The people in the front row outside saw the rolling door go up and saw a very young and handsome young man standing inside. They recognized him immediately.

"You are……"

"Didn’t you post on Weibo that the game experience officially started today? We are all players! We are here to experience the game! We are not bad people!"

"None of the bad guys said they were bad guys."

After hearing this, Fang Yun muttered, and then said loudly:"Players who come to experience the game, you have all seen that my store is not very big. Please line up in an orderly manner, otherwise it will be too chaotic and accidents will easily occur! I will open the door after everyone lines up!"

After hearing this, the players lined up in two long lines according to Fang Yun's requirements, and then Fang Yun opened the door.

The players filed in one after another. The first player who came in grabbed the computer seat without saying a word, and the players who came in later saw that there were no machines, so they sat on the sofa in the rest area. As for the players behind, they stood in the store noisily.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yun thought about it and decided to introduce a new rule:"Everyone listen to me!"

Fang Yun's voice rang out clearly in the noisy voice:

"I would like to apologize to everyone today.

There are only 20 machines in the experience area.

Due to the store, we cannot add too many.

I am very sorry for the players who came here so early in the morning.

I will post a Weibo later to explain the specific situation.

Now let me tell you the rules: Because there are too many players today, each person is limited to experiencing"Three Kingdoms" for one hour!

After one hour, please take the initiative to get off the machine and let another group of players experience it.




The players who had no machines to play said one after another.

The twenty players sitting in front of the computers had no objection. After all, with so many people coming, they would not occupy the machines for a long time even if Fang Yun did not say anything. First, there were so many people coming, and it would not be fun to occupy the machines for a long time and cause public outrage. Second, after all, they were"battle-hardened" players. What kind of strategy games had they not played? An hour of experience was more than enough!

I just don't know if they will still think so after an hour...

Seeing that all the players agreed, Fang Yun continued:"Still follow the previous team. Except for those who have already experienced the game, the rest of you please continue to line up."

After that, Fang Yun said to Qu Xiaoyi who was sandwiched in the crowd:"Xiaoyi, come and help me."

A path was cleared in the crowd, and Qu Xiaoyi finally stood in front of Fang Yun. He patted his chest with lingering fear:"Too many people came today. I was shocked when I came to work!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that. Go upstairs and print some numbers, starting from 1 and going up to 200, one number per piece of paper. Hurry up and bring them down to me!" Fang Yun smiled bitterly and continued to order.

""Okay." After saying that, Qu Xiaoyi ran upstairs.

Seeing that everyone had almost lined up, Fang Yun continued,"I will prepare some numbers in a while. Please collect them in the current order, and then follow the numbers when you experience it, twenty at a time. As for the players with lower numbers, they can choose to watch behind them or play mobile games in the rest area, or have breakfast and go out for a walk. Of course, remember to come back on time, otherwise it will be invalid if you don't come back."

The players had no objections. After a while, Qu Xiaoyi ran down with a stack of A4 paper with numbers printed on it. After Fang Yun distributed it to the remaining players one by one, many players dispersed.

Suddenly, the crowded hall became much emptier. Twenty players sat in the PC experience area to experience the game. There were three or four viewers behind each machine, and the rest area was a little deserted.

PC experience area:

"Shit, can someone tell me why my people were poached? Two of them have been poached, if more are poached, I will be the only lord of the whole city!"

"Damn, if you don’t reward your subordinates regularly, it would be strange if they are not poached!"

"Why did all these soldiers die on the way when I went to war?"

"That's because you didn't bring enough food and supplies for them. You're thinking of recruiting soldiers to go to war with such little food and supplies. Aren't you overthinking?"



The experience area was so good that Fang Yun felt like a whole vegetable market. Each machine and the players around it were a whole. The players who played the game asked questions, and the people watching around them discussed them enthusiastically.

Soon, an hour was over.

The players with numbers 1-20 got on the machine.

"Fang Yun, oh, no, Boss Fang, can you let me play for a little longer? I just figured out how to play!"

"Yes, Boss Fang, one hour of experience is not enough!"

The twenty players who were originally experiencing the game requested

"This won't work. There are so many players waiting behind. If you still want to play, you can wait for two days when there are fewer people. Besides, the game will be online soon. Wouldn't it be fun to play after you buy one?"

Fang Yun shook his head and directly rejected the requests of these players.


Seeing that Fang Yun had no intention of making concessions, the players could only get off the plane helplessly and replace them with another group of people.

The first group of experiencers did not leave either, because they were the first to experience the game, and they all stayed to help the newcomers answer their questions, and... take photos and post on Weibo!

"Today, I was lucky enough to be among the first to experience the first PC game by designer Fang Yun. The name is a bit cool, called"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"! Unfortunately, there were too many players who came to experience it, so I could only experience it for an hour. After this one-hour experience, I just want to ask Fang Yun: Boss Fang, can your game be launched tomorrow? I can't wait to go and support the Han Dynasty!"

At the same time, a photo of the crowded experience store was attached, but the players' avatars were blurred.

"After playing Fang Yun's game, I really found the fun of strategy games! You can't play this game without thinking! Although I only experienced the early stage of the game (due to time constraints), this game requires careful calculation of every step. I am a little too busy just managing this city. I really don't know what it will be like if I manage dozens of cities at the same time in the later stage. To this, I just want to say: civil servants of the country, you have worked hard!"

"The game is so much fun, highly recommended!"

"I was completely impressed by Fang Yun. How could such a fun and classic game be completed from conception to production in just three weeks? Could he really be an alien?"

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