Just now when he got to this point, Fang Yun suddenly stopped talking.

"What happened to the origin of the human race? Tell me!"

"The storyteller needs a drink of water, right? Can you help me get a glass of water? It's just right for me to organize my words.

Fang Yun rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Soon, the tea was ready, and Fang Yun organized his words and officially began to speak:"The human race that appeared here is actually not the orthodox human race. They are a group of humans who were exiled from the earth and settled on a distant planet and multiplied. They were originally under the leadership of a dark, corrupt, and dictatorial alliance. This is the origin of this group of human race."

"As for the Zerg, before we talk about the Zerg, we have to talk about another race first.

I call them the"Protoss" because they are creatures of pure spirit and pure energy.

The Protoss were created, and the creator was the"Xel'naga".

The Xel'naga are peaceful and seek welfare for other races.

Their only goal is to study and reproduce higher intelligent life in the universe.

All the Xel'naga are obsessed with creating a perfect life form.

Thousands of years later, the Xel'naga created a kind of Protoss composed of pure energy and spirit.

They placed these life forms on a planet called"Air" to study their development.

Although the Protoss made rapid progress in scientific and technological research and social civilization, the entire Protoss group was divided under the serious dogma, which made the Xel'naga who created and studied them very disappointed.


"So, the Celnagas gave up the Protoss and created pure material life - the Zerg, and concentrated all the wisdom of these Zerg on a few individuals, so that the Zerg would not split up like the Protoss.

The leader of the Zerg, the collective of wisdom - the Overmind, noticed the existence of the Celnagas when it devoured other life forms in order to evolve, so it commanded the Zerg to eliminate the Celnagas and learned about the existence of the Protoss.

At the same time, they also began to expand rapidly in the universe.


"Well... this is the origin of the three races, roughly like this."

Fang Yun finished speaking and took a sip of water.

"Then what?"

"Then what?"

"When the Zerg expanded, they fought with the Protoss and the Terrans? Did all the Celnagas die? And how did the woman in your painting become a Zerg? You haven't even told me that yet!"

Lu Ziming said

"Who said I should tell you now? These are all stories, and they all involve the main plot. I haven't finished them yet, so how can I tell you all of them now? Besides, don't other RTS games just introduce the background of the race and then end it soon?"

Fang Yun looked strange. A few days ago, he said that RTS didn't need a plot, but now he was asking him about the subsequent plot.

"Other games don't have so many foreshadowings in their backgrounds! You just introduced the origins of the human race, the dark dictatorship is a foreshadowing, the people who split from the Protoss are also a foreshadowing, how the Zerg developed is also a foreshadowing, and even how this woman became a Zerg is also a foreshadowing! Other games don't have this kind of thing!"

Lu Ziming retorted.

"So that's someone else's game. My game is like this. These are the main plots. You will know when the game is in trial operation. Now, don't ask. This is the only information you can get."

"Senior, I thought you had changed, but it turns out you are still the same Senior Fang!"Lin Han said

""Okay, go back to work. I need to work on the details of this picture and upload it online today. Or you can just watch it here, but don't ask any questions."

Fang Yun said, and continued his work.

Soon, the original painting was finished, and Fang Yun also wrote the English name of"StarCraft" under the picture.

Upload the picture and send it!

"Holy shit, Fang Yun posted on Weibo again? Another picture?"

"The promotional image for the game was completed so quickly? Was it because they had prepared it long ago?"

"As expected, it is just as the name said, StarCraft! An RTS game with interstellar war background"

"No, why is this woman so strange? Is she not human?"

"It seems that they are not human beings. Look at the man on the left, there are spaceships flying behind him. What is flying behind the woman on the right? A dragon?"

"No, isn't this science fiction? Where did the dragon come from?"

"Maybe it's a flying alien creature.……"

As soon as the Weibo post was published, the comments below increased rapidly. Coupled with the already exquisite pictures, many players who were not very optimistic about Fang Yun also changed their views.

Looking at the comments below the Weibo post, most players were discussing the background of this game. After thinking about it, Fang Yun posted another Weibo:

Next, the world view of"StarCraft" will be gradually revealed. Also, the woman in the picture was once a member of the human race, but now, her identity is the queen of the Zerg!

"The queen of the Zerg? Fang Yun, you are bullying me again for being short-sighted! How can this person look like a bug?"

"Damn, gradually revealing the worldview? Could it be another vote to mess with us? Fang Yun, please be kind and let us go! I felt like I aged ten years during those days of canvassing for votes... I will never canvass for votes again!"

"So, are you going to vote or not?"

"……So delicious!"


The popularity of"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has not yet subsided, and the popularity of"StarCraft" has risen again. Since this is a head-on"battle" between Fang Yun and Sky Interactive Entertainment, it has attracted the attention of the entire domestic industry. Even game designers who have been working at home for ten years know about this.

At this time, Kong Lin is trembling in his boss Wang Lin's office:

""Who told you to provoke Fang Yun? Haven't you figured out his character after all these events? If you don't provoke him, won't it be fine? But you insist on provoking him. Now we already owe him a recommendation spot. If he asks to give the recommendation spot to this"StarCraft", and he is already popular now, what if he really surpasses"Battlefield"? Where will our Sky Interactive Entertainment put its face?"

Wang Lin said unkindly, looking at Kong Lin who was standing in front of him with a gloomy face.

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