All the 20 players who posted on Weibo were praising the game and expressing their curiosity and admiration for Fang Yun's brain.

An hour later, a new group of 20 people began to repeat the process...

Although Fang Yun didn't say a word,

"Is Fang Yun's"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" really fun?"This topic has already topped the hot search list!

The first few players who posted on Weibo were all asking about the details of the game. At first, these players were still enthusiastic about answering, but gradually they found that their typing speed could not keep up with the speed of others asking questions! The most important thing is that because they were typing and replying, they couldn't even watch other people experience the game properly!

"Don't ask, it's just for fun. From now on, I won't answer any questions. If you are curious, come and experience it yourself and you will know."

Twenty people discussed it and edited the above words into Weibo and sent it out.

Then they turned off the message notifications on Weibo, and some even turned off their phones and started to concentrate on"watching" others play games.……

""Boss, it looks like the response is very good. I really don't know where you got all these ideas from. The combination of these arms, the bonds between the generals, and even the various rhetoric and strategies, I've never seen so many elements integrated into a strategy game!"

Qu Xiaoyi and Fang Yun sat together at the front desk, each holding a cup of milk tea in their hands. Looking at the players having fun, Qu Xiaoyi couldn't help but sighed.

"Fortunately, the main reason is that I like that period of history very much. I have read all the official history, unofficial history, and even the novel many times, and many of the characters are so familiar to me that the setting is actually much simpler. I only need to integrate some novels and unofficial history on the basis of restoring the big history, and then add some gameplay elements to do it."

Fang Yun took a sip of milk tea and explained.

Fang Yun was not lying.

Although Fang Yun in this world was not interested in history, Fang Yun in the original world had a very deep understanding of the Three Kingdoms.

He had been influenced by Yi Zhongtian's Three Kingdoms since he was a child, and had read many history books, not to mention Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

In addition to the influence of games in his previous life: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Total War - Three Kingdoms, Heroes of the Three Kingdoms, etc.

, which were either classics or masterpieces, Fang Yun's understanding of the Three Kingdoms was one of the best among his peers.

Fang Yun could have anticipated the game's hot sales after it was launched. What he was worried about now was another problem: if so many players came every day in the next few days, his store would not be enough, but if he considered changing places, it would be too much of a loss. There was only one game called Romance of the Three Kingdoms on the PC side, and a big reason for its popularity this time was that it had been hyped up on the Internet before.

The reason for the popularity was of course the support of"peers". The support, coupled with the interest of players aroused by two successful mobile games, and Fang Yun's stroke of genius: voting. It has triggered an undue level of enthusiasm.

This is why there are so many people coming to experience it now.

After the game is launched,"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is essentially a stand-alone game.

After people buy it, most of them will just stay at home and play it.

It is not realistic for Fang Yun to change to a larger experience store now: 1.

It takes time to find and decorate, and 2.

After the game is launched, the experience store will definitely be deserted.

Although there will not be no one, it will be difficult to see such a grand occasion as now.

After thinking about it, Fang Yun decided to do it like today for the next few days.

People who come will line up to get a number, and each person will have one hour of experience time.

The matter of changing the experience store will be discussed when a real masterpiece comes out.

Because there are too many players today, Fang Yun, who originally closed at seven o'clock every night, had to wait until ten o'clock today to close the door. Fang Yun, who locked the door, was considering a new problem:

"Should I start charging?"

As for charging, people in this industry just follow the crowd.

Some studios' experience stores are completely free, and they only charge for"drinks and snacks", while some studios adopt a charging system.

The reason why Fang Yun offered it for free in the beginning was very simple: because the machines in the experience store only have games produced by the studio, especially for a newcomer like him who is just starting out, there are simply not that many games for everyone to play, and charging would be too much of a rip-off...

But if the next event is as grand as today, Boss Fang did a simple calculation:"Damn, after rounding it off, I've lost 100 million!"

But in the end, Fang Yun still chose to offer it for free. The reason is simple. The current popularity is quite bubble-like, and taking this opportunity to build a good reputation is the most important thing.

Moreover, with so few machines, you really can't make much money by charging. When there are more games in the future, move to a bigger place and start charging, hehe……


After the promotion by players who experienced the game today, there has been a wave of team formation on the Internet:

"Hey guys, are there any of you going to Fang Yun's place to play the new game tomorrow? Can we form a team together?"

"Take me one, bro!"

"Can this little brother take me with him? I have a poor sense of direction.……"

"Girl? Of course you can!"

"Get out of here, I’m a real man!"

"Depend on……"


The next day, the number of players who came to Fang Yun to experience the game did not decrease at all. Fortunately, Fang Yun had already prepared and let the players line up in front of the door. After distributing the numbers, he let people in. The players who were in the back saw that there was still a long time, so they left first. This continued for many days, and time soon came to the 30th.

Fang Yun did not start the test on this day. He had already posted this news on Weibo two days ago. Today, Fang Yun needs to prepare for the launch of the game. It will be launched on time tomorrow morning. At the same time, tomorrow is the day when the competition begins!

Here we need to talk about the rules of the competition: it is not based on the sales of the game, but on going to the scene, and it is decided by the players and the judges. The judges will of course evaluate and score based on professionalism, and the players are responsible for the experience and give the game an"experience score". The combination of the two is the final result of this work.

As for the player's experience score, it is not that the player can score as much as he wants, but it is determined by"the length of time the player plays a game within a certain period of time."

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