Three days later, in the game design defense room:

"Hey, Fang Yun, did you really make a game in three days? Did you ask someone outside to do it?"

A boy with a"standard straight man" face sat next to Fang Yun and asked.

This boy was Fang Yun's roommate for four years in college and also his best friend: Gu Peng. He came from a wealthy family and his dream was to become a first-class game designer.

"I made it myself. The overall picture is very simple and it doesn't take a lot of time. I just made it when the inspiration came. Fang Yun brought up the excuse of"inspiration" that he had thought of long ago to get rid of the people who asked him. Although"travel through time" seems to be"very common" in the original world, it is still a bit scary in this world.

""But you, didn't you say you were going to design an independent game? How is it going? Show it to me, please?" Fang Yun asked.

"It's just an ordinary mobile game, similar to the mainstream ones on the market now. You will know after you try it out in a while." Gu Peng was still a little mysterious.

The whole process of the defense is like this: the defense tutor group is a 6-person team composed of professors from the school and judges from the designer committee.

Students need to explain their design ideas and concepts (profit model).

The score is jointly determined by these six people after trying the game, but the students present can also download it and try it out when the tutor tries it out.

As for the students participating in the defense, there are nearly 120 people in Fang Yun's large classroom, which means that 120 works need to be scored within one day.

This is a lot of work.

Of course, the time for each person to try out the game will be reduced accordingly.

Some plot-based games may not score very high.

Fang Yun also firmly grasped this point."Fruit Ninja" is not a plot-based game. It doesn't even have a plot. It is just a simple skill-based game.

One of the evaluation criteria for an excellent game is: easy to get started, difficult to master.

Fang Yun sat below and watched the students in front of him come on stage to introduce their works, and he would also play a game at the same time.

Most of the games they designed were mobile games.

In this world, mobile games seem to be the"entry-level games" for game designers.

Of course, Fang Yun was too lazy to complain about these entry-level games.

They were basically the same, either solving puzzles or passing levels.

Occasionally, there were one or two people who made story-based games.

Although they all passed the test, they did not get high scores.

If Fang Yun were asked to evaluate these games in his previous life, he would say that the graphics were average, the plots were third-rate or even clichéd, and playing one game was equivalent to playing a hundred games. Even those domestic free games were better than this.

A few hours passed in Fang Yun's boring trial play. Fang Yun's number was 86, which was a relatively backward position. Originally, Fang Yun still had a little expectation for the new designers in this world, hoping to play some eye-catching games, but after half a day of trial play, in addition to disappointment, he was also a little excited! The afternoon defense started soon, and it was Fang Yun's turn soon.

Walking up to the display stand (podium), Fang Yun first began to introduce the game:

"Good afternoon, mentors. I designed a small game for mobile platforms called"Fruit Ninja". It combines fun, operability and skills. The game has networking and ranking functions. The overall cost is very low. I hope the judges will like this game when they try it out."

"That's all? Is that all you need to introduce?" asked the judge on the far left.

This judge's name was Zhang Yi, and he was one of the judges sent by the Design Committee. The previous students' introductions were extremely detailed, and they wanted to tell about all the hardships they had experienced during the design process, but when it came to Fang Yun, he didn't even have half a minute.

Generally speaking, there are only three types of people who behave like Fang Yun: The first type. Extremely confident in their own work. The second type: self-abandonment. The third type: a mental patient.

But looking at the calm and confident expression on Fang Yun's face, the mentors subconsciously thought that Fang Yun was the first type of person, and they also had a sense of anticipation for the game. After all, after playing the same crappy games for a day, people were about to vomit.

The mentors looked at the game designed by Fang Yun with a sense of anticipation: the game icon was a knife-smooth stroke, and it looked like a watermelon cut in half with the pulp bursting out.

Clicking on the game was a very simple main interface: the overall The background seems to be in a Japanese dojo, with three fruits slowly rotating below.

The word"Dojo" is written on the fruit on the left.

After clicking it, there are game settings, achievement browsing, and several options about the game.

Of course, the style is the same as the main interface, all written on the rotating fruits.

The fruit in the middle of the main interface says"Select Mode".

After clicking it, there are three modes.

As for the fruit on the far right, it says"Extra".

Needless to say, this is of course a necessary krypton gold system.

The indirect and somewhat novel style of painting attracted Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi directly clicked to start the game and chose the classic plot.

There was no pre-plot.

At the beginning, a fruit slowly fell, and a prompt appeared on the screen: Score by swiping your finger across the fruit.

After doing so, the falling watermelon was directly cut in half, and the red juice splashed directly into the air, and some of the juice splashed on the background wall!

"The details look great!" Zhang Yi couldn't help but give this comment, and continued to experience the first classic mode.

Not long after, Zhang Yi encountered a falling bomb, and the system prompt popped up at the same time: Be careful not to cut the bomb, otherwise the game will fail directly.

"Bomb? It seems that this is the difficulty of this game.

There are bombs mixed in with the falling fruits.

You can't touch these bombs while cutting the fruits.

This is a test of people's observation ability.

It feels quite interesting.

"Zhang Yi gave his own evaluation in his mind while trying the game.

Because he was thinking about the design ideas of the whole game in his head, his attention was inevitably a little distracted.

He accidentally cut the bomb and the game was over.

The game ended and a gameover screen popped up.

There was a blank rectangular position at the top of the screen with the words"Ad space" marked by Fang Yun, and there was only an"Upload score" and"Exit" option at the bottom of the screen, but you only need to click on the blank position to restart the game.

PS: I beg for help on the first day of the new book! The support of readers is my motivation to write!

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