"Hello, are you Fang Yun, a game designer?"

"Well, I am and you are……"

"I am the HR manager of Sky Interactive Entertainment. Congratulations to Mr. Fang on the success of his two mobile games!"

After the person on the other end of the phone confirmed that it was Fang Yun, he was the first to congratulate him.

"? ? Thank you. What is the matter with your company calling me?

Fang Yun was a little confused.

"It is like this, Mr. Fang, have you ever considered bringing your studio staff to work with us? We will provide Mr. Fang's team with very high remuneration, and they only need to launch three mobile games every year, of which only one can be the main game. May I ask?……"

The HR manager of Sky Interactive Entertainment stated his purpose, but was interrupted by Fang Yun before he could finish his words:

"Oh, sorry, I don't have that idea."


Fang, we hope you can seriously consider it.

We are one of the three largest game companies in China.

We have many designers, including many senior designers.

If Mr.

Fang comes here, he can be influenced by many masters.

Moreover, Mr.

Fang has just graduated and is not sure about starting a business.

Game design is not about making a big-selling game.

If I know correctly, Mr.

Fang should be a junior designer now.

If you come here, we will give you a higher level of treatment, that is, the treatment of a mid-level designer.

When you are promoted to a mid-level designer, your treatment will be improved.

In addition, the company only takes 30% of the profit from the game revenue.

The company will also be responsible for the promotion of the game and give good suggestions during the design.


"There are actually many areas for development in Mr. Fang's two games. The in-game purchase settings are very tasteless. Our company can also help Mr. Fang develop some in-game purchase projects that are guaranteed to make money.……"

The HR manager's sermon

"Are you done?" Fang Yun listened quietly, and finally couldn't help but interrupt the manager's speech when he talked about"in-game purchases".

What a joke, talking to Fang Yun about in-game purchases here? Just based on the in-game purchase projects in this world, how can they be compared with those in the previous life? Fang Yun casually took out some krypton gold projects, which could beat this world by a dozen streets."Use salary to create happiness, and you MB if you don't have money" is not a joke to you.

It's just that Fang Yun just doesn't have the opportunity (no time) to make such a game now. Such a game will be made sooner or later. If he joins Sky Interactive Entertainment and makes such a krypton gold heavy game, 518\680 per order, giving up 30% of the profit in vain? Isn't this funny!

"Uh... I'm almost done. I hope Mr. Fang can think carefully about his future. It's okay for young people to be arrogant, but they must know themselves. Many designers who thought they were geniuses died halfway."

"I've thought it through. Thank you for your kindness, but I still want to go on my own.

Fang Yun still refused.

"Don't regret it then!"

Seeing Fang Yun was so determined, the HR manager could only say something harsh and hung up the phone.

"I will regret it if I join you! Sky Interactive Entertainment? Didn't you rely on poaching to grow? And you train new people? Are you qualified?" Fang Yun curled his lips in disdain.

If Emperor Penguin and Yiwang Company came to him, he would talk to them nicely. After all, as the three largest game companies in China, a large part of the new blood of these two companies is trained by themselves. Fang Yun believes what such companies say to Fang Yun. As for Sky Interactive Entertainment, forget it.

Moreover, Fang Yun believes that as long as he is given time, the three largest game companies in China will sooner or later be surpassed by Yunmeng Group or Yunmeng Interactive Entertainment. Fang Yun's goal has long been set as"one of the strongest game companies in the world", and he even wants to remove the word"one of".

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yun continued to devote himself to work.

However, I don't know what happened today. Several game companies have called Fang Yun in succession to invite him to join. The three major companies are no exception, but Fang Yun's attitude towards the other two is much better. There are still some independent studios and some medium-sized game companies that invite Fang Yun. Some people tried to negotiate in a friendly way, while others spoke harshly, but Fang Yun just ignored them all - he rejected them all!

Finally, Fang Yun, who was extremely annoyed, posted a Weibo:

I just want to lead my own team to go further and further on the road of game design and production, and I appreciate the good intentions of others.

This was a public statement that he would not join any company.

After posting this Weibo, Fang Yun thought about whether he should warm up for his participation in the"National Style Strategy Game Awards" and advertise the"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" he was making.

Edit Weibo:

Warm up for the new game! National Style Strategy Game for PC! Do you want to experience the feeling of unifying the world? Do you want to get all the beauties in the world into your pocket?

Here, you can choose to attack cities and capture strongholds with your sword to the world, or you can choose to make friends with distant countries and attack nearby countries to defeat the enemy without fighting! At this point,

Fang Yun really couldn't write any more, so he sent out the half-edited content directly, and even gave it a good name:"It would be better to leave a suspense."

Just before Fang Yun's first Weibo post, some people were discussing whether Fang Yun would join some large game companies. Fang Yun's first Weibo post proved this point. However, it was different from what most people thought. He did not choose to join a well-known company, but chose to work alone.

Just when people were discussing why Fang Yun did not choose to join other large companies but chose to work alone, Fang Yun's second Weibo post directly triggered the players:

"What the hell? Fang Yun wants to participate in the National Style Strategy Game Contest in October?"

"As far as I know, Fang Yun has never played PC games before, right? And his two mobile games have nothing to do with strategy, so why did he suddenly want to join this competition?"

"It seems that Fang Yun wants to develop PC games? Want to make a name for himself through this competition? But I feel that there is something wrong with his move. It’s not that I doubt he can make a good PC game, but the gameplay of strategy games in the market is basically the same. The only difference is the plot and picture quality. Can Fang Yun be confident to make changes in the gameplay?"


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