The next day at noon, Temple Run was launched on time!

Thanks to Fang Yun’s preheating on Weibo a day in advance, even though there were not many fans and the game was not widely spread, it had already seen explosive downloads in the first hour after it was launched!

《Temple Run was sold for 10 yuan, and Fang Yun earned 25,000 yuan in just the first hour! In other words, the number of downloads in the first hour was 2,500!

And the number of downloads is still increasing!

This is something that many colleagues or players did not expect.

The previous popularity of Fruit Ninja has attracted a lot of attention from the same industry, and Fang Yun’s Weibo warm-up yesterday, although the scope of dissemination is still limited, but some designers still know that Fang Yun is going to launch his new game today.

Some designers are just watching the fun, while some designers are a little sour.

Some even posted a Weibo yesterday to implicitly express their pessimism about Fang Yun’s new game, and even criticized Fang Yun’s"attitude":

"Nowadays, there are impetuous people in every industry. Think about the older generation, who spent three years to sharpen their swords, and one sword led the direction of the game for several years. But today's young people make a game every few days? Do they not treat players as human beings?"

The owner of this Weibo post is also a top second-tier designer in the industry. His name is Wu Li. The reason why he is not a first-tier designer is that his games are basically mobile games. There are very few PC games, and the quality is also average. There is no VR game at all.

The standard of a first-tier designer is: there must be a good work on the PC side.

The production cycle of PC games is often relatively long, which is a great pressure for some personal studios and small studios. After all, their income is a big problem during the period of designing and making games.

And this"powerless" brother also has quite a few fans. After he posted a Weibo, there were many voices of agreement below.

When the game was released for an hour, Brother Wuli of course saw the terrifying download volume, but he didn't take it seriously. He even posted another Weibo:"Taking advantage of the popularity of a game to launch a new game, this marketing strategy is good. Even if the quality of the game is not good, the sales in the early stage are not a problem."

Originally, he thought this Weibo post would attract a lot of approval, but this time he was wrong...

The comment section was filled with curses:

"Brother Wuli, it seems that you haven't downloaded this game? Can you please download it and play it before making a review?"

"Are you going to such great lengths to suppress your peers now? Do you criticize them without even looking at their work? Do you not even go through the process?"

"Just wait for Brother Wuli to get slapped in the face!"


This is the current situation of Brother Wuli's Weibo. When his supporters see these comments, they can no longer express their support. After all, there are so many insults. Maybe Fang Yun's game is really fun?

With such doubts, these fans also downloaded"Temple Run" and got addicted to it while playing... They completely forgot about helping Brother Wuli. Some people even joined the"trolls" army and followed everyone to criticize Brother Wuli.

Fang Yun didn't know about these things. After all, no one followed him on Weibo, and even in the comment area, he only looked at the previous comments, that is, those with more likes, so he was completely unaware of these rumors.

Soon, an afternoon passed, and"Temple Run" was on the best-selling list of the day as early as the third hour, and the comments below the game accounted for more than 90%. As for some negative reviews, most of them were complaints from the clumsy players, so I won't mention them here. After all, clumsy players really have deep complaints when playing games.

Soon, at the end of the day, Temple Run directly rushed to the first place in the daily sales list in just half a day, and also ranked in the monthly sales list (that is, the total sales list, the one required by the system task). The system requires that it rushes to the top three within a week of being put on the shelves. At present, it seems that it may rush to the top in three or four days!

In other words, Fang Yun has already won this task.

Next, Fang Yun should also consider subsequent games.

After all, he is now considered to have a small amount of capital.

In addition, the previous recruitment advertisement has been posted for a few days, and he has received more than ten resumes.

Next, he should find a time to interview and confirm the candidates.

Although the company already has two games, it has not yet entered the right track.

At least it must develop a PC game that can be shown off, otherwise these computer experience machines on the first floor are completely decorations.

Taking advantage of the time now, Fang Yun looked at these resumes and finally selected 4 from 12 resumes:

1. Fei Xiaoyun. Female, 24 years old. Worked as a receptionist in a small or medium-sized game studio for two years.

2. Qu Xiaoyi. Female, 21 years old, about to become a senior, majoring in game design, wants to get an internship and learn game design experience from Fang Yun.

3. Fang Yun (don't get me wrong, she has nothing to do with Fang Yun). Female, 23 years old, just graduated for a year, illustrator, has drawn original paintings for many game companies, because the income is not stable, she wants to find a related stable job.

4. Dai Jie. Female, 27 years old, worked as a receptionist in a branch of Yiwang Company (one of the three largest game companies in China), was fired due to a mistake, is optimistic about the development prospects of Yunmeng Game Company, so she submitted her resume.

After calling the four people one by one, the interview time was confirmed for tomorrow morning, and the interview order is the above order.

The next day, Fang Yun spent the whole morning interviewing people, asking many questions, and also found out their purpose of coming to the company:

Fei Xiaoyun was simply familiar with the work of the front desk, while Qu Xiaoyi and Fang Yun hoped to come here for internship and work part-time as the front desk, and Dai Jie's purpose was to be optimistic about Fang Yun's future and wanted to come here to be the"first batch of veterans". When Fang Yun became successful, as long as she didn't make mistakes, her status would definitely not be too low.

And coincidentally, the four girls all looked good and had a mature temperament. Whether it was 21-year-old Qu Xiaoyi or 27-year-old Dai Jie, their temperaments were somewhat similar.

PS: Let's organize an event to add more chapters. From now on (8 pm on the 23rd) to 12 pm on the 24th, one chapter will be added for every 888 flowers, 300 evaluation tickets, 3,000 rewards, and 249 collections. One chapter will be added starting from the 25th, and it will be finished in one day! As for the votes for urging for updates... you can vote as much as you want... for the record, there are currently 661 flowers and 106 evaluation votes.

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