The two invited Fang Yun to have a good meal at a nearby restaurant, and also brought back a meal for Qu Xiaoyi who was"suffering" in the restaurant.

"Is this a benefit from the boss?"

Qu Xiaoyi asked

"That definitely doesn't count. It was bought by the two of us. Your boss has long forgotten about you. If I were you, I would have quit long ago to have such a boss!"

Lu Ziming said jokingly.

"Want benefits? That's very simple. You go and make a plan. Um, what are the requirements... a mobile game in the style of Japanese anime! Take this as the theme. You write a plan for me. If I am satisfied, I will give you a bonus, a lot of bonus!"

Fang Yun thought about it and it was true. The other staff members were assigned by the system and only needed to be paid normally. But Qu Xiaoyi was different. When she came in for the interview, she was in a learning attitude. He just let her be the receptionist and didn't teach her anything. Fang Yun felt a little embarrassed and said such a condition.

"The boss finally gave me guidance.���?!"

Qu Xiaoyi was quite excited after hearing this.

"Well, you can think about it at the front desk these days, just write it on the computer, and tell me when you are done.

Fang Yun nodded.


Qu Xiaoyi replied.

Fang Yun then looked around the store and saw that there was nothing for him to do, so he asked Lu Ziming and the others to go upstairs. After all, they had already given him their"apprenticeship gift", so Fang Yun had to teach them something.

Fang Yun then began his first journey as a"mentor":

"Hey, the location of your bunker is wrong, next time you should put it here!"

"Is this supply station of yours used to block the intersection? How come this intersection is so big that a cow can pass through it?"

"Your operation is fast enough, but it seems that there are not many effective operations? Look at your troops, the formation is scattered while they are marching!"


Lu Ziming and the other man spent the whole afternoon with Fang Yun constantly saying"No, no" and"Do it again". Although the process was a bit painful, the result was still quite good.

At least now the two of them have a much deeper understanding of the game, and they also know a lot of basic or advanced skills such as what kind of soldiers should be deployed in what situation and how to maintain the formation when the large army is marching.

"Okay, that’s enough teaching. Don’t say you are my apprentice when you go out in the future. I’m afraid of losing face. Your qualifications are really too dull."

Just like that, Fang Yun ended today with this sentence.

The next day, it was finally the day of the live broadcast that the players had been looking forward to!

Early in the morning, Lu Ziming, Liu Xin and four other anchors came.

After a brief introduction, Fang Yun led them to the second floor. The four newcomers were allowed to study the game, and Lu Ziming and Liu Xin introduced it from time to time.

The four of them soon became addicted to it. They opened a 2V2 battle room and studied the fighting methods together while getting familiar with the skills of the arms. The progress was much faster than that of Lu Ziming and the other two yesterday.

Among them, a former professional player among the four made a great contribution!

The former professional player’s name is Wang Hao. He retired last year and became an anchor. He had been a professional player of"War Alert" before. Although he had never won the coveted title of"No. 1 in the world", his best ranking was No. 7 in the world. He is one of the best players in China! After all, domestic RTS... it's better not to talk about it.

The adaptability of this top professional player is indeed extraordinary. The four-person 2V2 had only reached the third round, and he had already operated it well without Fang Yun's guidance. He chose the Zerg and used airdrops to harass and fight in a very good way. He made the other two miserable, but still couldn't kill each other.

At this time, Lu Ziming came to Fang Yun and asked,"Boss Fang, who do you think will win if I play with Wang Hao now?"

"You? I think it's a 50-50 chance at best. Your tactics are better than his, but his operation and ideas are far better than yours. It depends on the specific situation when we really fight. If it's Liu Xin, you can definitely have the upper hand if you fight him now. After all, Liu Xin's understanding is much better than yours."

Fang Yun glanced at him, estimated it and gave the answer

""Shit! It’s 55? No, I have to go play a game with him! This is a rare chance to win a game from him!"

Lu Ziming was not ashamed when he heard it, but was quite excited.

Seeing that the four people had just finished the game, he hurried over to pull Wang Hao away, and the two began a 1V1 duel.

A PVZ ended quickly. In the early stage, Lu Ziming firmly occupied the upper hand with his deeper understanding of the game, but he did not steadily expand his advantage. He wanted to end the game early in a hurry, but unfortunately he underestimated Wang Hao’s operation.

Wang Hao relied on his operation to fight back a lot of the previous disadvantages, and in the middle stage, the situation between the two was even fifty-fifty, but in the later stage, Lu Ziming, who was instructed by Fang Yun, was obviously stronger than Wang Hao..

The combination of soldiers and the release of skills were much stronger than Wang Hao. After holding on for a while, Wang Hao finally called GG.

After the game, Wang Hao carefully watched the replay just now. After thinking for a while, the second game with Lu Ziming began. This time, Lu Ziming did not take much advantage at the beginning. His harassment in the middle period was completely resolved by Wang Hao.

And because of Wang Hao's stronger operation advantage, Lu Ziming's expansion speed was not as fast as Wang Hao. When Wang Hao's economy began to run at full capacity, the speed of the rapid expansion even surprised Fang Yun who was watching the game!

Lu Ziming's Protoss troops were forcibly overwhelmed!

"As expected, professional players are not easy to deal with. It has only been a short time, but they have already adapted to the game very well."

Fang Yun thought secretly.

After Wang Hao finished the second game, he even wanted to drag Lu Ziming to play another game. This time, Lu Ziming was unwilling to play no matter what. With this speed of improvement, he could still beat him in the first game, but he was beaten in the second game. If he played another game, wouldn't he be killed in the early stage?

Lu Ziming thought very clearly, so he would not play again even if he was beaten to death. The prefix"beat the world's seventh player by one game" was enough for him to brag!

"Then Liu Xin, you play two games with Wang Hao!" Fang Yun said at this time.

PS: I'm finally home... I'm so sleepy that I can't even open my eyes...

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