The leader took a quick look at the plot and production requirements, estimated the time, and said:

"If we start making it today, it will take about a month to complete the game."

"One month... What if we make a test version first? That is, make the battle module first, and then make the plot chapters."

Fang Yun felt that one month seemed a bit long and did not meet his expectations.

"That will be quick, just model and make a battle map"

"Then make the battle module for testing first, and then make the plot chapter by chapter, and send each one to me."

Fang Yun made a decision.

The purpose of making the battle module first was also very simple, that is, to let those die-hard fans of RTS experience it first, that is, to attract die-hard fans of this area first. Anyway, the games they played before did not have plots, and battles were the first priority for them. Testing the plot chapter by chapter can attract other players. Of course, Fang Yun was not going to release all the plots during the test, and the first two chapters were enough for testing.

In the next week, Fang Yun edited the information of a race on Weibo every other day and posted it. Of course, his words were full of traps, which made the players who saw these hate Fang Yun!

"It's been two days, and Fang Yun hasn't updated his Weibo? The three major races dug so many holes and then didn't fill them? Does that mean they've given up?!"

"Could there be a fourth race? The one that created the Protoss and the Zerg? After all, Fang Yun only said that the Zerg wiped out the team that was observing them. It's impossible for a race to have only that many people, right?"

"Guys, Fang Yun posted on Weibo, saying that the [Battle Module] will be available for testing tomorrow! Go check it out!"

Players clicked on Fang Yun's homepage:

《The StarCraft battle module has been preliminarily completed and will be tested tomorrow. Welcome all players to come to the experience store to experience it. Of course, we still follow the old rules.

Note: This is only a small part of the whole game, and a lot of content is still in production.

"How long has it been? A little over a week? And you’ve already got a test version?"

"Didn't Fang Yun say that this is just part of the whole game? Many games are made up like this now, do one part, test another part, and then combine these things together"

"Let’s form a team!"

"Take me one!"


The next day, Fang Yun, who had been prepared, went downstairs with a stack of numbers in his arms to open the door. The players waiting outside the door were also well-mannered and lined up early.

The first player was: Lu Ziming!

He was talking to a boy behind him. When he saw Fang Yun open the door, Lu Ziming smiled and said:

"I arrived early this morning and finally arrived as the first one. Let me introduce him to you. He is an RTS anchor on Xianyu Live. We have always been friends. Today we happen to come together to experience Boss Fang’s battle module. After all, this battle requires at least two people!"

""Hello, Boss Fang. My name is Liu Xin, and I'm a live streamer. I've heard of Boss Fang for a long time!" said the handsome boy standing behind Lu Ziming.

"Hello, wait a moment, we can talk after I send out these numbers.

Fang Yun nodded, and after a simple greeting, he began to distribute today's numbers.

Today, it seems that there are fewer people coming to experience the game than before"Three Kingdoms". Fang Yun still remembers that on the first day of testing, more than a hundred numbers were sent out, but after sending out today, he found that a total of more than 70 numbers were sent out.

With a hint of doubt, Fang Yun opened the door.

Lu Ziming and Liu Xin were the first batch of players to experience the game. Fang Yun stopped Lu Ziming when he entered the door:

"Hey, there seem to be fewer people coming today than before. Do you know why?"

"You're asking me this question? You can find out by yourself on Weibo! I want to experience the game quickly!"

Lu Ziming looked at Fang Yun strangely, and he and Liu Xin found two adjacent machines.

Fang Yun opened Weibo, took a quick look, and finally understood the situation:

"Brothers, I now strongly suspect that Fang Yun will set traps in tomorrow's test content. By then, after waiting in line for half a day, the final result might be that you will go home in a state of itch!"

"Damn, what you said makes sense, it's not impossible!"

"Fang Yun had said before that this was part of the whole game. Now that I think about it, he might really be setting a trap!"

"Let's go explore the road tomorrow! If the road condition is normal, we will set off in full force!"


After reading the discussions of these players, Fang Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Well, they successfully predicted the actions that Fang Yun was going to take next. When the plot chapters were online, Fang Yun was going to test them one by one. This was of course what the players called digging a pit, but today, the players thought too much.

But it's okay this way. Such a small experience store can't accommodate too many people, especially when the duration of RTS games is relatively long. Too many players will lead to a reduction in everyone's game time, making it difficult to experience the fun of the game.

Thinking of this, Fang Yun sent another Weibo:

In view of the fact that RTS game battles require a certain amount of time to experience, and the experience store is very small, a registration is opened here: 80 players who participate in the registration will be randomly drawn every day, and these players will be assigned numbers. These players can come to experience the next day. The experience time for each person is 2 hours.

Then he linked to a Weibo registration lottery system and directly released it.

"Damn it, Fang Yun, what should I do as someone who has never won a prize on Weibo?"

"Never won a prize +1"

"It seems that Fang Yun is still as confident as ever. Today is only the first day of the experience. Isn’t he afraid that people who have experienced it will give bad reviews and no one will come later?"

"Brother, what you said makes sense. Then don’t sign up. This way your chances of being selected will be higher!"

"Sorry, I have already registered successfully."


Fang Yun's Weibo caused a stir again, and at the same time, players online were waiting for feedback from the first batch of players who experienced it.

After all,"Chinese sci-fi RTS" is a gimmick, but no domestic designer has been able to do this well before. Fang Yun, who has a weird idea in his head, might be able to make a decent one.

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