Hearing that Fang Yun's new work had been designed, several people felt a little incredible. They had heard that Fang Yun had designed and produced Fruit Ninja in just three days. Could it be that their senior Fang Yun was really a funny guy sent by heaven to change the current game industry? Oh no, he was a rescuer.

It was because Fang Yun's previous legend was really legendary that they decided to come and see it today. They didn't expect Fang Yun to have designed the second work. It had only been a few days since Fruit Ninja was designed?

"Can you tell me what type it is? Is it a mobile platform?"Wang Yu asked

"It's a mobile game, a parkour game, and it should be ready in three days. By then, the game will be installed on these experience devices for everyone to play and test in advance. You can come and have a look at it then." Fang Yun thought for a moment and gave a specific time.

As for the time Fang Yi wrote the code, the system didn't lie. The speed at which the fingers tapped the keyboard was simply inhuman... almost���To produce an illusion, even if Mr. Kato Ying were alive, he wouldn't have such terrifying hand speed...

And to be honest, the code content of"Temple Run" is not very much, it's just a little more complicated than"Fruit Ninja". In fact, Fang Yi can finish it in one or two days. The reason why Fang Yun said three days is to leave one day to test it himself first, so as not to make any jokes. After all, Fang Yi's hand speed is fast, but as for whether it is accurate or not, Fang Yun doesn't know yet.

"How can it be completed so quickly? It shouldn't be a large-scale game, right?"Lin Han raised his question

"Hmm... It's not a large-scale game. It's actually similar to Fruit Ninja, except that the game time will slowly increase as your proficiency improves, which means that experts will persist longer." Fang Yun thought for a while and gave a detailed explanation.

"There is no opening animation or anything? Is it that Senior Fang Yun is not good at this or……"Lu Mang, who had not spoken for a long time, spoke

"This is not the case. The main reason is that this is not a heavy game. It would be a waste of time to make an animation. Besides, the gameplay has nothing to do with the animation. Also, I want to use this game to rush the sales ranking of AppStore.……"

"Ranking list?! It seems that the senior must be very confident in his game. Looking forward to it!"

"Three days later?! We will definitely come early in the morning then!" When they heard that it could be completed in such a short time, and that it was a game that Fang Yun was going to use to get on the charts, it might be listed as the"Game of the Year" in other companies, but Fang Yun could complete it in just a few days, so they immediately became interested.

Next, the five people sat in Fang Yun's store for a while, trying to find out the specific details of the new game, but Fang Yun kept smiling and refused to tell them no matter how they asked. In desperation, they could only play Fruit Ninja for a while before saying goodbye and leaving.

Fang Yun was the only one left on the first floor, staring blankly in boredom. Looking at the continuous growth in sales of"Fruit Ninja", Fang Yun realized that his store seemed to need to recruit more people. People?

After all, there are countless projects on hand. You can't just wait for the system to give you tasks one by one like squeezing out toothpaste, right?

And a grown man with nothing to do all day as a receptionist... How can this attract players? It would be more reliable to find a cute girl!

The first thing that comes to mind is the problem of the receptionist, and then the talent in the game. After all, Fang Yun's system can still provide better game talents, but cute girls are something the system cannot provide!

Moreover, even if Fang Yun recruits people from outside now, he can't give them first-class treatment. Moreover, since the design content and some creative ideas are Fang Yun's own things, it is inevitable that there will be losses if people are poached.

"Interns can be recruited, and formal employees will temporarily rely on the system, and some interns can be converted to regular employees later."

This is the decision Fang Yun finally made.

He did what he said and edited the following recruitment advertisement directly on the recruitment website:

Yunmeng Game Studio is now recruiting a receptionist.

Studio introduction: The existing work"Fruit Ninja" has been launched and has been well received. The latest game is in production and will be launched soon.

Advantages: You can experience the latest games of Yunmeng Game Studio as soon as possible!

Requirements: Female, good-looking, engaged in or studied related to the game industry, can be a part-time intern, provide game design internship opportunities, and interns with outstanding work can be converted to regular employees.

Contact information: Submit your resume to email XXXX.

Interview address: No. 58, University Road, X City.

Contact: Fang Yun 180XXXXXXXX

After editing, Fang Yun browsed it and was quite satisfied, so he clicked to publish directly.

At this moment, Fang Yun's mobile phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was a call from his best friend Gu Peng:


""Fang Yun! Congratulations! You are now completely famous! The sales of your Fruit Ninja are too scary!"

As soon as he came up, Gu Peng began to congratulate Fang Yun.

"Fortunately, fortunately, your game is online, didn't you say it was online before? Why haven't you seen any news in the past few days?" Fang Yun asked modestly.

"It's ready to go online. It will be released soon. I just saw your results, so I'm calling to congratulate you! Are you free tomorrow? I'll treat you to a meal when the results are out, right?"

"Okay, if you have time tomorrow, come over directly and we can eat at my place. After all, I run a shop now and it’s not convenient to walk too far. Fang Yun thought for a while and replied

""Okay, I'll go there tomorrow morning."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yun was really bored, so he thought about how to make his name more famous. It was too slow to do it step by step. It wasn't that he couldn't make a good game now, but he really didn't have the manpower. The points he had were still far from enough to exchange for good things, and if he used them for lottery...

After thinking about it, okay, since he wasn't European, he might as well not draw now. Fang Yun gave up the tempting idea of lottery. After all, points were still very important in the early stage. If he drew a bunch of garbage, Fang Yun would really be in tears.

Soon it was the next day.

Not long after the door was opened for"business", Gu Peng drove over.

"Wow, you're here so early, I thought you'd come around noon!"

Fang Yun teased Gu Peng when he saw him come in.

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