"??? The new game is almost ready?"After listening to what Fang Yun said, Gu Peng was confused.

Things shouldn't develop like this. Logically speaking, after making a successful game, shouldn't you squeeze the players' wallets as much as possible through this game? Wait until there is no profit before starting to design the next game. How come Fang Yun's second game is ready just two days after the first game was launched?

"Yeah, isn't it strange? The game itself is not big, so it doesn't take a long time to complete."Fang Yun said

"……What about your Fruit Ninja? Just leave it there and ignore it? It’s a very popular game!"Gu Peng said with a sad face.

"I don't care. I just make a few ninja swords and update them in the store when I remember to do so. I also make a few background images that match the festivals and put them up during the holidays. It's not an online game, and there's no plot. It's not that troublesome." Fang Yun said indifferently.


Then Gu Peng told Fang Yun the theory that"game designers should develop new games when they can't make a game anymore", which made Fang Yun feel strange.

"I say, the designer who came up with this theory must have something bad in his mind. Isn't this a disease? No matter how widely a game is spread, there is always a limit to the number of players it can reach. Those who like it like it, and you can't force people to play it if they don't like it, right? Especially for games where in-app purchases are not a necessity, the players facing each game are like a field of leeks. Each game is a different field of leeks. What do you think?……"

Having said this, Fang Yun paused for a moment, and then said one of his most classic words in this world:

"Do you think you can earn more by cutting leeks in the same leek field or cutting leeks in different leek fields?!"

"Not to mention that my job as a game designer is to create more and better games for players to play, so that they can feel happy and satisfied in them. The faster I release games, shouldn't they like them more?"


Gu Peng was speechless. Although Fang Yun's words were rough, his point was clear. But even so, Gu Peng still wanted to refute:"You have been pushing a game for a few days. Which leek field can withstand being harvested every three to five days? How can the wallets of the players bear it?……"

After thinking for a while, Gu Peng finally didn't say anything, fearing that Fang Yun would come up with some earth-shattering words to refute him once he said it."What kind of game? I haven't seen you make it yet? Have you already finished it? I see you just stay at the front desk with nothing to do."

"Ah, I recently hired a coder who can write code very quickly. I will give him the designed plan and he will complete the code. I will check and accept it when the time comes. Fang Yun briefly said

"Coder? You've only opened your company for a few days? You've already recruited all the people, so quickly?"

Gu Peng was shocked when he heard this. The company was just opened the day before yesterday, and all the people were recruited today.

"Yes, I was lucky. When the company just opened, this code guy happened to pass by, came in to take a look, and decided to work here. Fang Yun lied to Gu Peng

"You are so lucky. What about this person? Is he not lazy? Or is there a problem with his business ability?"Gu Peng didn't think much about it.

"Don't worry, I've seen it, your ability is not bad"

"Then I can only congratulate you."

The two chatted, and a whole morning passed. Only a few students came to Fang Yun's store. When they found out that Fang Yun was the designer of"Fruit Ninja", they expressed their worship and then left. The reason was that Fang Yun did not make other games, so the current PC experience area was completely useless for players. Even in the rest area (mobile phone and tablet game experience area), there was only one"Fruit Ninja" for everyone to entertain.

Two days later...

Fang Yun was sitting at the front desk with a cup of milk tea, staring at the computer in a daze. Fang Yi came down from upstairs with a tablet in his hand:"Boss Fang, Temple Run is ready, take a look."

As he said that, Fang Yi put the tablet on the table.

Fang Yun took the tablet and experienced the game (code) written by the system (Fang Yi) himself. After two enhancements of physical potions, Fang Yun's operating ability has also improved to a certain extent. Although he hasn't played"Temple Run" for a long time, the road ahead is still not difficult for Fang Yun. He ran for about 6,000 meters before he accidentally failed the game.

After playing the whole game, Fang Yun did not find any game bugs, and the difficulty increased step by step. The speed of the character's running was also increasing little by little, instead of speeding up to a level that players could not accept.

In addition, the background music has been improved. Compared with the original version, playing for a long time will not make people feel tired, which is also a great improvement.

"Very good, you have worked hard these past two days. The game is very well made!"

Putting down the tablet, Fang Yun praised Fang Yi a little.

"Serving the people……"

Fang Yi held it in for a while and said this:……


Fang Yun spurted out the milk tea he had just drunk.

"Um, go upstairs and have a rest first. You can do whatever you want. I'll find you when there's a mission."

""Okay, boss."

After saying that, Fang Yi went upstairs.

"The things produced by this system are really worry-free……"

Fang Yun sighed


The next day, not long after Fang Yun opened for business, Zhang Xin and his five-member team came rushing over.

""Senior Fang, is the new game ready? Let's try it out!"

Zhang Xin shouted as soon as he entered the room.

"Here, the games are all installed on the tablet, you can play with them at will, and you can give us any suggestions you have." Fang Yun pointed to the rest area and said.

So, the five people came to the rest area, sat down, took the tablet and started the experience journey of"Temple Run".

PS: I hope everyone can speak more in the comment area and give some suggestions, thank you!

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