In the next few days, Fang Yun paid attention to the growth of system points while keeping in touch with Zhao Hui at all times. At the same time, he was still working on"recalling". In the past few days

, Fang Yun's life was extremely fulfilling, and he finally found the feeling of"designing games".

Stretching and looking at the densely packed text in the document, Fang Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

For three whole days, Fang Yun used memory potions to try his best to restore the plot, 5 bottles of potions a day, and the rest of the time he used his brain. Fang Yun, who worked eight hours a day, finally found the feeling of being"like a white-collar worker."

"System, convert my plots into fragments"

【Calculating... Calculation completed, a total of 31"StarCraft" plot fragments, please check】

"Does that mean I only managed to get one fragment in these three days without using potions? I thought I could get two, which would be enough for me to exchange for them!

Fang Yun looked at the number of fragments he had: 39……

"System, these fragments plus my points can be directly exchanged for the complete plot!"

Fang Yun made a decision

【Deduct 39"StarCraft" plot fragments and 65,000 points to get the complete game plot of"StarCraft"! 】

Finally exchanged!

The next step is the exchange of the RTS large production team. Speaking of points, Fang Yun is actually quite grateful to Sky Interactive Entertainment to a certain extent. It is because of Sky Interactive Entertainment that he can keep the popularity. The sales of the two mobile games should have declined after such a month, but Sky Interactive Entertainment hyped it up so much that the sales have increased!

This is a huge help for Fang Yun to accumulate points!

With the help of"Sky Interactive Entertainment", Fang Yun successfully accumulated 570,000 points in three days! Adding the original points, the current points have reached 2.9 million! Only 300,000 points are needed to reach the 3.2 million points required for exchange. According to the current situation, at most two days, the production team Fang Yun needs will be in place.

Moreover, the two"illustrators" and"directors" who were drawn before were assigned their respective tasks by Fang Yun: the illustrator can understand the script very well, that is to say, the cover picture he drew based on the script given by Fang Yun is almost exactly the same as the one in Fang Yun's mind!

Fang Yun's evaluation of this is: the system is indeed a system, it is very popular with me!

As for the director's work, he is responsible for the editing and directing of the plot animation and CG. Like the illustrator, as long as the director directs the CG according to the"complete plot" given by the system, it is almost exactly the same as the original.

This can save Fang Yun a lot of work. Originally, he needed to restore the arms of each race by himself, and the original paintings of some well-known heroes such as Kerrigan, Raynor, and Zeratul, but now he doesn't need to do it himself. All he needs to do is wait. After the production team is exchanged out the day after tomorrow, he can have a holiday!

The idle Fang Yun finally... went downstairs!

"Boss, are you done with your work?" Qu Xiaoyi saw Fang Yun, who had locked himself up on the second floor for several days, coming downstairs on his own initiative, especially with a drink in his hand, so she asked directly

"The plot settings are all done, and the next step is to wait for the production team to produce it. I have nothing to do for the time being. Fang Yun nodded and sat down at the front desk with a cup in his hand.

"Can you tell me about it? What is the general plot like?"

Qu Xiaoyi looked curious

"It's basically a story about the human race and the Protoss fighting against the Zerg"



"What about the details?"

"There are too many details. When the game is finished, you will know if you play the story mode carefully!"


When Qu Xiaoyi mentioned this, Fang Yun remembered that he had said on Weibo before that he would gradually reveal the world view. Now that it has been a few days, I guess the players can't wait, right?!

He took out his phone and opened Weibo, editing:

《StarCraft Worldview Announced:

Today we are going to announce a major race in the vast worldview of StarCraft: Protoss. They are a race created by humans, a creature composed of pure energy and spirit...

Basically, Fang Yun wrote down the original words he had spoken to Lu Ziming and others, but this time, Fang Yun also attached a picture: Protoss-Zeratul!

Then he published it.

So, the Internet speculated that"Human vs. Insect"";"All the players who had guessed that there would be a Zerg invasion were slapped in the face!

And there were quite a few players who had previously guessed that there would be a war between humans and Zerg!

"Damn, why does my face hurt so much?"

"His face was swollen from being slapped by Fang Yun. Shouldn't designers make games according to the wishes of players? Fang Yun, why are you slapping me in the face every day?!"

"The previously released advance picture showed the Terrans and Zerg, and with the war-torn background, we all thought it was a war between humans and Zerg. But the first one introduced in the background is the Protoss?"

"Mom, come and see the big face-slapping scene!"


Kong Lin, who also saw Fang Yun's Weibo, was also a little panicked. He had previously sworn in front of his boss that this was an old-fashioned plot, but now it seemed that it was not that simple.

"Come on, check our game again! Forget it, I'll do it myself.

Kong Lin said to his assistant.

"Didn't I just check it out? There's no problem with the game."

"I will take another look at the details, and this time I will modify them myself. I will also post on Weibo and publish some detailed pictures of the game, and then I will post some screenshots of the game in a few days!"



Two days later, Fang Yun successfully accumulated enough points!

After instructing Qu Xiaoyi, Fang Yun went to the studio he rented before and checked the system.���After exchanging [Large-Scale Real-Time Strategy Game Production Team], a large crowd of people appeared in front of Fang Yun.

"123... Shit, how come there are more than 70 people?" Fang Yun counted and was shocked by the number of people in the team. He originally thought that the team would be at most 30 or 40 people, but he didn't expect that the number was exactly double what he expected!

"This is the best way, more people means faster efficiency!"

"The plot and settings are all in the computer. The numerical values were also worked on by other teams before, but they are not specialized in RTS, so you need to check them. Start writing the code now. Including the production of CG, how long will it take to complete the entire game?"

Fang Yun assigned the task and asked another question.

PS: Five updates are completed! I have to go out of town to attend a classmate's wedding tomorrow, so there will probably be only three updates, and the update time may not be too stable, please forgive me.

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