"In other words, this 500,000 yuan startup capital is not enough, and I have to put all my private money into it?!" After paying the fee, Fang Yun came out with tears in his eyes. This 10,000 yuan was the result of his saving all the pocket money his parents gave him, which was only more than 20,000 yuan in total. Now he spent half of it, which means that this is the only amount of funds he can use.

"Then the next step of registering the company must be accelerated, and then the launch of"Fruit Ninja" must also be accelerated! Otherwise, we won't be able to solve our daily life by then!"

He did what he said.

While there was still half a day left, Fang Yun had a simple lunch and went straight to the Industry and Commerce Bureau.

After filling out the registration application form, he had to say that the efficiency of this world was much higher.

It took exactly half a day from filling out the application form to completing the process.

It can be said that the efficiency was extremely high.

Moreover, college students in this world have the guarantee of the school when starting a business, which means that they can directly register a company without"capital verification".

In one day, Fang Yun completed the establishment of the company, which means that from now on, Fang Yun can be called"Boss Fang".

As for the name of the company, Fang Yun just named it: Yunmeng Game Studio.

As for the launch of"Fruit Ninja", Fang Yun plans to wait for a while, mainly because although he finished the game in three days. , but some additional products have not been completed. The additional products are nothing more than background images for cutting fruits, various ninja swords (fruit knives) and other things. It will take two or three days to complete them. It happens that Fang Yun’s studio decoration will be almost completed during this period.

With books, it will be long, without books, it will be short.

Three days passed quickly. During these three days, Fang Yun stayed in the dormitory and used his notebook to improve"Fruit Ninja". As of today, it has been completed. Next, he only needs to log in to the AppStore with his"junior designer" account and choose to upload the game to successfully go online.

And Fang Yun just received a call from the school. His studio has been reinstalled and he can go there for acceptance at any time.

After putting the notebook in the bag, Fang Yun washed his face Carrying his bag, he walked towards his studio. If nothing unexpected happens, Fang Yun will live there from today.

When he arrived at the studio, he saw that the innermost part of the first-floor hall was the reception desk and the stairs to the upper floors. In the middle was the PC area, with 12 computers neatly arranged. The outer area was the sofa area (resting area), and there were also tablet computers for people to play tablet and mobile phone games while taking a break.

The meeting room, lounge, and workroom upstairs have all been renovated. The overall decoration (wallpaper) tends to be simple in style, which means that there is a lot of"white space". This was a deliberate request by Fang Yun, of course, so that he could put posters on it after producing a masterpiece in the future.

As for the name of the company, although it is now a"studio", Fang Yun has enough Confident, this studio will become"Yunmeng Group" sooner or later!

After signing the acceptance documents, this house will be completely owned by Fang Yun in the first year. As for the second year, the school will make an assessment. If Fang Yun's company is overwhelmed, the school will choose to take back the house. If there is a prospect for development, the school will still rent it out at a low price.

After returning to the dormitory, Fang Yun packed up all his personal belongings and moved to the lounge on the second floor. After getting everything done, Fang Yun sat alone at the front desk, holding a cup of milk tea and logged into the AppStore with the computer at the front desk, ready to start uploading his first game.

Before uploading, Fang Yun also needs to fill in the game-related information:

Game name:"Fruit Ninja"

Production company/designer: Yunmeng Game Studio/Fang Yun

Game introduction: This is a brand new version you have never seen before, you will like it as soon as you play it!

Game charges: Paid download, price: 5 yuan, in-game purchases are available in the game, but it will not affect the balance of the game.

Others: There are advertising spaces in the game, rich bosses pay attention, the opportunity will not come again!

Fill in and upload the game!

10 seconds later, Fang Yun refreshed the AppStore, and sure enough, Fruit Ninja appeared in the"Latest Releases" column of the AppStore.

After finishing all this, Fang Yun remembered that he still had a novice gift pack that he hadn't opened. Seeing that there was no one around, Fang Yun looked at his left arm.

"Do you want to open the newbie gift pack?"


"Congratulations to the host for winning the title of programmer, and getting one chance to make ten consecutive draws!"

"The programmer is coming, please be prepared"


"Programmer? Is he really a real person?!"

Just then, a young man with glasses came in. He was about 27 or 28 years old.

"Excuse me, is this Fang Yun’s game studio?"

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

"I'm here to look for a job. I'm good at writing game codes. I hope Mr. Fang can give me a job opportunity!" The man with glasses adjusted his glasses and said

"Is this the programmer you mentioned? Fang Yun looked at the system unconsciously.

Sure enough, the system screen showed: A programmer has arrived.

"Uh, what's your name?" Fang Yun looked at the man with glasses.

"My name is Fang Yi"


Fang Yun spat out the milk tea he had just taken when he heard it:"Fuck, I’m really impressed by the system’s naming skills. Will my company’s rank from Fang Yi to Fang Baishi in the future?"

"No, the naming is a random mechanism. This time it's just the host's bad luck."The system doesn't take the blame

"So what kind of treatment should be given to such a programmer? Is it okay not to pay him a salary? Fang Yun continued to ask

"Of course you can, but you will starve to death in a few days."The system replied

"……What's the difference between this and the people I recruited from outside? Fang Yun was speechless. He had to spend money before he even started making money.

"The people provided by the system will not make mistakes in code writing, and no bugs will occur, and the code writing speed will be faster. Compared with people recruited from outside, the people provided by the system can be said to be one is worth five!"

"Damn, is he really that awesome?" Fang Yun was stunned. One man against five, is he still a human?

"The system no longer explains whether love is necessary or not"


PS: A book friend mentioned in the comment area that ACG includes games. This is my mistake. I will contact the editor to change the content of that paragraph later. Thank you for the reminder. If you have any opinions or games you want to see, you can put them forward in the comment area. If it fits the plot, it can be adopted. Finally, please ask for various things~----Thank you, Lao Wu

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