However, Zhang Yi did not choose to upload the score, but chose the"arcade mode" to experience it.

As soon as he opened it, the mode introduction popped up directly: this mode is limited to one minute. In this mode, cutting a bomb will only deduct 10 points and reduce the game time, and will not cause the game to end. There will also be special fruits in this mode. Please explore their functions by yourself.

After clicking OK, Zhang Yi started the arcade mode.

At the beginning, it was okay.

The number of fruits was not large.

When Zhang Yi cut a double banana, a large number of fruits flew out from both sides of the screen, making Zhang Yi, who was originally a"technical flow", flustered.

He slid the screen frantically at full speed, and when he cut the ice banana, he began to rack his brains to get the highest possible"combo score".

When there was more than one second left, there was only one"pomegranate" left on the screen.

After cutting it, Zhang Yi found that he had scored, but the pomegranate did not explode.

"Game BUG?" Zhang Yi was a little confused, and he cut it again, and found that the same situation still occurred, so his hands kept shaking on the screen, and the knife light kept flashing on the pomegranate in the middle of the screen. Zhang Yi's score was also increasing. Finally, when the time was up, Zhang Yi got more than 400 points.

Now Zhang Yi understood that it was not a bug in the game, but this pomegranate was just like the various"bananas" before. It was a special fruit. It was placed at the end to"brush points" for players. As long as the hand speed was fast enough, there were unlimited possibilities for scoring on the pomegranate.

Then Zhang Yi looked at the introduction of Zen mode and found that only the bomb setting was cancelled in the classic mode, and there was no setting of failure if the fruit could not be cut. The time was one and a half minutes, which seemed to be a more casual mode.

When Zhang Yi understood the content of the game and was about to quit, somehow...

His finger unconsciously pointed to"Select Mode" and chose Arcade Mode.

Soon, one minute was over. This time, his score was 580 points, much higher than the first time. This time, Zhang Yi chose the"Upload Score" option. At this time, because the game was still in the"testing" stage, the players on the leaderboard were all from this classroom. Zhang Yi's Arcade score ranked 15th, but the highest score was already over 800 points.

"It seems that my hand speed is still not fast enough, maybe I haven't been single for long enough?!"Zhang Yi laughed at himself.

Soon, the trial ended and it was time for the instructors to ask questions.

Usually when the instructors asked questions, the students would listen carefully to the questions, but this time it was different. The students were concentrating on holding their phones in one hand and swiping the screen frantically with the other hand. Some students even put their phones on the table and worked with both hands. It was obvious that they were playing Fang Yun's game.

"Ahem, are you guys still playing Fang Yun's game?"

The fifth instructor from the left, Xu Chang (from the Design Committee), did not choose to ask directly, but turned around to look at the actions of the students below and asked


"Yes, I don’t know why I just can’t stop!"

"I feel like this game can help you vent the stress in your life! In Zen mode, you don’t have to worry about anything, just cut, cut, and it’s done!"

"Wow, so many people are playing this? I wanted to get a high score before the game was released and put it on the leaderboard to show off for a few days!"

""Damn, your idea is the same as mine!"

The instructor has spoken. Some students who have just finished the game put down their phones reluctantly and began to focus on the instructor's questions, while some students who were still in the game continued to do their own thing.

At this time, Zhang Yi asked a question, but his question was not to Fang Yun, but to the students in the audience:"Do you really think this game is fun?"


These are the answers given by some students without thinking, while more students were lost in thought.

Not long after, a student who had thought about it spoke up:"From the perspective of the game as a whole, the graphics are simple and crude, there is no level transition, and the difficulty only increases with the passage of time.

Although the things above seem to have a random generation mechanism, it is easy to feel aesthetic fatigue after playing it too much.

But I don't know why I just want to play this game unconsciously!


"That’s right!"

"That's it, I feel the same way!"

"Why can't I control myself?!"

"Damn, this game is not good. I always encounter bombs for no apparent reason. It’s not fun!"

"Is that because you have a handicap, brother?"


This student's speech triggered a lot of resonance, and Fang Yun keenly noticed that the expressions of several instructors also quite agreed. At this time, Xu Chang asked:"Student Fang Yun, how long did it take you to conceive and produce this game?"

"Three days"

""Wow!""What? Only three days? You must be kidding, right?"

"I spent half a year working on my game, and I was worried whether it would pass. But he only took three days? Isn’t he afraid of not graduating?!"The audience was in an uproar, and even several instructors found it incredible.

Fang Yun had thought about whether to report a false time for this question before, but he finally decided to"report truthfully" because Fang Yun positioned himself as"a unique and talented designer who just graduated". Since he is a genius, not to mention three days, even one day is possible.

"Ahem, could you please explain why you want to make such a game?"Xu Chang was also obviously shocked, and after a pause he continued to ask

"The main reason is that many games on the market are similar in plot and setting, which can easily make players feel aesthetic fatigue, so I want to make a game that is different from the current games on the market. This"Fruit Ninja" was created in this way. The game is very easy from the graphics to the production, so it only took three days to make it."

After briefly sorting out his thoughts, Fang Yun answered, and by the way, he also complained about most of the current mobile games on the market.

"Existence is reasonable! Since there are so many similar games on the market, it means that there must be people playing them, so there is a market!"

A tutor sitting in the middle disagreed with Fang Yun's view. The tutor's name was Shi Ming, and he was an older university professor.

Professor Shi Ming's words aroused the approval of the students below. Fang Yun didn't even need to look at them. He knew with his butt that these students must be the targets of his"ridicule" just now.

PS: On the first day of the new book, I begged for help! The support of readers is my motivation to write!

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