With this Weibo post, Kong Lin became famous, and the popularity of the game"Battlefield" also increased.

Of course, this popularity is definitely not positive, but no matter what, he did become popular, and even Fang Yun, whose popularity has not subsided, was involved.

Fang Yun was completely caught in the crossfire this time. Not long after Kong Lin posted the Weibo, Fang Yun's Weibo received a large number of private messages, all asking him to stand up and express his position (fight back).

Fang Yun was indeed a little angry this time. He was just being targeted last time, after all, he refused to join them, and his tone was not particularly good. Now it's really endless? If I don't teach him a lesson, he will really get ahead of himself?

Without rushing to post a Weibo to fight back, Mr. Fang Yun went upstairs.

As for what he was going to do, of course he was going to check the system!

He went to his bedroom on the second floor and checked his current points. After nearly a month, although the sales of"Fruit Ninja" and"Temple Run" have declined a bit, he still accumulated a full 570,000 points! In addition, the recently launched"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has sold 2.9 million copies in three days, and each copy costs 88 yuan, which is 1,672,000 points! A total of 1.67 million points! Add to that the 150,000 points rewarded from the previous task.

So, Fang Yun's total points are now as much as 2.39 million!!

"Damn! So many points! It seems that it should not be difficult to carry out this plan. Let's take a look at the specific exchange price first."

I took a look at the exchange points of [Large RTS Game Production Team]: 3.2 million!

"WTF? Why is it so expensive? I thought I had enough points now, but I still missed by nearly a third……"

"And this doesn't even count the main storyline! If all the stories are exchanged, I will get a lot of points, but fortunately I have a temporary memory enhancement potion, which should allow me to recall some details of the storyline."

Fang Yun checked the price of the story exchange again, and was shocked by the long string of zeros on it. It was even more expensive than the production team!

Originally, Fang Yun's plan was to take this opportunity to directly launch"Warcraft" and then announce the official opening of the Azeroth universe, but after looking at the price, Fang Yun decisively admitted defeat. Confused by the points, Fang Yun could only settle for the second best and choose"Starcraft", which has a much less plot than"World of Warcraft"!

Of course, there is no need to say much about the classics of Azeroth, but"Starcraft" is not much inferior to"World of Warcraft"!

Then, Fang Yun decided to draw the lottery first!

The rewards for completing the previous tasks have been issued. Fang Yun can now do one high-level ten-draw and three low-level ten-draws!

"System, complete thirty low-level draws at once!"

【Drawing...Drawing completed!

Fang Yun quickly flipped through the 30"cards":

Memory Enhancement Potion (temporary)*6, Physical Enhancement Potion*3, Health Potion*1; Efficiency Potion*2;"Fate: Staynight" plot fragments*8,"Assassin's Creed" plot fragment*1,"Starcraft" plot fragment*1,"Warcraft" plot fragment*2,"Dark Souls" plot fragment*1,"The Elder Scrolls" plot fragment*1,"Borderlands" plot fragment*4.

The drawing is complete, the number of plot fragments accounts for a large part, but it is a bit scattered, and it takes a long time to save before it can be exchanged. Fang Yun now has two more plot fragments:

《There are a total of 13 plot fragments in"Fate:staynight"!

《There are 5 plot fragments of"StarCraft"!

"System, do I have to collect all the fragments before I can redeem them?" Fang Yun asked

【You don't need to collect all of them. You can use the mode of fragments + points to redeem the complete plot. If the host remembers a certain plot, please write it down. The system will convert it into plot fragments according to the amount and importance of the plot, and then add points to complete the plot. 】

The system responds quickly

"That's fine, so I'll start working first. I'll use the memory enhancement potion to help me recall the plot these days, and then I'll redeem it directly.

Fang Yun thought about it and decided to make"StarCraft"!

Open Weibo and edit the content:

New game trailer!

Game name:"StarCraft》(《StarCraft)

Game category: real-time strategy!

Online time: this year.



【Mission: Use StarCraft to beat Battlefield》!】

【Mission rewards: 1 high-level 10-draw combo, 2 low-level 10-draw combos, 10,000 points】

【Penalty for failure: deduct the existing small strategy production team!】

【Note: This task is the last novice task. The system will no longer issue any mandatory tasks. All tasks must be actively collected by the host from the system!】

"The last mandatory task? Does this mean I am finally leaving the novice stage?"

Fang Yun looked at the task prompt and couldn't help but think

"Damn, only after I have completed StarCraft can I be considered to have completed the novice village? When I have completed my equipment, do I have to restore all the masterpieces?"

"System, advanced 10-draw combo is now available!"

【Extracting...extraction completed! 】

Reaction Enhancement Potion*3, Memory Enhancement (Short-term) Potion 3 Pack*2, Memory Enhancement Potion*1, Efficiency Potion 3 Pack*1,"Fate: Staynight" Story Fragment 5 Pack*1, Illustrator*1, Director*1

"Wait, I understand what you mean by illustrator, but what is that director? I make games, not movies, okay?!!!"

Fang Yun was quite happy to see the"several packs" of potions in front, especially the reaction-enhancing potion, which was what Fang Yun had been looking forward to before, and could make him a high-level player!

But when he saw the director at the end, Fang Yun felt sick

【The director can be responsible for the control of CG production, plot animation, and related derivative film and animation.

The system quickly gives an explanation.

"? ? You mean you want me to turn the company into a film studio? Yunmeng Film Studio?"

【That's what you said, the system didn't say that】

"……You didn't say it, but you did it!"

【The illustrator and director will arrive in 30 seconds, please be ready】


Fang Yun hurried downstairs.

PS: Happy National Day to everyone! There will be five or six chapters updated today. Tomorrow I have to go out of town to attend a classmate's wedding, so I will update a few chapters in advance today, and the update will resume as normal the day after tomorrow!

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