So, these domestic players were playing and then they found out: it’s dark!


"I haven’t played anything yet, how come it’s already dark?"

This is the general feeling of all players. Some players even planned to be freeloaders, that is, to play for 23 hours and then get a refund directly. However, by the time they thought about the refund, it had already exceeded 24 hours…

Then, during the players’ rest time, the forum began to get lively:

"Where's the time?"

"I was planning to play one more round and then go to bed, but I didn't expect it to be dawn.……"

【I'm a newbie and would like to ask if this is very time-consuming?】

"It doesn’t take any time at all, the next round will be over!"

"That's right"

"I have been playing for three days...2XX BC...Jesus would be born more than two hundred years later...I am so happy!"

"Actually it's OK. I'm about to open a new file. I'd like to wish the host a happy new year."

【I think Civilization should be renamed Dawn.》!】

【This is a game that makes you forget to sleep and eat. History is created by you and the world is dominated by you! A legend of leading your people to become a great empire:"Civilization Empire from Zero": Log in and get the Great Pyramid!】

【Are you lonely on a sleepless night? Do you want to get up close and personal with the barbarians? All the excitement is in Civilization》】

【Fang Yun is trying to make us bald! Can you guys tolerate this?!】

"I'm sorry, my empire is still waiting for me to save it. Let's put Fang Yun's matter aside for now and we'll talk about it when I return triumphantly after unifying the world!"

"Life is really hard, but Civilization is fun!"

"A pot of tea, a pack of cigarettes, and a game for a day……"

"I am recuperating at home now. I think my illness will be cured by the time I pass the customs."


The forums were full of such comments, and many videos for beginners were released, all to help new players get into the game.

The phrases"Where has the time gone?" and"One more round and I'll go to sleep" also became hot searches.

Players who had not yet purchased the game watched the videos because of the popularity of Civilization, and then they all bought the game one by one. Then, during their breaks, they also started to post some videos to get more people into the game...

In this way, the sales of Civilization were growing at a terrifying rate! The sales of

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" back then were already amazing, but compared to"Civilization", it was not worth mentioning!

At this time, many players also began to compare"Civilization" and"Three Kingdoms". Some people even recalled Fang Yun's words at that time:"I think"Three Kingdoms" is far from reaching the benchmark of the strategy game industry. I still have many ideas in my mind that have not been put into practice. It is really due to the limitation of manpower and time."

This sentence was said by Fang Yun at the game awards competition. At that time, there were judges who commented that"Three Kingdoms" was the benchmark of strategy games, and Fang Yun refuted this sentence. Now think about it, Fang Yun really didn't brag at that time!

Although"Three Kingdoms" also achieved great success at that time, there is one thing. Most of the players of"Three Kingdoms" are die-hard fans of strategy games, while"Civilization" is for all players, not just players who like strategy games. Even other players will be addicted to it after trying it!


Fang Yun had expected this scene a long time ago. There are reasons for the popularity of Civilization and Another Round. In Fang Yun's opinion, Civilization and Three Kingdoms are actually developing in completely different directions!

First of all, let's talk about the big project of strategy:

To be honest, strategy games are divided into two types: turn-based and real-time. Real-time games are RTS, which is the RTS in the past.《LOL》The rise and fall of such MOBA (Dota-like) games, of course, MOBA games not only affect RTS, but also turn-based strategy games.

When it comes to turn-based strategy games, we have to mention"King's Bounty", which later gradually developed into"Heroes of Might and Magic".》,《Although the Heroes of Might and Magic series reached its peak with Heroes of Might and Magic 3, its production company 3DO went bankrupt, and then the game was taken over by Ubisoft, and the full 3D Heroes of Might and Magic 5 was launched, but the sequels of the series still failed to return to their former glory.

《The same is true for"Romance of the Three Kingdoms". The entire series has a long history. The first version was released in 1985, but since"Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" in 2006, it has been on a downward slope.

These are all caused by the influence of MOBA.

《Civilization was born in 1991. The first version had more than ten civilizations. In that era when computer performance was not high, it attracted a large number of strategy game users with its grand world view and rich playability. It also pioneered the turn-based 4X game type for the first time. Since then, almost all turn-based strategy games have followed the principles it pioneered (expansion, economic development, scientific research, and defeating or annexing the enemy).

In his previous life, Fang Yun played"Dota" and《LOL》Influenced by Dota and League of Legends, Fang Yun knew that the direction of traditional real-time strategy games should be"simplification", but the traditional strategy game producers did not think so at that time.

In the wave of 3Dization, the systems of most games have become more and more complicated and more and more difficult to use.

The overly complex weapon construction and upgrade system of"Red Alert 3" often makes people feel dizzy.

The depth and complexity of traditional strategies are a disaster for real-time strategy games, but for turn-based games, it is the direction of success.

For a"civilization" with"dozens of centuries", it is even a small case, so"civilization" has become more and more popular in the wave of 3Dization. However, a large number of turn-based strategy games, like"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" once deviated from SLG (strategy games), went all the way in RPG, and most of them disappeared in the field of strategy games. So along the way,"Civilization" has become the pinnacle of turn-based strategy and even strategy games."

Romance of the Three Kingdoms" survived because of its reputation that has been sorted out for many years and the timely adjustments made later.

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