After all, they are different from Lin Han. Lin Han can be said to be a top student who has no worries about food and drink. But they, especially these two boys, can only be average in terms of grades. If they do well this time, they may be able to stay here for internship. Fang Yun is someone they admire very much. Isn't this the best of both worlds? They can make money, and at the same time work with someone they admire. It's perfect!

"Okay, you guys can come over tomorrow. You all know my opening hours, so just come over. Fang Yun nodded.

"These are the character backgrounds that you need to draw in the early stage. Take them home today and take a look if you have time, and you can also think about it."Fang Yun did not miss any opportunity to exploit the labor force and handed over a stack of information.

Zhang Xin took it, flipped through it, and found that it seemed that there were not many people he knew?

"??? Did these characters really appear in the Three Kingdoms? How come I have hardly heard of them?"

"That's for sure, because these characters are not so famous, but everyone has his own story, although their stories are not as exciting as those of celebrities."

Fang Yun paused, and continued to add:"These tasks for you are relatively simple tasks, mainly for you to practice in the early stage, because the details of these characters are not so high, and you can make the original paintings of those celebrities after you are familiar with them."

"Oh, I see. From simple to difficult! This is also good. If I were asked to draw Liu Bei and Cao Cao right away, I would probably be very stressed.……"The five people nodded in sudden realization.

Holding the information, they divided it up and retreated. The entire hall suddenly became deserted again, with only Fang Yun and Qu Xiaoyi left.

"That... Boss Fang, I am also a game design major, and I can also draw original paintings. Can I participate in this project?"Qu Xiaoyi had just been listening to the conversation between Fang Yun and the five-member team. Now that she had the chance, she quickly spoke up.

"Sure, I'll find you some information later. You can try it here. If you are qualified, you can get the job!" Fang Yun wanted to save some points. Seeing someone volunteering, he agreed decisively.

After saying that, Fang Yun went upstairs to get two more documents. At the same time, he came down with a set of drawing tools and connected them to the computer at the front desk.

"This is the information. This is what I drew before. Just follow my style. The main thing is to match the character's setting. I'm going upstairs to work. You can draw first. Call me when you're done." After repeating his request, Fang Yun turned and went upstairs.


Soon, Qu Xiaoyi finished the painting and called Fang Yun down to take a look. It was passed!

"It's pretty good. I'll get you some more information, and then I'll draw with you downstairs. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

Seeing that there was only a little girl named Qu Xiaoyi on the first floor, Fang Yun decided to accompany her.

The day passed quickly. At the beginning, Fang Yun didn't expect Qu Xiaoyi to be quite talented in painting and design. Her speed of drawing was comparable to Fang Yun's. You know, Fang Yun has a rough image memory in his mind, and what he has to do is to restore these memories, while Qu Xiaoyi needs to be completely original, and the style must also meet Fang Yun's requirements!


The next day, the five-member team arrived as scheduled. This time, half of the experience area was temporarily divided into a"work area". Including Qu Xiaoyi, there were seven people working downstairs.

During lunch, Zhang Xin asked,"Senior Fang, we are supposed to be part of your game production team, right? Even if it's just temporary, we should know the specific details of this game, right? Tell me about it?"

The other four people, including Qu Xiaoyi, nodded in agreement. After half a day, Qu Xiaoyi had become familiar with the five-member team. Although the two parties were not in the same university, they had common majors after all, and they were all students in the same class, so they had a lot in common.

"Why are you guys so curious about this new game? And I remember when we were chatting before, you didn't say anyone likes strategy games?"

Fang Yun cursed with a smile, but decided to tell them some details:

"The setting of the whole game is the Three Kingdoms period.

Of course, this time period can be said to be very wide, starting from the Yellow Turban Rebellion to the unification of the Three Kingdoms.

I divided it into several different scenarios in the middle.

Of course, the scenarios are divided according to the time and well-known historical events at that time, such as the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Anti-Dong Zhuo Coalition Forces, the Battle of Guandu, the Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage, and Liu Bei's Entry into Shu.


"Because the timeline is very long, there are of course many generals involved.

Since each general's appearance time is different, the generals in a script are different, and their age, force value, etc.

will change.

For example, during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, there will definitely be no generals in the late Three Kingdoms period, such as Jiang Wei.

If you want to experience all the generals, you can play a hypothetical script I designed specifically for you: Heroes Gathering.

In this script, the generals will not die naturally, and all of the more than 700 generals will appear.

Every force that appeared in the Three Kingdoms period will also appear here.

At that time, you will find that a city is a force.

In this case, you need to operate the force you choose or create a new force to use various methods to eliminate and recover other forces, and finally achieve the goal of unifying the world.


"I'll give you a little spoiler in advance. You don't necessarily have to conquer with force to regain power. You can also achieve the goal of regaining power through strategic means such as rhetoric and diplomacy. In addition, the matching of various arms is also very particular, and each general is suitable for different arms. These are all things you need to pay attention to at that time."

"That's about it. How about it? Are you grateful that I told you so much? People outside don't know anything yet!"

"Is it considered a spoiler if you simply talk about the setting? You don't have any substance in this!" Zhang Xin thought about what Fang Yun said carefully and found that there was not much difference between saying it or not saying it.……

"Senior Fang, you are still so cunning!"

"He is only one year older than us, but why do I feel like I am dealing with an old fox?!"

PS: Please add to my collection and give me flowers! By the way, I will give you a preview. My typing speed has increased a little now, and I will do three or four updates staggered! I have seen an average of five updates a day waving at me...

Thanks to my book friend [Endless Journey] for the reward!

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