At first, Fang Yun thought that the current store should be enough, but after today's work, it seems that it is not as simple as Fang Yun thought.

The second floor is divided into three areas: Fang Yun's bedroom, studio, and conference room.

When Zhao Hui's ten-person team moved in, it was already quite full.

This time, with the addition of the five-person team, the space is a bit stretched, and if Fang Yun exchanges other personnel next, the space is obviously not enough.

Moreover, this place was rented when Fang Yun was short of funds at the beginning.

Now that he is not short of money, it is better to rent a place to work.

After all, the way his group of men work is a bit...


Well, in fact, it is non-human. When the five-person team went up today, Fang Yun deliberately told his men to"pay attention to the impact", so no problems were found. Moreover, this is the critical period of production, and the speed cannot be slowed down. Finding a special office location has become Fang Yun's top priority now.

Now this place has been specially turned into an experience store, and the upstairs will continue to remain as it is. In this way, if there is any work that requires the recruitment of"temporary workers" in the future, they can work directly upstairs.

I checked online to see if there was any place for rent near my store. The best idea was to rent the two stores next to me and connect them. The first floor would become a"big experience center" and the second floor would be a spacious office space. However, after asking, I found that the leases of the stores on both sides still had more than half a year.

Finally, Fang Yun found a more satisfactory work place online: it was more than one kilometer away from the current store, with the same double-story design and a total area of about 700 square meters, but the rent was a bit expensive, 3 million a year!

Because this place is not the site of the"school" but the site of the developer, there is almost no room for bargaining on the rent.

I contacted the person in charge. When the person in charge heard that the site was suitable and the full payment could be paid tomorrow, he became much more enthusiastic.

I made an appointment to go to see the site early tomorrow morning. Fang Yun closed the webpage and opened Weibo again, ready to see what the situation was on the Internet. After browsing the whole thing, Fang Yun didn't care about the comments of his peers on the Internet.

It's normal to be jealous. Fang Yun is not their parent and can't control their eating, drinking, defecating and urinating. As long as they wait until the game is online, they will be severely slapped in the face.

As for the players' current attention to Fang Yun's new game, Fang Yun felt it necessary to give the players an answer. After all, the"leeks" are Fang Yun's real breadwinners.

After thinking about how to write the content of the"New Game Preview Letter", Fang Yun finally opened the drawing software and drew seven card backs similar to the cards of"Yu-Gi-Oh" in his previous life, and marked them with numbers 1 to 7.

Then, he edited Weibo:

New Game Preview Letter: Vote, I will turn over the card with the most votes every day at 5 pm!

At the same time, Fang Yun uploaded seven"card backs" and connected a voting system.


As for the card faces of these 7 cards, needless to say, they are all original paintings of famous characters from the Three Kingdoms that Fang Yun had drawn before, and the design of the"card flip preview" was inspired by the system lottery...

After completing these, Fang Yun closed Weibo, opened the anime website, found an anime, and watched it with relish.


"Oh shit, Fang Yun posted on Weibo!"

"What's going on? Is this Fang Yun's counterattack?"

"No, it seems to be something about a new game. You can find out when you go there. You need to vote or something. What kind of preview letter is this?"

"Seven cards? The back of the cards should all be about the new game, right? So it shouldn't matter which card you throw, it just determines the order in which Fang Yun flips the cards, right?"

"Then I vote for my lucky number 7!"

"Damn, are you the descendant of 7 sauce?!"


"Please vote for number 3!"

"I have a feeling that number 2 is going to be something extraordinary! Vote for number 2!"

"Before my roommate died, he wanted to see what was on the back of the number 6.……"

A small Weibo post triggered another"Weibo War". Players came out one after another. Some voted, while others canvassed for votes after voting. Although they had no idea what was behind it, this act of canvassing for votes attracted many people to participate. By the first day when Fang Yun turned over the first card, it had even developed into seven parties!

We will talk about these later.

The next day, Fang Yun settled the work of the five-member team in the morning and went out to see the new workplace. The distance was not far and it took less than 20 minutes to walk there. The person in charge was already waiting at the door early. After all, for a boss like Fang Yun who"never bargains and is generous", if this order is successful, his commission can be quite a lot of money.

"Hello, I'm here to see the house.

Fang Yun walked forward and took the initiative to say

"Oh, you are Mr. Fang, right? You are really young and promising. You look like you just graduated.……"When the person in charge saw Fang Yun, he immediately praised him, describing him as a young man who was capable of anything and had achieved success in starting a business.……

"With your eloquence, it's a pity that you don't do crosstalk……"

Fang Yun thought silently

"Oh, Mr. Fang, come with me to see the structure of the house first, and I will introduce it to you."

After the compliment, the person in charge led Fang Yun in.

The overall structure of the house is very simple, with a hall on the first floor and a bathroom, and the structure of the second floor is exactly the same as the first floor.

"If Mr. Fang pays the full rent (one year's rent in one lump sum), we can help you decorate at a low price, and everything will be done according to your requirements."

"How fast are you renovating?"

Fang Yun asked a crucial question.

"If we sign the contract today, it will only take two days if there is no need to make major changes to the house structure! I will personally supervise their renovations and ensure that they are completed!"

The person in charge calculated the time and said

"OK, let's sign the contract here. After signing, I will tell you the requirements for the decoration. The decoration speed should be as fast as possible, and the quality must not be bad. Don't cut corners on the materials!"

Fang Yun made a decisive decision.

"How could that be? If there are any problems, just come to me!"

The person in charge patted his chest and promised, while taking out the contract from his briefcase.

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