"I think Fang Yun is overthinking. He is not interested in the promising mobile phone market but is trying to get involved in a field he is not good at. Isn't this courting death? I think Fang Yun will take a big fall!"

"The person above, maybe he just wants to give it a try? He is just participating in the competition, and there is no prize to win. Are you not even allowed to participate in the competition? Now these trolls really don't even want to go through the process?"

Players have different opinions on Fang Yun's decision. Just when everyone was discussing whether Fang Yun was confident or arrogant,

Lin Yiwan, a mid-level designer under Sky Interactive Entertainment, posted a Weibo:

"Someone who has never worked on PC games is directly trying out the strategy category, which is not a simple category on the PC side? I think this is arrogance. After the success of mobile games, he thinks he can handle other fields? Overthinking! His idea is the same as him!"

As for the background of this Lin Yiwan, he is one of the designers responsible for the development of PC strategy games under Sky Interactive Entertainment.

He is good at strategy games on the PC side.

The Weibo he posted this time is quite intriguing, especially since Fang Yun just rejected the invitation from Sky Interactive Entertainment.

In turn, their people posted such a Weibo.

On the surface, it seems to be saying that Fang Yun rashly involved in the PC industry is overestimating his own capabilities, but in fact it also implies a mockery of Fang Yun's refusal of the invitation.

As soon as this Weibo came out, some other designers also posted similar Weibo.

What's more clever is that the companies these designers work for are all companies that called Fang Yun and were rejected.

Obviously, this is a mockery from the rejected person.

And Fang Yun's incident fermented quite strongly. Almost everyone knew about it in half a day. After all, some big companies have participated in the"action", and Fang Yun's For the first time, the name has thoroughly entered the players' field of vision.

Before, Fang Yun's fame was only spread among mobile game players. Now, regardless of the platform, players all know Fang Yun. When they turned to learn more about this person, they found that Fang Yun was just a junior designer who had not even received a diploma, but his two works were impeccable.

Fang Yun's Weibo followers also saw a surge, from just over 100,000 to nearly one million!

At the very least, no matter what the other purposes are, Fang Yun's name is known to the majority of players, and the fact that Fang Yun is developing a PC strategy game has also aroused discussions among many players. Many players are also looking forward to Fang Yun bringing a different strategy game.

The game is not yet made, but the publicity comes first. Perhaps this is what Fang Yun is like.……


"So, did the senior ask us to come here for the new game?!"Lin Han looked at Fang Yun and asked with a hint of anticipation.

"Yes, the new game needs to create a lot of original paintings, and I am really short of manpower here. Aren’t you all professionals? I just thought of asking you for help. As long as the quality is up to standard, the price will be according to the market price."

This was the next day after Fang Yun called the five-member team, and the five of them rushed over without saying a word.

"What kind of strategy game are you going to do? Is it also a martial arts game?"Zhang Xin asked

"It's not a martial arts game, it's a history game, and it's called"Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which has the same name as the history book."

Next, Fang Yun gave a detailed introduction to the new game he was making, so that the five people could better understand it and make it easier for their future creations to meet Fang Yun's expectations.

"The original paintings you are asked to create are all original paintings of characters, all of which are historical generals. As for the style, I have a few sample pictures here. After you get the generals' information, just paint according to the style I give you."

Fang Yun said, picked up the tablet on the table, showed the five people the original drawings that were previously stored on it, and handed them a document about the background and design requirements as well as the background stories of the characters.

"Ah, is this Zhuge Liang?!"Lin Han recognized the strategist with feather fan and long scarf at a glance.

"Yes, it is drawn in this style, but it has to fit everyone's character settings. How about that? Can you do it?"

"Yes, it is possible, but it will be a little difficult at first. Once you are familiar with this style, it will be much easier to draw later. How many characters do we need to draw?" Lin Han thought for a while and gave a positive answer.

"There are more than 700 characters to draw.……"

"What? More than 700, my God? Are there so many generals in the Three Kingdoms?!"

Fang Yun was interrupted by Zhang Xin before he could finish his words.

"Even if the five of us didn't eat or drink and kept painting, we couldn't finish this much in a month.……"Shao Ziyi was also startled

"Listen to me! There are more than 700 in total, but I will be responsible for most of the work. I want to ask how many you can finish in a day? Because I expect the drawings to be completed within two weeks."

"Sister Lin Han should be the fastest, and Ziyi and Xiaomang are also pretty good. As for the two of us, we might be a little slow. My limit is probably three paintings a day, right?" Zhang Xin said uncertainly.

"I'm almost the same." Wang Yu nodded, confirming Zhang Xin's statement

"I can paint 5-6 paintings a day." Lin Han estimated and said.

Shao Ziyi and Lu Mang looked at each other, and finally Lu Mang said:"The two of us can probably paint four paintings, and if we are faster, it may be five. I am not sure.……"

According to their minimum number, Fang Yun calculated that five people can draw 19 pictures a day, 5 days a week, and 190 pictures in two weeks. However, there are 751 generals in total, and there are more than 740 generals excluding those drawn by Fang Yun himself. The next step is to see how fast his team can draw.���If the speed is not fast enough, we have to hire one or two original artists to design the original paintings.……

"Let's do this. You work five days a week and your salary will be calculated as normal, okay? If possible, you can come to my place every day. I have computers and other things here. We can draw together. If you have any questions, you can ask me." Fang Yun thought for a while and said

"Six days a week is not a problem for us! Let's start from tomorrow. Let's go back and make some arrangements today and come here tomorrow morning. I have long wanted to work with Senior Fang!"Zhang Xin said happily.

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