For example: 1,000 players have one hour of experience time. There are 10 games ready in the computer. The score of each game is the sum of the time the players play the game. In other words, the longer the players play the game, the higher the score of the game.

Then the judges will give their evaluation based on the picture, animation, game mechanism and so on, and finally give a score. Then refer to the"scores" of the players to finally decide who will be the top three in the competition.

As for whether there will be cheating in this process? Fang Yun estimates that there will be, but there shouldn't be many, as there will be as many as 3,000 players on site to experience it! Fang Yun believes that no company can buy off so many players at once, and buying off one or two hundred is already the limit.

Just then, Lu Ziming walked in.

"Boss Fang, you have to be careful when you compete! I heard that one of the judges has a very good relationship with Sky Interactive Entertainment. He may target you and suppress your game to improve the status of Sky Interactive Entertainment's game."Lu

Ziming directly brought such explosive news

"It's okay, I've thought about it a long time ago, one or two people is still fine, as long as not all the judges are blind, anyone with understanding can see it."Fang Yun didn't care

"That won't happen. After all, this is a large-scale competition held by the Design Committee once a year. Even if it is the three major companies, it is the limit of their ability to place one or two people. They don't have the ability to bribe more people, and if they are discovered, it will be the three major companies that will be in trouble."

At this time, the five-member team also walked in. As soon as they entered the door, Zhang Xin shouted:

"Senior Fang, we will also go to tomorrow's game, and we will definitely play your game throughout the whole process, so don't worry!"

"That's not the case. I suggest you play more and choose your favorite game. Maybe tomorrow there will be a game that is more fun than mine."

"A game that is more fun than"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? Forget it! Look at the current domestic strategy games, all of them are rubbish. No big company has ever paid attention to this field, and small companies or studios are not capable of making good games. Oh, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about other studios."

"Zhang Xin is right.

Moreover, the content of the competition is only announced two months in advance each year.

Although the time range of the collection is relatively long, there won't be many high-quality works for such a niche theme.

Even if it is a big company, it would be good if it can produce a work that is above the passing line in two months of temporary production.

As far as I know, there are no senior designers who are particularly good at strategy games in the three major companies.


Lu Ziming nodded and added in agreement

"So the purpose of your coming here today is to tell me this?"

"Hehe, of course not. Isn't the experience suspended today? It just so happens that the machines are free, let us play? Anyway, they are free. There were so many people a few days ago that we couldn't get a queue even if we wanted to play."

Lu Ziming smiled and explained his real intention, and the five people on the side nodded in agreement.

""Okay, go have fun, but I'll close early today because I have to get up early tomorrow to go to the venue. By the way, Xiaoyi, you can take a day off tomorrow. You don't need to bring anyone to the competition this time. I can do it alone, and the experience store doesn't need to open."

Fang Yun nodded and said

"That's perfect, Xiaoyi can go to the venue with us tomorrow! We still have a ticket in our hands, which was left to me by one of my roommates who had something to do and couldn't go."

Zhang Xin said immediately after hearing this.

"You decide for yourselves. I'm going to work upstairs first and do a final check on the game." Fang Yun said, and went straight to the second floor.

After carefully checking the game and finding no bugs, Fang Yun turned off the computer and leaned back in a chair to rest. Next, he just had to wait for tomorrow's game.


The next day, Fang Yun took a taxi and went out early in the morning. Although he had a lot of money now, he had no intention of buying a car. The reason was very simple - as a homeboy, did he need to buy a car, a tool full of instant meaning?

After rushing to the venue and passing the verification, the time was just right.

The venue for this competition happened to be in Shanghai, which saved Fang Yun a lot of trouble.

The venue was in a convention and exhibition center.

On weekends, some fan meetings and comic exhibitions were held here.

While there was nothing to do now, Fang Yun sneaked into the venue and wandered around.

He found that the originally empty venue was now full of computers.

Although technology is now advanced and the overall price of computers has dropped, it is still quite spectacular to see 3,000 computers gathered in different areas at once.

After all, even large Internet cafes don’t have so many machines!

At this time, the staff was operating the host to upload games to 3,000 computers. Fang Yun walked over and took a look and found that there were a total of 12 games including his!

One of them was exactly the same as his, called:"Three Kingdoms War", and the designer was Zhang Shun, an intermediate game designer under Emperor Penguin.

After looking at the names of other works and designers, Fang Yun found that, except for him, the other 11 designers were all intermediate designers, and he was the only one who was a junior.

Fang Yun could roughly think of the reasons for coming here to participate in the competition: first, he hoped to become famous in one fell swoop, or it was the company's requirement.

The second point is also very important.

The designers who won the top three in this competition will be exempted from the designer promotion assessment and directly promoted to a higher level!

There are only 12 people participating in the competition, and the probability of winning the top three is still not small, especially when the opponents are the same as themselves. These 11 intermediate designers probably have such thoughts in their hearts.

After all, the assessment of designers is still relatively rare. If they can be promoted, they must have been promoted long ago. No one would be so stupid as not to upgrade their professional title.

At this time, the staff came and called Fang Yun back to the backstage. The game was about to start, and the players began to enter the venue. Designers were not allowed to move around in the exhibition area on such occasions.

Soon, the players entered the venue, and each player would have a fixed seat, and they only needed to sit according to the number on the ticket.

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