Without waiting for Fang Yun to explain, Teacher Xu Chang stood up to speak for Fang Yun:

"I don't agree with this. Standing still will only make people stagnate. The concept of game designers should be bold innovation. Only by constantly bringing forth new ideas can the development of the entire game industry be promoted."

"To put it bluntly, this game uses two points to attract players.

The first point is 'score', which is also the meaning of the leaderboard: to provide players with a platform for comparison, and to encourage players to continue playing this game by swiping out high scores one after another.

What I appreciate most is the reserved advertising space above the end interface, which can increase the game's revenue without affecting the gaming experience.

Moreover, the more players die, the more obvious the effect of the advertisement will be, which shows that Fang Yun's economic mind is also very good!


"The second point is that it can release stress, as some students just said: for example, if there is something unpleasant in life, open the phone and cut these fruits, and it is easy to feel refreshed when watching the fruit burst and the fruit pulp splashing.

Moreover, it only takes one minute to play a game in the arcade mode, which is very convenient in terms of time.

Whether it is on the subway or bus, or even when going to the toilet, you can use it to cut a few fruits.

This kind of short-term game is undoubtedly very attractive.


Although Shi Ming is an old professor with a lot of experience in Fang Yun's school, in Fang Yun's view, he is already a"old antique" level person. Such people's game design concepts are very old-fashioned, and can also be said to be conservative. Although other professors in the school usually give him some face, Xu Chang is obviously not a school person, and directly refuted Shi Ming's evaluation.

Then, the six tutors discussed Fang Yun's game design. Except for Shi Ming, no one else gave a relatively high score without exception. Only Shi Ming gave Fang Yun 70 points, and the scores of other tutors were all above 90 points. In the end, Fang Yun scored 89 points, which became the highest score since the defense today!

"It's amazing! I can't stop playing this game!"

Seeing Fang Yun coming down, Gu Peng said with admiration.

"It's your turn next, do your best."

Fang Yun didn't say much, just encouraged Gu Peng who was about to go on stage.

Soon, Gu Peng went up to show his work, which was also a mobile game with a storyline. The storyline was the same as always, but the level design had some highlights, and the level boss was also very beautifully made. The instructors gave it a good score of 80 without much discussion.

"Ding! The novice mission has been completed, the reward has been issued, please check it!"

At this time, the system prompt came.

Fang Yun was not in a hurry to check what was in the novice gift package. After all, there were too many people around him. If he stared at his wrist and smiled foolishly, he would definitely make some trouble. He could only wait patiently for the end of today's graduation defense.

Finally, the defense was over, Fang Yun successfully graduated, and obtained the certificate of junior designer, which qualified him to establish an independent game studio.

After rejecting Gu Peng's proposal to treat him to a meal and making an appointment to meet again next time, Fang Yun could not wait to return to the dormitory. After closing the door, he started to communicate with the system directly.

Sure enough, as soon as the system interface was opened, it prompted that the novice gift package had arrived. After clicking to receive it with the mind, the screen prompted:

"The startup funds have been issued to the host's personal bank card, and its movement will be fully monitored by the system. The novice gift pack has been issued to the inventory and can be opened at any time."

"Friendly reminder, it is recommended that the host find a good job place before opening the novice gift package"

"What the hell is this prompt? Could it be that it can cause me some trouble? It requires me to have a place to work? Could it be some large equipment or will opening a gift package cause some big noise?"

Fang Yun, who was originally excited to open the gift package, seemed to be suddenly poured with a bucket of cold water. Although he could open the gift package now, judging from the prompt of the system, it was estimated that opening it now would most likely cause some trouble.

There was no way. If he could not open the gift package, he could only go out and find a store to rent tomorrow. After today, Fang Yun would become a formally registered game designer. Although the graduation certificate had not yet been issued, he was already qualified to open a game studio independently!

Moreover, Fang Yun had already made a general choice of the location of the studio, which was to try to find a store around the school, because some of the stores around the university were on the school's land.

If students choose to start a business here after graduation, there will be certain discounts on rent, and some equipment and configurations can be completely entrusted to the school to prepare, as long as the money is in place, which will save a lot of trouble compared to doing it yourself.

And a very key point is that there are many college students who need internships/works, and the principle of"the one who is close to the water gets the moon first" is true everywhere.

The next day, Fang Yun went out early in the morning to look for a store he liked, and it was not until the afternoon that he found a more satisfactory store.

The whole store has two floors with a total area of about 500 square meters.

The area of the second floor is slightly smaller, and it is designed as a room.

At that time, one room can be used for rest, and the other room The room can be divided into a meeting room and an office area, so that you don’t have to worry about renting a house.

The first floor is a hall, which Fang Yun plans to turn into an open experience center, which is divided into a front desk, a PC game experience area, a mobile phone/tablet game experience area, and a rest area.

The experience area is an area that many game studios will set up, in order to at least make their own studio famous in the surrounding area.

Even if the game they make is not so outstanding, it is good to have a good reputation.

Of course, the games in the experience area are all made by their own studios, which means that they will be launched in the experience area before the official launch, providing players with a The opportunity to try out the game first and test the specific performance of the game.

As for the VR game experience warehouse, Fang Yun is not going to do that for the time being. After all, the price of the game warehouse is too expensive for Fang Yun now, and Fang Yun is not going to get involved in the VR field for the time being.

I asked about the rent price: 250,000 yuan a year, and this is because Fang Yun is a student entrepreneur of this school and has been given a great discount.

Without hesitation, Fang Yun signed the contract directly, and by the way, he also commissioned the school to do a simple decoration of the store (that is, to clean it and put up wallpaper), purchase computers for game design and computer tablets for the experience area, and other equipment, the total funds added up to 510,000 yuan.

PS: I begged for help on the first day of writing a new book! The support of readers is my motivation to write!

Let me talk about the update. The update will be stable. The 8,000-word outline is ready (unfinished version). There will be at least three updates, and at most five updates, because writing this type of article requires finding a lot of text and video materials, and I am really clumsy. I will update at least 6,000 words a day. Of course, there will be more updates. All of this depends on the support of readers! If you are strong enough, add flowers and rewards!---Lao Wu thanks you.

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