"I also want to help the company vent. Our company's strength is not in strategy games. We have lost face after being betted by Fang Yun, so I want to get back on track in the RTS field.……"

Kong Lin defended himself:

"Looking for a place? Are you sure you can get it back? No one knows how many ideas Fang Yun has in his head. Haven't you seen that his ideas have been a great success in both game design and game marketing? Looking for a place?……"

"I think we really don't need to be afraid of him in the RTS field! I admit that he has a lot of ideas, but from the original painting he released today, it's nothing more than a conflict between Zerg and humans, which led to a war. In other words, the forces of the entire game are likely to be a few human countries or a few Zerg tribes. What new game mechanism can he come up with with such a theme?"

Kong Lin said, a little unconvinced.

"Okay, you go down first and check the game carefully again. Improve everything that can be improved. If it really doesn't work, you can postpone the release of the game. You must strive for perfection. Do you understand?"

Wang Lin was a little impatient when he heard this, and he waved his hand to drive Kong Lin out.

Fang Yun didn't know that there was even a conflict within Sky Interactive Entertainment, and Fang Yun didn't think about getting"StarCraft" on their recommendation.

After all, a real masterpiece doesn't need to be recommended at all, and players are the best recommendation.

After finishing the original painting and seeing that the number of people in the experience store had decreased, Fang Yun decided to go upstairs to experiment with the abilities of the memory enhancement potion and the efficiency potion, and of course, the reaction enhancement potion that he had been thinking about.

Leaving Qu Xiaoyi alone to watch the store, Fang Yun went upstairs, returned to his room, opened the notepad on the computer, and began to prepare the memories of the plot.

After drinking the efficiency potion and the memory enhancement potion at the same time, Fang Yun suddenly felt that the memories in his mind were much clearer, and he could clearly recall what he had done before. Of course, the plot CG when playing the game was also vivid.

An hour later, Fang Yun, who was typing hard, suddenly felt that his memory was not as clear as before!

"It seems that these potions only last for an hour. The efficiency potion has at least tripled my typing efficiency. I finally experienced the inhuman typing feeling of that code guy before!"

Looking at the document that was opened an hour ago, which is now filled with dense text, Fang Yun feels a sense of accomplishment.

""System, calculate how many plot fragments these plots can be exchanged for?" Fang Yun asked

【Calculating... Calculation completed. The host's current game plot can be replaced with"StarCraft" plot fragments*3]

The system will soon complete the calculation

"One hour + efficiency potion means three pills? I now have 15 memory enhancement potions, 5 bottles of efficiency potions, and a bottle of permanent memory enhancement potion. I don't know what the effect of this is, let's give it a try."

Thinking of this, Fang Yun extracted the permanent memory enhancement potion from the system and drank it in one gulp. He immediately felt refreshed in his brain, but it seemed that the effect was not as strong as that of the temporary potion.

"System, what is the effect of what I just drank?"

【Permanent memory enhancement potion. The effect of about 10 bottles added together is equivalent to the temporary enhancement potion.】

"10 bottles... No wonder I feel like this bottle is useless, except that I can remember what I had for breakfast a month ago.……"

"Try the reaction enhancement potion again!"

Fang Yun took out the two bottles of potion he had drawn in the afternoon and drank them all. They tasted like watermelon!

"It's a pity that there is nothing for me to experiment with now, but my fingers are really much more flexible. Let me try typing later!"

Fang Yun thought, reopened a document, and typed on it to test the flexibility of his fingers. After a while, he came to a conclusion: the flexibility of his fingers is about 1.5 times that of before! His reaction ability has also improved a lot. He temporarily downloaded the"War Alert" mentioned by Lu Ziming before, opened the game, first familiarized himself with the operation, and then directly arranged five difficult computers for himself!

Half an hour later, Fang Yun, who successfully destroyed five difficult computers, closed the game with satisfaction. According to what Lu Ziming said before, an important condition for judging whether it is a high-level player is whether he can defeat five difficult computers, because the difficulty setting of AI in"War Alert" is relatively high, and there are very few people who can defeat five computers at the same time!

And Fang Yun easily did this just when he just started! And there is still room for improvement!

"Yes, I am very satisfied with this potion. If I drink a few more, it will be perfect!"

【Friendly reminder, you can only drink five bottles of reaction enhancement potion at most. If you continue to drink, there will be no cumulative effect. Now the host's reaction ability and operation level are already at the level of top professional players.】

"I can only drink five bottles.……"

Fang Yun was a little disappointed. He was planning to stack it infinitely in the future...

But after seeing what the system said, Fang Yun became excited again:"Is he a top professional player now? If I drink one more bottle, won't I be invincible? If I drink three bottles...……"

Fang Yun no longer dared to imagine.

In general, Fang Yun was very satisfied with the potions produced by the system in this nearly two-hour experiment. Now he has 15 bottles of memory enhancement potions and five bottles of efficiency potions. He can get 15 fragments through efficiency potions. The remaining 10 bottles of memory enhancement potions, according to his current hand speed, should also be able to exchange for 15 fragments!

In other words, 30 fragments are already in hand! In addition to the 3 pieces just exchanged and the 5 pieces drawn before, he can accumulate a total of 38 fragments! And it only takes 40 fragments to exchange for the complete plot!

The amount of points spent on two fragments is very small. If Fang Yun has enough time, he can even supplement it through his own slow recollection, and there is no need to exchange with the system at all.

Unfortunately, Fang Yun's time is very tight, so he can only spend points to exchange what he needs at that time.

Then, Fang Yun contacted Zhao Hui, who was on standby in the studio, and sent the required arms and approximate data to him, asking Zhao Hui and his team to carry out the balance design of the game data first.

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