Moreover, Fang Yun is also preparing to implement a new decision on []: there is a 2-24 hour trial time for purchasing the game. If you are not satisfied with the trial of the game during this period, you can choose to refund, and [] will refund the full amount to the player.

As for why it is 2-24 hours, this is to prevent some small game designers from suffering losses. After all, the content of small games is not much. If they are all made into a 24-hour experience, what if the player clears the level during this time and then refunds, wouldn’t it be free? Wouldn’t the designer lose a lot of money in this way?

The 2-hour limit is also the result of Fang Yun and many designers’ discussions. After all, these two hours also include the time to download the game. In this way, if the player is not satisfied, he can apply for a refund.

This guarantees the interests of a considerable number of players, and"Civilization" is the first game to be launched online using this model!

Therefore, Fang Yun’s price is a bit higher. First, he believes that the improved"Civilization" is worth the price. Second, this time it can be regarded as a pathfinder action. In addition, Fang Yun currently needs a lot of points to start the next"universe".

Although he has a lot of points now, the only games that can really make money are《FGO》This game, however, the number of waste dogs is now fixed, and is even gradually decreasing.

This is an inevitable phenomenon.

Although the game"PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" makes money, each player only needs to buy one.

After all, the anti-cheating mechanism in this world is very perfect.

So far, there has been no cheating in eating chicken, that is to say, Fang Yun has no place to ban the account, and the sales volume is naturally a gradually declining trend.

Moreover, the game that Fang Yun is currently making is actually a waste dog, so it is imperative to release another"money-stealing" game.

However, the launch of"DOTA2" did not significantly increase Fang Yun's income, but it still increased a little through the sale of accessories. This will be more obvious when"League of Legends" is launched.

And by then, players will have adapted to the days of"having skins". When LOL comes out, each hero will be equipped with several skins, and even in the whole gift package or something like that...



《Although Civilization was launched in the early morning, foreign players purchased the most. Although there are also many domestic players, they are still much less than foreign players due to time.

The game is relatively large and it takes a while to download. Many domestic players buy and download the game and then go to bed, preparing to play it after waking up or finishing their work the next day, while foreign players start playing directly after the download is completed.

Then, a foreign player likes a dim environment when playing games, and this time is no exception. Before opening Civilization, he first drew all the curtains in his house, and then opened the game at 9:05. When he closed the game, he glanced at the watch: 9:06!

"??? I just traveled through time?"

The foreigner looked confused. He felt like he had been playing for a long time and was almost starving. He also drank several cups of coffee. How come only one minute had passed?

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and accidentally glanced at the date below the time: September 27!

He remembered that the game was launched at 8 o'clock on September 26!

In other words, he played for a whole day and one minute!

""Shit, no wonder I felt like I was going to die suddenly, how come time went by so fast? My country has just been on the right track, and already a whole day has passed?"

The foreigner was shocked, but he didn’t dare to continue playing. He ate two mouthfuls of food in a hurry and fell asleep on the bed.

While the foreigner was playing games, the time in China had also come to daytime. Players all got up, worked, and played games.

The game was, of course, the downloaded"Civilization"!

Although the overall interface is very different from the previous"Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the gameplay has not changed much. Although the content of"Civilization" is much more than that of"Romance of the Three Kingdoms", players who have experience in strategy games can still get started quickly.

It didn't take them long to figure out the gameplay.

First of all, of course Construction, there will be an icon on each city, and there is a number on the right side of the icon, which represents the current population of the city. In this kind of game, population is a very important unit!

And there will be a small number in the upper right corner of this number, which means that in a few days, the population will increase, and the growth of the population requires food, so it is necessary to transform it.

The land is transformed. Transforming grassland into farmland will increase the amount of food, and the increase in food will reduce the number of rounds of population growth. The newly added population can participate in production work and increase production capacity, thus forming a good cycle.

Farming → Produce food → Increase population → Increase productivity → Strengthen national strength → Be invincible.

In general, this is the process.

What’s different between Civilization and Romance of the Three Kingdoms is that the map of Romance of the Three Kingdoms is fully open, that is, players can see all the cities on the map and the movements of the enemy army right away.

However, Civilization is different.

At the beginning, players only have the vision of that city and several surrounding plots.

If they want to occupy more cities, they need to explore the map step by step, that is, they need to light up the map.

The players are also like this, exploring and developing step by step.

In the process of exploration, they also found many landscapes, each of which has its own different functions, and because of the different countries chosen by the players, the things encountered during the exploration are also different.

In the early stage, the players were obsessed with exploration → development.

With the continuous development of the city, natural technology has gradually emerged.

At this time, the players began to develop various technologies in order to make their country stronger.

However, these actions are certainly not random, and they need to be supported by the number of rounds, especially in the early stage when the players do not understand, the time used for each round will be longer, and many rounds will be wasted.

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