《"Temple Run" is a full 3D third-person perspective parkour game, and the game scene is mainly an ancient temple. The scenery of the ancient temple makes people feel like they are entering a tropical rainforest.

The production of the background music of the original work has some defects, and the game sound is relatively monotonous. Except for the monkey's call at the beginning and the panting when jumping, there is basically no sound to be heard. The game music is also very lacking and too monotonous. Although there is a kind of Indian drum sound, there is not much change, and it will make people feel boring after a long time.

Fang Yun is going to make some changes to this point, adding some changes to the game music to prevent players from feeling tired of the game music after playing for a long time.

Do it as soon as you say it. While there is still some time before late at night, Fang Yun turned on the computer and started the specific numerical design.

The most difficult part of this type of game is the numerical part. The protagonist will run faster and faster, and obstacles will appear more and more frequently. This requires a degree to be controlled well. A mistake may lead to an extremely difficult"level" at a certain time point.

Therefore, the numerical part still needs to be controlled by Fang Yun himself.


The next morning, Fang Yi came to"work". Fang Yun had just finished making the general settings and handed them over to Fang Yi. All that was left was to wait for Fang Yi to write a test version, and then test it for bugs and whether the difficulty was too high before launching it.

Fang Yi went upstairs to work, and Fang Yun was idle again. He sat at the front desk with a drink in his hand, bored and watching the explosive growth of downloads of his"Fruit Ninja".

"This is too fast to make money. In less than a day, the number of downloads has reached nearly 70,000. In other words, 210,000 yuan has been earned in less than a day?" Fang Yun thought as he calculated.

At this time, after a night of fermentation,"Fruit Ninja" has been widely circulated. A large number of people appeared on buses and subways with their mobile phones, swiping on the screen with their other hands, and the highest score on the arcade mode leaderboard has even reached more than 1,000 points!

You know, more than 1,000 points, in Fang Yun's previous life, he was considered a high-level player. This game has only been out for less than a day, and it has not even become well-known, but someone has scored so high. It can be seen that the gaming level (reaction ability) of people in this world is much higher than in the previous life.

"System, is there any potion that can improve my reaction ability? The kind that can make me become a top player directly?"Thinking of the high-level players, Fang Yun also wanted to experience this feeling.

"Yes, but they are all in the lottery pool. You can draw from the primary pool. In addition to enhancing a person's physical fitness, physical potions also have the effect of improving reaction ability, but the effect is relatively weak. Drinking more can also achieve the effect."The system quickly gave an explanation.

"It seems that one day I can become a professional player?" Fang Yun fell into fantasy again...

Just when Fang Yun was about to hold up the LOLS13 championship trophy, the door opened...

Several young men and women walked in, all dressed like students.

"Excuse me, are you Senior Fang Yunfang?"

Before Fang Yun could speak, the boy walking in front of him spoke first.

"I am, you……"

"We are junior students! We heard that during the graduation defense this year, a senior student's graduation game design amazed everyone. It happened that"Fruit Ninja" was launched yesterday, so we all downloaded it and played it. It was so much fun! Then today, we happened to hear a senior student in the fourth year say that this game was the graduation design of senior Fang Yun. After finding out about Fang Yun's studio, we came to take a look!"Before

Fang Yun finished speaking, he was interrupted by a beautiful girl. It seemed that these students had become Fang Yun's little fans.

"Please take a seat. My studio has just opened. There are no games in these experience areas. Please come to the rest area first."As soon as Fang Yun saw the fans coming to worship him, he immediately became enthusiastic.

Seriously speaking, these are the first batch of"fans" Fang Yun met in this world.

"Senior Fang Yun, we are both majoring in animation production, which is also related to game design. We may have to come and bother you more often in the future!"A girl who looks like a lady from a wealthy family said with a smile.

"By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Zhang Xin, and this is Lu Mang." The boy who spoke at the beginning pointed at the girl who hadn’t spoken so far and introduced her.

"Road Blind??? There is such a name?"

Fang Yun looked puzzled.

"It's Lu Mang, Lu from the mainland, Mang from mango! Although I'm really a road idiot.……"When the girl Lu Mang saw Fang Yun's expression, she knew that he must have misunderstood, and she explained softly:

"Oh, that's it. Sorry, but the reason you have a poor sense of direction may really be because of your name.……"After Fang Yun understood, he also complained about it.


"Ahem, let me continue the introduction. This is Lin Han." Zhang Xin pointed at the pretty girl who spoke at the beginning,"This is Shao Ziyi," and then pointed at the lady from a noble family,"The last one is Wang Yu," and finally, Zhang Xin pointed at the remaining boy with glasses and said

"Senior Fang Yun, if there are any games that need animation or original painting design in the future, you can come to us! Our Lin Han already has a wealth of work experience. Now there are many animation companies waiting to sign her before she graduates!" Shao Ziyi said

"Animation? I think that's necessary.……"

Fang Yun thought about it.

Zhang Xin looked at Fang Yun's expression and said,"Speaking of which, Senior Fang Yun should be preparing for his second work now? Do you need animation or drawing design? You can definitely come to us! Except for Lin Han, we can offer low prices! The quality will be comparable to that on the market. As long as we can experience the game first when it comes out, it will be fine.""

"Ah... there is a new work, but the overall design has been completed and it's time to write code. The new work, like Fruit Ninja, doesn't need any opening animation or cutscenes. I'll contact you if I need it in the future.……"

"Has it been designed? What type? Could it be that Senior Fang Yun doesn't like those kind of long-form plot works?……"

PS: Today may be my last update at 0:00 recently...

Because of my health, the doctor does not allow me to stay up late, but the contract for the book has not yet expired, so I cannot set a scheduled update...

In the future, the update at 0:00 will be moved to the daytime, and it will be scheduled to 0:00 after the contract is successfully signed.

I hope everyone can forgive me!

I have been accumulating manuscripts recently, preparing to find an opportunity to burst out a little during the National Day, and then I have to prepare for the burst of listing.

Unfortunately, the speed of typing is really...

It’s hard to describe.

Recently, I will keep three updates a day.

If the data of the collection of flowers is strong enough, I will take out a few chapters to add more.

After I have a certain amount of manuscripts, I will try to make it four updates a day.

Please forgive me.

Finally, I would like to ask for another wave of collections.

Thank you all.

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