
Fang Yun was startled by the sudden sound, and at this moment his left arm felt slightly hot!

Looking down, he saw a diamond-shaped mark on his left arm that was glowing slightly. When he checked his body before, he thought it was a tattoo on the body of this world, but now it seems to be one of the benefits of traveling through time.---system!

"System startup completed!"

"The host's current status has been detected and related tasks are being generated!"

"The task has been generated, the current task is: Novice task!"

"Goal: Complete the graduation project independently within three days and get a score of 80 or above at the graduation project exhibition!"

"Rewards: 1. Startup capital after graduation: 500,000 (can only be used to rent office space and purchase equipment related to game design)

2. Newbie gift pack * 1"

"Tip: The communication system only needs to focus on the mark, and the system will automatically emerge"

"The system actually delays the payment?!"

Fang Yun complained a little, and then followed the system's prompt to focus on the mark on his left arm. After staring for about a second, Fang Yun saw an interface similar to a computer screen.

At the top was Fang Yun's name, and below the name was a score, which was currently 0 points.

Further down were several options: point redemption, lottery system, and current tasks.

At the bottom was: items that had been redeemed/owned.

Fang Yun focused his attention on"points", and sure enough, there was a prompt behind it: every 100 yuan earned by selling games/in-game items in the real world, 1 point will be obtained, and so on. Note: The increase in points does not consume money in the real world.

"Money = points? It seems that points are very important!"

Fang Yun immediately understood the importance of points, and shifted his attention to the"points exchange" project:

Points exchange:

1. Complete game plot exchange (the consumption of points is determined by the length and classic degree of the game content!)

2. Game plot supplement exchange (partial game plot exchange, if the host has a certain memory of a game plot, he can choose to exchange this content, the cost is less than the complete plot exchange!)

3. Game producer (just one person! The more expensive the better!)

4. Game production team (a complete production team of a 3A masterpiece, you only need to provide the plot and requirements, they can produce the finished product perfectly and quickly!)

5. Existing game equipment hardware upgrade (no need to think, this is of course black technology!)


"Hmm... all of them are exchanges related to the game, so the lottery system should also be a lottery related to the game. This system currently seems to be a system that is completely designed to serve the game."After roughly browsing the exchange content, Fang Yun understood the current"essence" of the system, which is that everything is designed to serve the game!

"But this also solves the problem I will face at that time, that is, the game production is not enough or the people in this world cannot understand my ideas."

"So now I have to complete the graduation project in three days and complete the novice task!"

Fang Yun quickly determined the goal, and then began to think about what kind of game can be made by one person in a short time and get high scores in the defense.

"It takes about three days to make a simple mobile game. The key is to make it addictive.……"

"Isn't it just designing a game? Although I haven't done it before, I've seen pigs run even if I haven't eaten pork. Just based on the game design concept of this world, if I don't beat the entire game industry, it would be a waste of my years of baptism of domestic free games!"

After determining the general direction of mobile games, one game after another from the previous life emerged in Fang Yun's mind. Finally, a game scene like"fingers constantly swipe across the screen, and the fruits on the screen explode one after another, splashing fruit juice" entered Fang Yun's mind!

《fruit Ninja》!(《Fruit Ninja was also a phenomenal mobile game in its previous life. Its popularity is needless to say. After it was launched on the market, it has been in the top ten of the APPStore's best-selling list for many years. Its simple gameplay makes it easy for everyone to get started. The game is divided into three modes: classic mode, arcade mode, and timed mode (also called Zen mode).

In classic mode, there is no time limit.

Fruits and bombs will continue to fall from the top of the screen.

Players have a total of three chances to make mistakes due to not cutting the fruit.

Of course, if you cut the bomb, it's GG.

Every time you accumulate 100 points, you will automatically make up for the chance of a mistake.

There will also be some special fruits that will appear randomly, such as pomegranates (you need to keep cutting it to keep adding points, the faster the hand speed, the better), dragon fruit (50 points for one), star fruit (150, 175, 200 points for three random ones).

The arcade mode is much more exciting, with a one-minute time limit.

Fruits and bombs will appear at the same time.

The purpose is also to get higher scores.

However, cutting a bomb in this mode will not lead to the end of the game, but will deduct 10 points and reduce the game time.

The special fruits in this mode are three kinds of bananas: frozen bananas (cutting can pause the time and greatly slow down the falling speed of fruits), double bananas (can make a large number of fruits fly out from both sides of the screen), and crazy bananas (double the points obtained by cutting fruits in a short period of time).

If the number of combos is enough, there will be extra points at the end of the game.

Zen mode is a mode that is more inclined to"vent". The game time is one and a half minutes. There are no bombs in this mode, only falling fruits. All players have to do is to slide the screen frantically and try to get higher combo points with their own skills.

The entire game production can be said to be not difficult for Fang Yun now. He only needs to design a few"fruit knives" original paintings and special effects and the special effects of"fruit pulp splashing all over the screen" when the fruit explodes. Of course, there are also the most basic achievement system and score networking system.

Whether it is the design concept or the level mode, it is more than enough to be used as a graduation project in this world. Moreover, the technology in this world is more advanced, and it will take less time to make such a game. Many special effects can be used directly from the Internet.

Fang Yun opened his laptop.

But the mouse stayed on the design software for a while, and Fang Yun chose to leave the keyboard with both hands and took out his mobile phone to order takeout first.

After flipping through his mobile phone, it turned out that some APP functions were not much different from those in the previous life, but the performance of the mobile phone was much higher than that in the previous life.

And the takeaway software in this world is also very interesting: I'm hungry!

The moment he saw this name, Fang Yun laughed out loud, and simply ordered some food and drinks, and Fang Yun turned on the computer to browse the content about the game.

Half an hour later, Fang Yun was drinking the fat house happy water while looking at the computer screen and muttering to himself:

"It seems that the mainstream of games is moving towards VR. There are not many games on PC, and even fewer classics. It seems that people in this world use computers more for office work, and most of the games on mobile phones seem to be casual puzzle games? I haven't found any heavy games yet. It seems that there is a lot of room for development in this field.……"

"It seems that many game categories have not been developed in this world yet. When the time comes, you can design one or two to test the waters. The first person to try it out will always make the most money.……"

Putting down the happy water in his hand, Fang Yun couldn't wait to open the software and start the design and production work...

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