"What? Fang Yun said he has more strategic ideas in his mind? Do you believe it?"


"Are you kidding me? In my opinion, Romance of the Three Kingdoms represents the pinnacle of strategy games, and now you tell me it's still far from that? Are you bullying me for being short-sighted or something?!"

"Is this bragging or self-confidence?"

When the players heard Fang Yun's final remarks, they were all in an uproar!

Even several judges had expressions of disbelief on their faces. Except for one of the judges, the other six judges unanimously believed that"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" had reached a benchmark, but Fang Yun's remarks seemed to be a slap in their faces?

"Ahem, the speech by designer Fang Yun... is really... quite shocking! Since Fang Yun has said that he has even better and more ideas in his mind, let's all look forward to it together!"

"Congratulations to the three designers in advance. They can be exempted from the assessment for promotion. If I remember correctly, Fang Yun Design���This is another record, right? If I remember correctly, the fastest time for a junior designer to be promoted to an intermediate game designer is half a year, but Fang Yun's promotion took only one month! Let's applaud the three designers again! I hope he can bring better and more games to our players in the future!"

【Ding! Mission completed, mission rewards have been issued, please check! 】

Just then, the system sent the good news that the mission was completed!

"Next, we will start the question-and-answer session. If you want to ask questions, you can click the 'Ask' option on your computer. We will randomly select a few players to ask questions on the spot!"

After a while, the first player was selected.

Asked:"Fang Yun, since you just said that? Then your next game is still a strategy game, right? Are you going to use all the ideas in your mind this time?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure yet, but it's probably not a strategy game. I want to try other types of games."

"Other types?"

"Well, the specific type has not been decided yet, we will talk about it later."

During the questioning session, 80% of the players were asking Fang Yun questions. Some asked Fang Yun about his next game, some asked if Fang Yun had a girlfriend, and some even asked if Fang Yun was gay...

The entire competition was broadcast live on the Internet. Although the live broadcast started in the afternoon, a large number of players still gathered online and in front of the TV. After seeing Fang Yun's amazing data displayed on the screen, the Internet was already in an uproar. After listening to the judges' comments, players who were interested in strategy games or not opened the game market and bought this masterpiece that the judges and players on the scene said.

It is worth mentioning that Fang Yun's price for this PC game is not very high, only 88 yuan! This is undoubtedly a very conscientious price for games on PC that cost one or two hundred yuan.

And the players who saw the price also expressed high praise for this:

"Although Fang Yun often does some weird things to mess with us, I have to say that his game is really conscientious."

"《Fruit Ninja and Temple Run are not to be mentioned. Although the game has in-app purchases, you can play it well without buying them. The price of the game is also very low! Moreover, this one, which seems to be a masterpiece, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, is priced at only 98 yuan, and even includes later updates!"

"I just checked out the"Martial Arts Supreme" by that weird guy from Sky Interactive Entertainment, which was also launched today, and the price is 168?! With this money, I can buy two"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"!"

"The news that"Romance of the Three Kingdoms is only 88 yuan" successfully topped the Weibo hot search list of the day. Players were praising Fangyan's conscience.

When Fang Yun, who had dinner with the judges and other participating designers, saw these comments on Weibo on his way home, he laughed.

"You really think too much. Now is just the stage of expanding the leek field and cultivating leeks. When you leeks grow and mature, that's when I will start!"


that's true, and there is one thing he didn't mention.

It's not that he doesn't want to make in-app purchases for these three games, but there is really no in-app purchases to make.

Moreover, as a stand-alone game,"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" will still feel fun when you play it through after spending dozens of hours.

But in fact, the content of the game is so much.

Even when the game reaches the later stage, you will feel a little bored.

The most fun part of this game is the early stage: the period of development on thin ice, and it really comes to the later stage.

In game terms, it's F2+A.

That's why Fang Yun priced it at 88 yuan, and he doesn't plan to set a particularly high price for future games. Money can be earned from other places! The pricing of the game must make the leeks feel conscientious!


Sky Interactive Entertainment, Chairman's Office:

Wang Lin was sitting at his desk, looking at the computer on the desk with a gloomy face. The computer was replaying the situation of today's competition!

Just now, someone from the Design Committee called him and asked him to"pay attention". As for what to pay attention to, of course, it was because a judge was"bribed" for today's competition.

Fortunately, this judge only gave a low score to Fang Yun, and treated other designers equally. In addition, the final result did not affect the overall situation, so the committee only issued a warning and deducted money.

Originally, Wang Lin did not pay attention to today's competition. He just arranged things and then ignored it. Unexpectedly, he failed. Then he turned on the computer to look at the situation of today's competition. The more he looked, the worse his face became!

At this moment, his assistant came in:

"Chairman, our plan against Fang Yun failed. We didn’t expect his game score to be so high. We also invited more than 200 players to play our game. We just confirmed that they were playing our game for three hours. But we didn’t expect so many players to play Fang Yun’s game. Seeing that the chairman didn’t speak for a long time and his face was gloomy, the assistant was also a little uneasy. At this time, Wang Lin spoke:

"I already know about this matter, so let's just leave it at that for now. By the way, we should announce our flagship game this year during the National Day holiday. How is the design and production of Kong Lin going?"

"It's basically finished, and we're currently doing internal testing. The name has also been decided, it's called"Battlefield", a real-time strategy game, and we can announce the news after testing it in the next two days." said the assistant.

""Okay, test it as soon as possible. We'll announce the news during the National Day holiday. Okay, you go down first."

The assistant nodded, turned and walked out, closing the door. Wang Lin was the only one left in the room, thinking alone with a gloomy face.

"Fang Yun, ah Fang Yun, you seem to be a capable person, but it's a pity that I can't use you. I need to adjust my strategy."


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