""Don't say anything. I didn't sleep all night. I thought my game would have a good performance after it went online, but now it has not met my expectations at all. It's a good opportunity for you to come early today so that you can help me find out what went wrong."

Gu Peng sighed and said

"Ah? Let me take a look first.……"Fang Yun poured a glass of water for Gu Peng, then sat down at the table and opened the AppStore. Gu Peng's game was called"Brave Adventure", which seemed to be a very old-fashioned name to Fang Yun, but in this world, it seemed to be a mainstream name.

Clicking on the sales data,"Brave Adventure" was on the shelves for 11 hours, with 6,849 downloads and a price of 12 yuan per unit.

But judging from the data, the performance of this game is already in the upper middle level. It is great that a freshly graduated college student can independently make such a game.

"This result is not bad? What? Not satisfied?"Fang Yun closed the page and asked while downloading the game to his mobile phone.

"Of course I'm not happy with it. This took me more than half a year to make. I originally thought that even if it couldn't make it to the top of the charts, it should still be a little popular. The result is this result now. Oh, by the way, you don't need to download it, just use mine. I have administrator privileges, so it will be easier to pass the level. Can you help me take a look?"


As a result, Fang Yun opened the game on the tablet that Gu Peng handed over. Fang

Yun had played it before when he was defending his thesis, but he didn't play it in many details. This time he experienced it completely. It must be said that Gu Peng has a talent for game design. He spent a lot of time to conceive the fighting methods of many level bosses. Some bosses can only be defeated by skills. Compared with similar games on the market, it is much stronger. The overall weakness of the game is in the plot... The great adventure of the brave, it sounds old-fashioned.

"Hmm" After trying it out, Fang Yun hesitated for a moment.

"How about it? Give me some suggestions? If there is anything wrong, just criticize it directly, there is nothing to be embarrassed about!"Gu Peng saw Fang Yun's expression and thought that Fang Yun was embarrassed to comment.

"I was just organizing my words, you're overthinking it.

" Fang Yun rolled his eyes at Gu Peng speechlessly, and continued,"There's nothing wrong with the overall graphics of the game, and the design ideas for the level bosses are also very good.

The overall problem with the gameplay is not that big, but the problem is the difficulty, that is, the numerical value.

Some of the later levels will be too easy for players.

The equipment accumulated in the early stage can completely crush some of the later levels with equipment, which is the biggest problem.


"Then let's talk about the plot. I think the biggest problem with your game is the plot. It's too old-fashioned! Brave Adventure Dragon Quest? This is the style of the last century, right? There are similar plots all over the market now, and you're still using it?!"Fang Yun complained.

"Uh... not that exaggerated. The plot of the knight saving the princess is overused in the market now. Mine is pretty good.……"Gu Peng forcefully defended himself.

"……Let me put it this way, if you don't count the plot, you can give this game 8.5 out of 10 points, but if you count the plot, 7 points is not more. I think you can completely modify the plot, make a new game or give this game a big update, which should make up for it."

"It's OK to update, but how can I change the plot? The key is that the plot can't be changed drastically, otherwise I can't make it go back if I update.……"

"In this way, you can make a few more endings, and give the protagonist several options during the plot.

Players will have different plots when choosing different options.

Of course, the most common one is yours.

The more evil ones can even choose to become a new demon after killing the demon.

It is difficult to get players to follow the designer's ideas now.

After all, everyone's ideas are different.

If you make a few more branches, you will give players more choices, and the sales of your work should increase a lot.

"Fang Yun thought about it and gave a relatively simple plan.

This plan does not require changing the existing plot, but only requires inserting more branch plots in the middle of the plot. In this way, after players have finished a plot, they will inevitably think about the endings of other plots, and then they will eventually be unable to resist playing it again. Coupled with the good graphics of the whole game and the bright BOSS battle links, increasing downloads is not a dream.

"Is this really possible? There doesn't seem to be any such game now.……"Gu Peng is a little uncertain

"Believe me, this is definitely much better than what you have now. If you don't want to make a big change, I would definitely want you to overturn all the existing plots. After all, this plot is too...sly." Fang Yun promised

"OK, I'll go back and revise it and make a 2.0 version. I'll send it to you and let you take a look at it. If it's OK, I'll update it online directly."Gu Peng made up his mind.

"That's easy. Don't worry. Your results are pretty good right now. Try to do better slowly. By the way, the difficulty value of your level needs to be adjusted. Just make sure you have the right balance." Fang Yun encouraged.

"I know that. What about you? Are you working on a new game or something? I remember you wanted to work for a big company before. Why do you want to open your own studio now?"Gu Peng responded and asked back.

"That was before. Before, I just wanted to join a game company and spend my days there. But now it’s not bad to start my own studio. How about it? Why don’t you come over and work with me?"

"Forget it. You know my dream since childhood is to set up my own studio. The place has been basically decided. I will do it myself first. If I really can't make it, I will come to you. You have to work hard for me. Don't let me make it and you can't make it either. We both have to work everywhere to make a living. That would be no fun, haha."Gu Peng declined Fang Yun's invitation.

"How is that possible? My second game is almost done, and this time I'm going to try to get into the AppStore sales rankings and get a top three spot. Fang Yun laughed when he heard Gu Peng say that.

PS: Please collect flowers and give me a reward

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