The five people, including Qu Xiaoyi, started to refute.

Qu Xiaoyi even said,"Boss, I am different from the five of them. I am your employee! I have a contract! I should know more, right? Why don't we wait for them to experience the game and ask me something? I can't just say I don't know, right?"

"It's okay, you have a contract, and so do the others. Although they haven't signed it yet, they can sign it this afternoon. As for other people asking questions about the experience, you will definitely be the first group to experience it, and you will know everything by then. If others ask, you will definitely be able to answer. By the way, Xiaoyi, you are about to be a senior, do you have any ideas for your graduation project?" Fang Yun laughed and changed the topic to Qu Xiaoyi

"I have some ideas, but I am not sure yet. I haven't found any information yet. I want to do an internship to see if I can learn something, and then design my graduation project."Qu Xiaoyi said

"This is also good. Stay here now. If you have any questions, tell me and I will help you. When your design plan is ready, I can take a look at it first. It’s not a big problem for me to give you some suggestions. Oh, by the way, do you guys need anything when you graduate? I don’t know much.

Fang Yun said, looking at the five people.

"Our major is different from the game design major. In addition to submitting a graduation project, we also need to write a paper, and then we can graduate after passing the defense. Compared with your major, ours is relatively simple."Lin Han said

"Of course, if you have successful design experience, it will undoubtedly add a lot of points when you defend your thesis. Now only Lin Han has such experience, so the four of us are also looking forward to Senior Fang's work being a big hit, so that we can go out and brag about it, and our scores won't be low when we graduate!" Zhang Xin added

"Don't worry, it will definitely sell well. I have the confidence in this. If I'm not sure, I won't participate in this competition. I won't say more. I'll eat quickly, take a rest and then continue working!"


For a week, Fang Yun and his friends were busy designing the original paintings and had no energy to pay attention to what was happening online. However, they did not know that the topic raised by Fang Yun's"Weibo" had already attracted a lot of attention!

In addition, some"detectives" have listed the causes, processes and results of the entire"Fang Yun incident". One of them, who is said to be an"inside insider", broke the news as follows:

Cause: Fang Yun designed two mobile games that sold well, which attracted the attention of a number of game companies. They all extended olive branches to Fang Yun, hoping that Fang Yun could join their companies, but Fang Yun refused for some reason, and some of the companies had a bad tone, which made Fang Yun feel disgusted. At the same time, in order not to be disturbed again, he posted"Weibo 1" (the Weibo that refused to join other companies).

Process: Due to Fang Yun's refusal, some companies and designers became resentful of Fang Yun. It happened that Fang Yun's"Weibo 2" (announcement of participation) at this time provided these people with an opportunity to ridicule them, so there were many designers' weird remarks.

Result: It is not known yet. We will have to wait until the competition to know.

It has to be said that these detectives are indeed very skilled and their analysis is very accurate.

"I think Fang Yun's approach is fine, and look at those who mock him, especially Sky Interactive Entertainment, whose personnel are all recruited through poaching, and they almost never train new people internally. For a newcomer like Fang Yun, such a company is almost like hell. After entering, it is very likely that he will not get any promotion and will end up being just like everyone else."

This is the view of most people who support Fang Yun.

"Why didn't Fang Yun say anything? One of the main characters in the fight scene actually wandered off in the middle of the fight?"

This is of course someone who just wants to watch the fun and not mind making trouble.

"By the way, does anyone know where Fang Yun's studio is located? Generally speaking, don't studios provide an experience area for players to experience the game and communicate with the designers? Is there one in Fang Yun's studio? I want to go and see!"

"I know the address"

"Private me upstairs!"




As the online incident fermented, Fang Yun's store had more and more people coming since the second week of the new game design. At first, Fang Yun was still confused. It was not until he asked the visitors that he realized that the heat of the previous online incident not only did not fade with the passage of time, but it became more and more intense. Now it seems that it is no longer"Fang Yun's" matter, but a conflict between new independent game designers and"poaching" game companies.

Fang Yun has now become a representative of the former.

But the primary problem Fang Yun faces now is not how to fight back against other people's cynicism, but... their working environment has been greatly suppressed!

More and more people come to visit and experience the game every day. Although this is a result that Fang Yun has always expected, now is the critical period for making new games. People are working downstairs. With so many people coming down, no one can continue their work... and there are not enough computers available for office use upstairs... (At that time, due to the limitation of start-up funds, there were 12 computers downstairs and 15 computers upstairs, all for office use.)

And for the confidentiality of the game, the five-member group and Qu Xiaoyi cannot create in public...

In desperation, Fang Yun can only let Qu Xiaoyi put down his work temporarily and concentrate on the reception work, and the five-member group will move upstairs to work, and they have to bring their own laptops... At this moment, Fang Yun's design work has been greatly affected.

"Next, I have to contact the school to buy a batch of desks and computers. The workroom on the second floor seems too small.……"

After a day of hard work, it was finally time to close the store. Fang Yun began to calm down and think about the next plan.

First of all, these visitors must not be driven away. After all, whether they are real fans or players who come to watch the fun, driving them away will inevitably bring some negative news to himself. At this juncture, although Fang Yun doesn't care, for the sake of the new game, Fang Yun decided to be patient for the time being!

Low-key! Forbearance! Killing!

Ahem... That's probably what it means!

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