"Did he accept all of them? Ahem, if he accepted all of them, I might not be able to continue writing the book, so I will just go straight to the ending: Fang Yun and the four girls started a shameless life……"

Of course, the above is just a joke. Fang Yun thought about it and finally decided to choose Qu Xiaoyi. Although she is not from the same school as Fang Yun, they have the same major after all. And to be honest,"the salary of an intern is much less than that of a formal employee!"

The most important thing is that recruiting Dai Jie can also help Fang Yun share some tasks. Some branching things on the game can be handed over to her to complete, and he only needs to complete the main trunk.

The salary of an intern is equivalent to recruiting two"formal employees". Boss Fang's idea is not bad.

He called Qu Xiaoyi and told her that she had been accepted. At the same time, he also notified the other three and regretfully told them that they were not accepted.

After being busy, Fang Yun opened the background of the AppStore to check the total sales of his two games:

《Fruit Ninja has been downloaded 1.03 million times!

《Temple Run has been downloaded 690,000 times! That translates to 5.15 million + 6.9 million in revenue!

In other words, in just over a week, Fang Yun earned a high income of 12.05 million! This is not counting the income from in-game purchases.

In-game purchases for the two games are not essential, so not many people spend money on them, and the combined revenue is only over 1 million.

Fang Yun has officially become a multimillionaire, and the system's points have reached more than 130,000!

Looking at the redemption items in the system, Fang Yun wanted to do it all in one go. Some small game production teams (PC side) need about 200,000 points or more to be able to redeem. Unpopular categories will be slightly cheaper, and popular ones will be much more expensive.

The game production team here includes: test development, operation and maintenance development, system planning, numerical planning, level planning, performance planning, original painters, production teams, modeling, action, CG and other complete teams.

Of course, the above divisions are definitely large production teams. Small production teams are small in number, often with multiple roles, and their capabilities are also different from those of large teams. Generally speaking, a small production team is more than enough to produce an ordinary PC game.

"What type of team should I exchange for at that time?" Fang Yun looked at the many types and fell into a difficult choice.

Unable to make a decision, Fang Yun decided to take a look at the"market situation" first, opened the webpage, and logged into the"Official Website of the Game Designers Association".

Generally speaking, this website has three main functions.

First, designers need to apply for the upgrade of their professional titles here.

Second, some game design competitions or competitions such as evaluations will be announced first on it.

The third is a"forum" exclusively for game designers.

Designers will post in the forum area to discuss the difficulties encountered in the process of designing games.

Fang Yun had never seen this website before, but his best friend Gu Peng posted many posts on the forum here to ask for help in order to get his graduation project. He even paid for help from some senior designers.

When he opened the website, he saw a big advertisement on the homepage:

National Style Strategy Game Grand Prix!

Requirements: National Style Strategy PC Games! All game designers can participate.

Selection time: October 1.

Requirements for participating works: National Style Strategy Games launched this year can participate.

Rewards: The top three designers (below senior) will be promoted to one level, recommended on the official platform homepage for one month, and a bonus of 2 million


【Mission: Win the Chinese Style Strategy Game Grand Prix Championship!】

【Mission Rewards: Ten consecutive draws (advanced) once, ten consecutive draws (beginner) three times, 150,000 points】

【Failure penalty: Deduct one"staff member" from the existing system and deduct 200,000 points】


"I just took a quick look at this, and the previous task hasn't been completed yet, and a new task has already arrived?!"

"But it's good this way, so I don't have to worry about what type of design team to exchange for. However, this kind of mandatory system is really a bit annoying."

Fang Yun thought silently in his heart.

"That's because the host is now in the novice stage. After the novice stage, there will be no mandatory tasks, but optional tasks. Of course, the task rewards are more generous, but the task penalties are also more severe."

The system suddenly came out to explain.

"This is reasonable, otherwise it would be a rip-off to give me the whole task and force me to exchange something just after I accumulated some points!"

Now that the task has appeared, Fang Yun doesn't have to worry about it. He plans to exchange it directly for [Small Strategy Game Production Team] in two days when the points are reached.

It takes 220,000 points to exchange.

Now Fang Yun has 130,000 points.

According to the popularity of"Fruit Ninja" and"Temple Run", it can be completed in about two or three days, and it is just right to complete the current task.

The competition time is October 1st, and the current date is September 6th, which means that Fang Yun only has three weeks to make this game.

As a game launched on the PC, even if the team given by the system can do five things at a time, it can't make a 3A-level work.

《The idea of "Total War - Three Kingdoms" was the first one Fang Yun gave up. The game was good, but Fang Yun couldn't make it now because there was not enough time!

《Civilization series? No, this doesn't fit the national style.

《"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? This seems to be possible, and it is temporarily listed as an alternative project.

Fang Yun thought about it and it seemed that most of the strategy games related to the history of the Celestial Empire in his previous life were set in the Three Kingdoms period, or they were martial arts style strategy games.

Although there are many that can be mentioned, there are actually only a few that fit Fang Yun's current situation:"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"》、《The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the martial arts-style Taiwu Painting Scroll》!

《Although Fang Yun had played Heroes of the Three Kingdoms, that was a long time ago. As for Romance of the Three Kingdoms, before traveling through time, Fang Yun even had Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 Power Up Edition saved on his computer!

Although the graphics are a bit outdated, the game mechanism of Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 is undoubtedly Fang Yun's favorite: start with a city, and then fight for territory! Different generals have different skills, plus the combination of various arms, Fang Yun often plays for a whole day and never feels bored!

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