September 25th, cloudy.

The weather in the Magic City where Fang Yun is located has turned cloudy again, and it looks like a rainstorm is coming. The weather station has issued a rainstorm warning in advance.

Today is the day when Fang Yun completes the game!

"Senior! The game should be finished, right? Let's experience it now!"

The gloomy weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of the five people, and they rushed to Fang Yun's store early in the morning.

A few days ago, they each completed the design of the original painting, and then Fang Yun sent them all back, telling them to come directly on September 25 to experience the game.

"Senior Fang, you are so heartless and don’t recognize anyone!"---Zhang Xin

This is the best description of the five-member team at that time.

Unable to resist Fang Yun, the five people could only take the"salary" given by Fang Yun and go out to hang out.

Until today, the day when the game was completed, the five people gathered again in Fang Yun's experience store

"It's on the computer, you can open it and play with it yourself."

Fang Yun said vaguely while eating breakfast, and pointed to the computer in the experience area.

"Boss Fang, I'm here to try out the game, too!"

Then the door opened again, and Lu Ziming walked in.

"All on the computer, play by yourself."

Fang Yun said.

So, Lu Ziming sat next to Wang Yu and turned on the host. After turning on the computer, the desktop was very clean. In addition to the icons that came with the system, there was only one icon: Three Kingdoms!

"Is it the same name as in the history book? If the game is not well made, some players might say that the game does not deserve this name, right?"

Lu Ziming thought silently as he opened the game.

The game opened, the screen went black, and then the opening animation began. The overall style of the animation was ink painting style, and several important characters appeared in it. As the god of war Lu Bu used his Fang Tian Hua Ji to pick up three people, the screen froze.

"The opening animation is great, full of Chinese style, but it seems a little bit lacking?"

As the animation ended, Lu Ziming had this thought inexplicably popped up in his mind.

At that moment, Lu Ziming even suggested to Fang Yun that he should make animation or specialize in CG.……

"Damn, what are you thinking? This is a game, not an animation. Such a beautiful opening animation is already great... I can't ask for more.……"

Shaking his head, Lu Ziming temporarily put aside these"weird" ideas in his mind and focused on the game: the background is the same as the opening animation, the overall style is ink painting, and the options are still as simple as Fang Yun's mobile games, start the game, continue the game, create new generals, settings. Exit the game.

Five simple options, without any in-app purchase interface.

Click to start the game and enter another selection interface:

Please select the mode: 1. Hegemony mode 2. Single player mode.

Seeing this, Lu Ziming asked decisively:"Boss Fang, what are these two modes? Which mode is better for a novice to play first? And how should the difficulty be set?"

"These two modes are completely different. Players can choose according to their own preferences. In the hegemony mode, you directly control a faction. The player has a"God's perspective" and all the civil and military generals are the player's"chess pieces". No matter how the player plays, as long as he unifies the world in the end, he will win the game. As for the single-player mode,……"

Fang Yun paused for a moment and continued,"The protagonist of the single-player mode is you, which means you need to create a character, go to the city you want to go to, join the forces you like, start as a small official, and develop little by little until you unify the world."

"So, I'll start with the hegemony mode."

Lu Ziming thought about it and decided to start with the first mode. Compared with the individual mode, the hegemony mode attracted him more!

Click on the hegemony mode to enter the script selection interface: Yellow Turban Rebellion, Anti-Dong Zhuo United Army, Warlords' Separatism, Battle of Guandu, Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage, Liu Bei's Entry into Shu, Southern Barbarian Expedition, Heroes Gathering.

When Lu Ziming puts his mouse on the script, the plot introduction of the current script will appear.

Click on Warlords' Separatism, and then enter the page for selecting forces. After selecting a force, the game begins.

At the beginning, there is a detailed background introduction:

The first year of Han Xingping (Western In 194 AD, the situation of warlords' separatism began to change significantly.

Dong Zhuo, who once dominated the world, was assassinated by Lu Bu because he was obsessed with the peerless beauty Diao Chan.

Although Lu Bu immediately captured Chang'an, he was defeated by the counterattack of Li Jue and others and retreated, and turned his spearhead towards the Central Plains.

Cao Cao, who was attacked from behind, confronted Lu Bu in Yanzhou, and the duel between the two heroes was about to break out.

At this time, in Jiangdong, the young and energetic Sun Ce and his ally Zhou Yu began to actively expand their territory.

This was Sun Ce's ambition to fulfill his father Sun Jian who died young.

The first step of the world.

The challenge of the heroes has begun.

Lu Ziming chose the"Eastern Wu" faction where the little tyrant Sun Ce was located, and the base was Lujiang. After the start, he clicked on his own city, and the options of [Development] [Upgrade] [Recruitment] [Training] [Manufacturing] [Inspection] [Diplomacy] [Official Upgrade] appeared.

After clicking on each option, Lu Ziming basically understood the basic settings of the game: develop the city through development: farms can provide food and grass, markets can provide funds needed for construction and development, conscription offices can increase the number of conscriptions, and forges can produce different types of weapons: swords, guns, halberds, bows, cavalry, etc.

Of course, there are also buildings for upgrading technology, etc.

Generally speaking, it is a sequence of development-recruitment-training-punishment. Of course, diplomatic strategies are indispensable. The importance of diplomacy cannot be seen in the simple mode, but the importance of diplomacy in the non-simple mode is self-evident.

As he played, Lu Ziming became addicted to the game mechanism of"Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11". As long as you play it seriously, most people will be addicted to it!

"Damn, how come Cao Cao is so powerful? I conquered three cities with great difficulty, but now they are defeated just because I offended Cao Cao. I am back to the beginning of the game overnight... Why can't I defeat him with the same number of troops?……"

Lu Ziming muttered to himself while playing.

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