Then Wang Yu reached out and pinched Zhang Xin hard.

"Hiss! Damn, you really want to make a fool of yourself?! I was just saying it, I never thought that Senior Fang's game would actually make history! Do you think he was possessed by aliens? This is his first PC game, and the most important thing is that he has never been involved in strategy games before. How could he come up with such a game that broke the history in less than a month?!"

"Who should I ask if you ask me? How should I know?"

"Senior Fang is really making a game that sells well? It seems that Fang Yun's name will appear on the PC platform sales chart for the first time this month! Although strategy games are not a very popular genre."

While the seven people were discussing, the surrounding players also began to discuss the details of the game:

"I have to say, this game is really fun. The character modeling of the game, especially the character modeling in the personal mode, is really great! Whether it is those beauties���He is a tough guy, and his modeling is very ancient! I played the personal mode for three hours and didn't even see a duplicate character model in it!"

"What is this? I was playing the Contest mode, and when I looked at the list of generals, I found that there were more than 750 generals! 750! Have you ever heard of so many generals in the Three Kingdoms? And as far as I know, these generals are all historical figures! Of course, some of them are also characters in the novel."

"So this is where Fang Yun is so powerful. Nothing to say, just one word: I surrender!"

"I think the game is already online? No, I want to buy it now!"

"Buy, buy, buy! How can we be worthy of the Han Dynasty if we don’t buy?"

"You're right, buy it!"


Although the host was still on stage, the seven judges were also evaluating the production of the next six games in order. But the players were no longer paying attention to these. Because there was basically no doubt about the top three.

Fang Yun. With an absolute lead, he won the championship of this [National Style Strategy Game Awards]!

The players were all discussing Fang Yun's record-breaking!

The judges seemed to be aware of this, and the evaluations of the next six games were much simpler. After briefly stating the pros and cons, they gave scores.

The highest score was the game designed by Zhang Zhaolin of E-net Games, and the judges scored it 42 points. His game time ranked second, with a total time of 62,148 minutes and a score of 37 points. The total score was 79 points.

Compared with these games, the other five games are all rotten fish and shrimp, not worth mentioning.

The scoring session is officially over!

The host cleared his throat and said,"Please be quiet, players! I know everyone is excited to witness a new record. But the next part is for our top three winners to give their acceptance speeches! And after they finish their speeches, players will be randomly selected to ask questions to the three of them! Those who want to ask questions can think about the content of the questions now!"

"Besides, I am also curious about what kind of speech Fang Yun, the designer of the game"Romance of the Three Kingdoms", will give us? Now, please welcome these three designers to the stage!"

Fang Yun, Qi Pa, and Qian Li, who had received the notice in the backstage, lined up and walked onto the stage amid the"congratulations" of the remaining nine people.

The host began to introduce the names of the three designers and their previous works. Of course, starting from the third place

"The third place winner is Qian Li, the designer of"Wulin Mengzhu"! Qian Li is an independent game designer who focuses on the production of strategy PC games. He has launched many popular strategy games. Now, please invite him to the stage to speak!"

"Thanks to the Designers Committee for hosting this competition……"After a long speech of thanks, Qian Li walked down from the makeshift"podium""

"Next is the second place designer: Qipa! He is also an intermediate game designer, and previously focused on the design and production of mobile games. Two years ago, he transformed into a PC game designer. And he has also achieved some success. Today, the game he designed has once again been a success! Let us congratulate Qipa here! Now, please let Qipa come up and speak

"Well, thanks to all the players for their support. Thanks to Sky Interactive Entertainment for training me! When I was designing this game, Sky Interactive Entertainment gave me a lot of help, and many designers gave me advice. That's why I was able to design such a game. I am very grateful for their help here! I also thank the Designer Committee for providing such a great competition platform. Thank you!"

"Next is today's protagonist: Fang Yun! He just became a junior game designer a month ago and is a freshly graduated college student. He designed the recently popular mobile games:"Fruit Ninja" and"Temple Run". Two classic mobile games. And the types are very different but both have been successful. Now, he has begun to switch to the PC side. This first PC strategy game:"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" can be said to have been a great success. Now, please let Fang Yun come up and speak!"

"Hmm... let me think about what to say... Thank you all for your support!"

"I would also like to thank Sky Interactive Entertainment for giving me a recommended spot on the homepage of a game!

Fang Yun's speech caused a big laugh among the players below. This time Sky Interactive Entertainment was completely screwed. Who would have thought that Fang Yun's game performance would be so good?! Then many players rushed to ask Fang Yun how he designed this game.

"How did you design it? I just copied the strategy game in my mind: every move of the player needs to be thought through, and every choice will have a greater or lesser impact on the development of their own forces. This is more realistic and closer to our real life. This is the strategy game in my mind."

Speaking of this, Fang Yun paused, looked at the players'"Are you kidding me" expressions, and continued to talk to himself:

"Why did I choose the Three Kingdoms theme? It’s because I am familiar with this period of history and I am very interested in it.

In addition, I saw the notice of the competition quite late, so I could only make the game with what I am familiar with.

As for what the judges just said, that it will become a benchmark in the strategy game industry, I think"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is far from achieving that!

I still have a lot of ideas in my mind that have not been put into practice, because of the limitation of manpower and time, so I apologize to everyone here, I'm sorry!


Then Fang Yun bowed to the players and walked down the podium.

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