"Hey, it's almost two o'clock, why don't you go eat?"

At this time, Fang Yun patted Lu Ziming's shoulder.

"I want to eat, but Daye doesn't allow it! Isn't it waiting for me to support the Han Dynasty? Boss Fang, why don't you order takeout for me? Anything is fine. I'm not picky about food."

Lu Ziming stared at the screen with his eyes fixed, and said without raising his head.

"You should play games in moderation. You've heard the saying"too much is as bad as too little", right?"

Fang Yun continued to persuade him, completely forgetting that when he played this game, he would often wake up in the morning to play, and then look up to find that it was dark.……

"Senior Fang, what is the best way to match this type of soldiers? Why do my spearmen feel so weak?!"

Wang Yu, who was sitting next to him, saw Fang Yun and asked quickly.

In the original version of"Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11", there is a more abnormal type of soldiers - archers, with long range, powerful skills and continuous damage.

Of course, in Fang Yun's version, the strength of archers was naturally weakened, and other types of soldiers were slightly strengthened, except for sword soldiers...

Nonsense, swords are the default weapons. If you don't even want to spend money on forging weapons, how can you become stronger? Dream on...

Although krypton gold does not necessarily make you stronger, but if you don't krypton gold, you will definitely not be strong. The gold in the game is also gold!

Seeing that the five-member group and Lu Ziming were all concentrating on playing the game, Fang Yun could only take out his mobile phone to help them order a takeaway. He thought with some resentment in his heart:"Damn, I'm not a nanny. I haven't heard of other experience stores having the service of 'the boss helps the players personally order takeaways and call them to eat'. I really embarrassed the designers!"

Soon, the takeaway arrived, and Fang Yun forcibly stopped the six people and asked them to eat first before playing. While they were eating, Fang Yun was going to ask about their gaming experience. If there was anything inappropriate, Fang Yun would need to modify it immediately.

"Game experience? Very good, but the opening CG can only be given 80 points because it is too short! There are only two or three shots of each exciting battle, which is not enough to watch!"

"After getting familiar with the game settings, it feels very simple and strategic, but when you first start, it takes a long time to figure out what these functions do. I hope to add an introduction. The current introduction is still not very detailed, which made me build a lot of useless buildings in vain today.……"

"I think we can add a guide chapter directly, that is, a novice chapter... the kind that teaches players the basic operations."


"Yes, I think there should be a novice chapter in the personal mode. It took me a long time to figure out all the gameplay after I created my character.

Everyone expressed their opinions, hoping that Fang Yun could improve the novice guide.

"Well... since you all said so, I will add some new player guide content, but it is impossible to add all of them, because exploration is part of the game. If I tell you everything at the beginning, you may not remember it. The memory you have learned by yourself will be more profound."Fang Yun heard what they all said, thought for a while and said

"That’s true. If we increase it a little bit, I think it will be much better than it is now!"

"Well, I'll give the order now and ask them to revise it."

Fang Yun said, and called Zhao Hui in the other studio and told him the requirements. Zhao Hui replied quickly and said that these things would be done in a while.

This was also a mistake made by Fang Yun. After all, in his previous life, it was"Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" and"Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13"!

The whole series has been going on for a long time, and the players are basically familiar with the gameplay, but this world is different. It is the first time for the players to play this game. This is indeed what Fang Yun lacked consideration.

Not long after Lu Ziming and others had finished their meal, Zhao Hui had completed the revision and sent the revised version over.

"Okay, this has been modified. Don’t play this one for now, try the new one and tell me how it feels!"

"No, let me play this game today! I finally conquered two cities, but now I have to start from scratch again.……"

Several people looked reluctant

"Anyway, you will have to change to a new one sooner or later. If you change it early, your file can be preserved. If you don't change it, this file will be useless even if you unify the world."

"Okay...let's change it.……"

After several people turned off the game, Fang Yun overwrote the old game and replaced it with a new one.

The five people and Lu Ziming tried it out and felt that the novice guidance was much better than before, and they all expressed their satisfaction.

"In this case, we will officially start testing tomorrow!"

Fang Yun got the feedback, nodded, and opened Weibo.


The new game has been completed!

《The test of"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" will start tomorrow! Want to support the Han Dynasty? Come to the experience store to experience it!

Experience store address: Shanghai XXXXX sent!

"What? Fang Yun's new game is ready? What's it called?"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? Isn't that the name of a history book?"

"Fang Yun is really confident. He actually dares to call him by this name. Isn't he afraid that if he doesn't do a good job in playing the game, he will be criticized for this?"

"How long has it been? A few weeks? Fang Yun was able to complete a strategy game from design to production? Is this cheating?……"

"Fang Yun's experience store is actually in Shanghai? Why not in Beijing? This way I can go there tomorrow to experience it first 55555!"

"Great, I am from Shanghai, is there anyone who wants to go with me tomorrow? Let's go together to support the Han Dynasty!"

"Take me one and I'll go!"

""Me, me, me!"

Fang Yun's Weibo post naturally caused a huge backlash. The players still remembered the voting a few days ago. Before, he just posted a few original paintings to satisfy everyone's curiosity. Now the game is ready?

Even the three-second man is not as fast as you, Fang Yun!

The Internet was bustling, especially the players in Shanghai. Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China, and the number of players is terrifying. Now everyone is preparing to meet at Fang Yun's experience store. This is something Fang Yun had never thought of...

You know, even if Fang Yun's experience store added a batch of computers later, there were only 20 computers in the experience area.……


The next morning, Fang Yun yawned as he went downstairs to open the door and prepare for today's business and testing activities.

As soon as he raised the shutter door, Fang Yun was shocked by the scene outside: it was pitch black at first glance, and it was full of people!

At first glance, there were at least a hundred people waiting outside!

"What the hell? Is this a riot? How did the riot come to me?"

"Are you Fang Yun?!"

"Fang Yun, open the door quickly!"

"Open the door, open the door……"

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