Aoyama and his group.

This was not a battle between Serizawa and Ryuguuin Aoyama, but a battle between their two groups.

Although Tokaji Yuji didn't say anything, the excitement on his face said it all.

"Tomorrow is our battle, how could I not come back!!!"

Speaking, Serizawa Tamao raised his eyes and looked at the window of Class B on the third floor. Behind the window stood Ryuguin Aoyama who was watching them.

Meeting Serizawa Tamao's gaze, Ryuguin Aoyama smiled.

PS: Thank you for your support.

Thank you [High Tucao】、【I think that means】、【Memories╰Commemorate the year of obsession】、【What is bzd called?】、【Dimension Walker→_→】Votes of support from the big guys!

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