"Is this... a dormitory?"

Fang Yun opened his eyes and looked at the familiar yet strange environment in front of him. He was a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"Wasn’t it just that there was a thunder outside during the live broadcast and the computer cable was struck? Could it be that he was kidnapped after he fainted?"

"That's not right. Although I usually complain a lot, I don't have any real enemies, right?"

At this moment, some unfamiliar memories flooded into Fang Yun's mind...

After a long while, Fang Yun came to his senses, and the first sentence he said was:

"I have finally caught up with the time-travel trend!"

That's right, Fang Yun traveled through time. Before traveling through time, Fang Yun was a college student and also a well-known anchor on a certain platform. However, the content of his live broadcasts was not mainstream games, but many stand-alone masterpieces on consoles/PC. Of course, he has also dabbled in some popular games.

The sentence he often says during live broadcasts is:"I have played all the well-known games that have been released since I started playing games. Even if I haven't played them, I have watched others play them." That

's right, Fang Yun is an avid ACG enthusiast, commonly known as a"dead otaku". Games and anime are his biggest interests. Although his gaming level is not top-notch, he can be regarded as a A small master, coupled with his profound ability to complain, is quite popular in live broadcasting.

And now, the world of"Fang Yun" that Fang Yun traveled through is somewhat different from the original world.

To give a brief introduction, Fang Yun is still somewhat different from most of the time travelers. This difference is mainly reflected in:

Fang Yun in this world still has parents!

The technology in this world is much more advanced than the original earth. People’s daily necessities are all completed automatically by machines. People only need to maintain the machines regularly.

This leads to a problem. People have a lot of free time (of course this refers to the relatively wealthy groups. The poor groups are only slightly better off than the original world).)

What do you do in your free time?

Of course, you eat"spiritual food"!

Therefore, the entertainment industry in this world is highly developed. Movies and music are more than one or two levels ahead of Earth. In particular, this world already has virtual reality technology. Although it has only been around for a short time, this simple technology has raised the entertainment industry to a higher level.

Strangely, the games in this world……

"Why are the games in this world so crude?!"

After sorting out his"game-related" memories, Fang Yun couldn't help but start complaining:

"How can the plot of this game be so simple? How can the gameplay be so simple? The market is flooded with 'Dragon Quest' games.’,‘Games like"Knight Saves Princess" are so common now?"

Yes, although the world is already ahead in technology, the infrastructure cannot keep up due to the rapid advancement of technology. To put it in the words of the game:

"All the money and wood I collected were used to upgrade the level. After reaching level 3, I realized that my troops' attack and defense had not been upgraded at all.……"

Compared to movies and music, the gaming industry can be said to be"backward". With so many young people nowadays, especially as the older generation of"young people" gradually grow older and gain more say in the country, the world's view on gaming is very different from the original world.

""Professional gamer" is a celebrity profession. The fame of top professional players is no less than that of Hollywood's first-line movie stars, and the profession of"game designer" is equivalent to a well-known Hollywood director.

A good movie not only needs the wonderful interpretation of movie stars, but also needs a director with sufficient ability to control the overall rhythm. The same is true for a good game. It not only needs players to perform, but also needs a good game designer to design it!

For this reason, just as universities on Earth have"Acting Department" majors, almost all universities in this world have opened"Game Design" majors!

And game designers have appeared similar to teachers. There are three types of"professional titles": junior, intermediate, senior, special, and the rare S-level in the world.

The way to select this professional title is very simple.

If you design a good game, you can upgrade your professional title.

Of course, there is an assessment process: the junior/intermediate/senior levels can be directly assessed by the domestic designer committee, while the special level requires a vote by the world designer committee and the five major mainstream media (the committee has two votes).

As for the S-level, it requires a unanimous vote, and there must also be a player vote.

The approval vote must exceed 50% to be assessed.

And the"Fang Yun" in this world is a senior who is about to graduate, majoring in game design.

"Isn't this God's help? I just need to 'borrow' a few games and I can quickly reach the peak of my life! Hahahaha……"After sorting out his memory, Fang Yun suddenly burst into laughter, and even imagined the scene of many players"worshipping" him a few years later.

That's right, if the games of the two worlds are compared (in terms of gameplay and plot alone), the Earth world is far better than this world.

At this moment, a trace of insignificant memory from the depths of Fang Yun's memory came up, and directly stunned Fang Yun who was laughing wildly!

"wdnmd! There are only three days left before I have to hand in my graduation project, but I haven't started working on it yet?!!!!"

This is the content of this memory.

In order to graduate, in addition to not failing any courses, you also need to hand in a qualified graduation project, that is, a game, regardless of the platform or type. As long as it can pass the joint review of the school and the Municipal Designer Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Design Committee), you can successfully graduate and obtain a junior designer certificate.

However, the original"Fang Yun" did not have any inspiration for his graduation project, resulting in only three days left before the graduation defense, but his graduation project has disappeared.

It should be explained here that the major of"game designer" requires the design and planning of the entire game, so as long as you usually learn about game production, you will have some knowledge, but you will not study it in depth. Fang Yun's current ability is only enough for him to make some small games on mobile phones or computers.

Just when Fang Yun was worried about what game could not only make people shine but also slightly make him famous, and the most important thing was that it could be completed in only three days, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind:

"The system is starting up, please wait!"

PS: I beg for support on the first day of my new book! The support of my readers is my motivation to write!

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