At the beginning, Fang Yun only fought them one-on-one. Gradually, they found that when fighting Fang Yun one-on-one, they had no time to think about how to adjust their troop deployment, because Fang Yun's suppression rhythm was too fierce!

Suppression and harassment were everywhere. The two-line operation on the ground plus the airdrop harassment in the air made the two miserable. Finally, they decided to unite against Fang Yun.

But it was in the process of two on one that they personally experienced the horror of Fang Yun: he could harass Liu Xin's development while fighting fiercely on two lines with Lu Ziming's Protoss, and at the same time, he would not fall behind in mining, upgrading capital and building troops.

Fang Yun did not even adopt the strategy of"destroying one family first", but developed himself while fighting with the two families. He really crushed the two with the hard power of his own operation.

"No more fighting! What the hell are you?"Lu Ziming, who had been abused by Fang Yun for the whole morning, finally couldn't stand it anymore. Neither of them had won a single game. The best record they had combined was to demolish one of Fang Yun's sub-bases, and then nothing happened...

When they demolished Fang Yun's sub-base, they thought they had the upper hand. Lu Ziming even made a golden armor, wanting to learn from some organizations and airdrop the golden armor into Fang Yun's base to slaughter some peasants and create some panic.

However, when he saw Fang Yun's base, he only saw Fang Yun's dragon knights guarding the mining area tightly.

Fang Yun even wanted to laugh when he experienced this scene, because he remembered a game in his previous life, which was explained like this:

"Look, everyone, XX's transport plane is flying over with a golden armor! Everyone, look at how he operates the golden armor! Oh, he didn't operate it, he ran back……"

Then, Lu Ziming, who had spent a lot of resources to upgrade the golden armor, was already harassed by Fang Yun. This time, he was completely in tears. He spent so much energy to create a"boss", but the result was to go to the sky to hang around.

Then, Lu Ziming's mistakes were wiped out by Fang Yun's exquisite"Dragon Rider Dance", leaving Liu Xin alone, and it didn't take long for him to knock out GG.

This was the closest game for the two to win. As for the rest of the game... it's better not to mention it.

What these two people don't know is that Fang Yun is much more perverted than most people in terms of wretched development and dealing with airdrops after taking the advantage in the early stage.

Many professional players in previous lives always try to seize the opponent's loopholes and use the advantage to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop after taking the advantage, but Fang Yun is not a professional player!

Fang Yun's favorite thing to do is to slowly expand the advantage and then create a lot of things.

And many of these things are what people think are flashy and impractical.

However, sometimes, Fang Yun's behavior can easily make the opponent's mentality explode.

Once, when Fang Yun was playing in the low-level segments with a small account, in a PVZ battle, he built a team of pointed reconnaissance planes, which were the extremely expensive air force of the Protoss.

They were extremely powerful in air defense, but they became useless to Muggles in ground defense.

If the least cost-effective troops in StarCraft were selected, this kind of aircraft would definitely be on the list.

Originally, the Zerg player still had a chance to turn the tables, but when he saw Fang Yun's team of pointed reconnaissance planes, his mentality collapsed. He thought, I have been playing planes for so many years, and I have never seen anyone play this kind of plane. Then, the Zerg player with a wounded heart didn't even say GG, and directly quit the game.

Although Fang Yun restrained himself a lot when playing with these two rookies today, his bad habits were still unconsciously exposed in the process of playing. After all, these wretched playing methods seemed to have penetrated into his bones, so it was reasonable that Lu Ziming and the others were tortured by Fang Yun.

"It was you who asked me to teach you, and it was you who didn't let me beat you, so what are you doing?" Fang Yun asked

"Can you please stop coming? You've ruined my mentality! How come a 200-population vs. 200-population battle, a wonderful battle, was made so ugly by you?!"

"Is this considered vulgar? I still have many tactics that I haven’t used yet! When you see them, you will know that what I am using now is just child’s play. This is just the beginning! Keep going!"

Getting into Fang Yun’s car and wanting to jump out midway? That’s simply impossible!

So, the two of them continued to be tortured, and Fang Yun’s true nature was completely exposed this time. His vulgar style of play made the two of them lose their minds, and they quit the game without saying a word, and then sat aside to comfort their wounded hearts.……

"Your ability to endure is too poor. You fell down before I even used any strength. This is not good. You need to practice more in the future!"

""No, Boss Fang! You are my father, okay?! Don't bully us anymore. If you want to bully us, wait until the other four people come tomorrow and then bully them. Especially since there is a former professional player among them, you will definitely have fun!"

Liu Xin begged for mercy.

"This is a good choice. I can also use him to see if there are any differences between the professional players in this world and those in the previous life.

Fang Yun thought about it and agreed with Liu Xin's words, then turned off the game.

"Then you two can play, I'll watch. Actually, you won't learn anything from playing this game with me. Download the REP (replay) and watch it carefully. That's how you'll learn more. When playing with others, you can only feel that this person is 'very strong', 'very oppressive', 'very harassing' or 'this person is pretty weak', but you can't feel how strong he is. You can only truly understand it when you watch the replay later."

Fang Yun gave the two a suggestion.

""Okay, it's time to eat now. Let's treat Boss Fang to a meal and take a look at the rep. Boss Fang, please give us some pointers!"

Lu Ziming quickly agreed.

"……Is this how you treat your master? You should treat me out for a meal, right?"

""That's fine! Master, please! Let's eat something nearby, and I'll treat you to a good meal next time!"

Upon hearing Fang Yun's words, Lu Ziming immediately changed his tone.

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