Real-time strategy games in this world. Fang Yun has not yet learned about them in detail, and only knows that RTS games produced in the West are more popular than domestic ones. The reason is very simple. Foreign countries have more elements of magic or science fiction. Domestic ones either imitate foreign science fiction; or make their own domestic martial arts or history. In terms of science fiction, how can imitation compare to the birthplace of others?

Then, the big companies in the West that originally made RTS games are now focusing on VR games, resulting in the overall slump of RTS games. People don’t want to play domestic games after playing them for a few days, and there are no new works abroad, resulting in RTS diehard fans still playing games from several years ago.

Therefore, this domestic RTS is actually a weak project, and there are actually no strong projects in China... This can be seen from the fact that the highest level of the designer committee can only be evaluated as a senior game designer.

Therefore, these domestic RTS game design"masters" are actually the tallest among the short ones, and they are forced to���Compared with the real masters abroad, the name is really not worth mentioning.

This is also the reason why Fang Yun doesn't know much about the designer Kong Lin. After all, he is too weak.

"So what game are you playing now?"

Fang Yun asked

"Now? Most of us RTS players are playing War Alert, produced by Hurricane Company in the United States. Although there are basically one or two RTS games launched in China every year, we usually only play them for about a month, and eventually we will go back to play War Alert. Domestic productions always feel weird."

Lu Ziming said

"《War Alert, I know, the highlight of this game is its operability, it is a game that tests operational ability, but it seems a bit old, right? If I remember correctly, it has been online for six years."

Fang Yun had an impression in his mind

"Yes, it’s been six years, and we don’t want to play it anymore. The problem is that nothing more fun has appeared, so we can only go back to play this one."

Lu Ziming said helplessly.

Fang Yun had been chatting with Lu Ziming about RTS games all day. Fang Yun mainly talked about"industry" issues, while Lu Ziming was telling Fang Yun about their players' feelings. Fang

Yun's"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" had been online for three days. As early as the second day, when Fang Yun and Lu Ziming were chatting, his"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" had already made it to the PC game best-selling list, and successfully became the number one"recently best-selling" game!

Today,"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has sold 1.9 million copies! It has successfully made it to the annual best-selling list of PC games! Of course, the ranking It is not very high at the moment, only in the 60s.

And judging from the current situation, it seems that this is another masterpiece that can hit the top three of the rankings!

However, troubles always seem to find Fang Yun.

Fang Yun wanted to be idle for a few days, sitting in the experience store drinking tea, chatting with the players who came to experience, and flirting with the school girls who came to play (after all, the store is next to the university)...

On this day, Fang Yun was sitting at the front desk, holding a can of fat otaku happy water and drinking it with a straw, pretending to be in deep thought so as not to be disturbed by others while he was enjoying the happy water. Qu Xiaoyi, who was sitting next to him, suddenly patted him on the shoulder:

"Boss, please check Weibo. Kong Lin, the person you and Lu Ziming were discussing a few days ago, posted a Weibo targeting you!"

"?"Fang Yun was a little surprised. He took the phone from Qu Xiaoyi and looked at it carefully. The content of the Weibo post was as follows:

The real-time strategy game"Battlefield" is about to be launched. Players are requested to support this flagship work of Sky Interactive Entertainment!

Previously, many players on the Internet called on some designers to adapt a game and turn it into an RTS game. I think that when"Battlefield" is officially launched, these voices should stop!

What's more, RTS games are really not that easy to design. Although there is no need to conceive a plot, the balance of values is the biggest problem of RTS games. It can be said that the values of RTS games are the most difficult to make in all types of games! There are very few designers who can really do this well, not to mention some new designers.

I am not good at any publicity, unlike some people who make a lot of noise when they vote. I just hope that everyone will like the"Battlefield" I designed when it is launched.

This Weibo post is full of ridicule at a glance!

It's just short of saying by name: Fang Yun, you are a newcomer, you are not qualified enough, you are not experienced enough, and you can't make a real-time strategy game that focuses on numerical balance!

However, some of what Kong Lin said was true. In RTS games, which are player-versus-player games, it is really difficult to balance the values of each faction and each type of soldier. A mistake may cause a certain race or country to become particularly powerful, and then all players will choose this race or country, which will greatly shorten the life of the game and eventually lead to countless negative reviews.

This is also the reason why in Fang Yun’s previous life, after some RTS games were launched, game companies would often make version adjustments.

"Damn, are you sick? Just promote your own game, why do you have to involve me?"

Fang Yun was depressed.

"Could it be that Sky Interactive Entertainment is behind this? Haven't they been targeting you, the boss, before? This time, they are taking advantage of the launch of their flagship game to target you as revenge for the previous one?"

Qu Xiaoyi analyzed.

Fang Yun thought about it carefully and realized that it was really possible. It was said that Wang Lin, the boss of Sky Interactive Entertainment, didn't seem to be a generous person. His previous actions against him in the competition were unsuccessful. Could this be another action of his?

However, this time, Fang Yun really misunderstood Wang Lin. Wang Lin didn't make these decisions at all. This was entirely the behavior of Kong Lin alone.

The reason why Kong Lin was strongly recommended by Sky Interactive Entertainment was not as Lu Ziming had guessed before. He was not a relative of the boss Wang Lin, but he was very good at flattering. In addition, in terms of ability, he was indeed quite good in China, so Sky Interactive Entertainment would continue to spend resources on him.

Many designers in Sky Interactive Entertainment knew about Fang Yun's affairs before, but Kong Lin couldn't find an opportunity. Now that his new game is about to be launched, he took this opportunity to flatter the boss, but he didn't expect that this time he seemed to have hit the horse's leg...

Soon, the comments under Kong Lin's Weibo were full:

"The numerical values between the arms in Fang Yun's"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" are very good, and each arm has its role. Why do you say that he can't make an excellent RTS game?"

"Didn't Fang Yun just refuse to join Sky Interactive Entertainment? Why are you targeting him? Are you really not going to give newcomers a chance to survive?"

"The above, Fang Yun is no longer a newcomer. If Fang Yun is still a newcomer, what do you think of these"old hands"? How many"old hands" have achieved the results that Fang Yun has now?"

"Other people’s works can get 97 points in the competition, can your"Battlefield" do the same?"

"Fang Yun, someone is mocking you, come and fight back! @方云"

"Kong Lin, isn't this the same designer who changes the soup but not the substance every year? He just changes the model of the same thing and continues to release it online? How dare you mock others? I really don't know how you got the title of senior designer. In my opinion, the intermediate level is the best!"


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