"Holy shit, is this Kerrigan? The character from Fang Yun’s original painting?! She looks like a big shot!"

"Why did she turn into a Zerg?"

"Damn, where is the sequel? Why is there no sequel?!!!!"

"Fang Yun, you damned out-of-context dog!"

When the whole plot just entered the climax, but there was no follow-up, the players watching the live broadcast went crazy, even Liu Xin was no exception!

"Boss Fang? What's next for this plot?"

"What's next? You'll know when it's officially launched.

Fang Yun answered like this.

And Fang Yun's answer was also transmitted to the ears of the audience through Liu Xin's headset.

"It’s only announced after it goes online? That means there will be a long time to go?!"

"I can't wait!"

"Fang Yun is so abominable!"

In fact, a lot of subsequent plots have been made, but Fang Yun deliberately chose to keep the experience on the current plot, so that after the game is launched, players can personally experience this plot, as well as the subsequent"Reno looking for his wife" plot, instead of sitting in front of the screen and watching others play such a plot.

The overall plot difficulty of StarCraft is very low, and there are many operation prompts, so there will be no plot failure, so Fang Yun is not worried that after the game is launched, there will be players who will not be able to watch the subsequent plot due to operation reasons.

If there is... then it is really not Fang Yun's problem, but the player himself. There could be something wrong.

The players cannot appreciate Fang Yun’s painstaking efforts, and now they are all cursing Fang Yun for being a dog who breaks the rules. Some players even listed all the behaviors that Fang Yun has used to torture players since his debut and accused him of this, and they were crying! They simply described Fang Yun as a big devil who enjoys torturing people!

However, when someone asked him why he still bought a game designed by Fang Yun, this person held it in for a while and uttered two words: It’s really good!

This is also the most real feeling of the majority of players now: they are in pain and happy, while saying that Fang Yun is not a human being, they are the ones who are most active in buying Fang Yun’s games!


Liu Xin's story experience came to a temporary end. The entire plot of"StarCraft" was extremely shocking to Liu Xin, Lu Ziming and others. Before this, they had never even heard that an RTS game would have such a grand story!

"To be honest, although the plot of"StarCraft" has not been revealed much yet, judging from the vast game world view and the movie-like plot, these plots alone can be used to make a story-based stand-alone sci-fi game, which is definitely a masterpiece! Such a grand plot is designed only for an RTS game, isn't this a bit of a waste of talent?!"

A player on the Internet raised his own questions while commenting on"StarCraft".

The player's remarks triggered discussions among almost all players who follow Fang Yun:

Some people said that Fang Yun wanted to create a new era of RTS games; some people said that Fang Yun felt that a simple battle might not be able to defeat Kong Lin's"Battlefield", so he wanted to rely on an attractive plot to add points to his game; some people said that the plot of"StarCraft" might be just a drop in the bucket for Fang Yun, and he might have more and better plots in his mind; others said that Fang Yun was sent by aliens to torture them, the players.

---By constantly setting traps in the plot, the players are tortured.

Although it seems that these four conclusions, 123, are all possible and reliable, the players still support conclusion number 4 the most.……


A week later, Fang Yun had stopped the game testing activities and announced that StarCraft would not be tested before it went online! As soon as this announcement came out, the players were furious again!

"Although we couldn’t play before, we could still watch a few anchors play. Now it means that we can’t even watch the live broadcast?"

"The first day without StarCraft, I miss it"

"Fang Yun,"Please continue testing! Stop being mysterious! I will buy your game as soon as it comes online!"

But Fang Yun still went his own way, and the players could only accept it sadly. What's even sadder is... the five anchors who originally broadcast"StarCraft" have now collectively asked for leave! They didn't even broadcast live, so many players couldn't ask them questions!

As for what these five people are doing, there is no need to say more. These five people took the back door through Lu Ziming's relationship and stayed in Fang Yun's experience store all day playing StarCraft.

Fang Yun could only helplessly watch the eight people in the hall shouting and playing games.

That's right, eight people. The two boys in the five-person group also like StarCraft! So with the five anchors The broadcaster and Lu Ziming, these eight people are now in a mess.

As for what the three girls are doing... of course, they are experiencing the plot of"StarCraft"!

That's right, at this time, the first stage of the"StarCraft" plot has been completed. The so-called first stage, that is, the plot content of the first part of"StarCraft" in Fang Yun's previous life, was completed yesterday with the overtime work of the system staff.

Fang Yun invited the five-person group to experience the plot. As for the broadcasters, they did not have this blessing. The only people who could participate in the"plot test" were the three girls and Qu Xiaoyi.

"Senior, can you tell me what the final ending is like?"

Lin Han asked curiously after experiencing the plot.

The plot they experienced only went to the point where the expelled Protoss hero Zeratul established a brief Protoss communication with the Overmind.

Zeratul knew the Overmind and knew the future.

In the future, the entire universe will be ruled by a kind of life form, but it was not very clear.

At the same time, the Overmind also knew the location of Aiur, so it invaded Aiur on a large scale and implanted itself into the planet.

Finally, the Supreme Archon of the Protoss Tassadar drove the battleship and sublimated himself, bursting out huge energy and perishing with the Overmind.

Afterwards, Kerrigan used Zeratul to eliminate the remaining brain worms, making herself the supreme ruler of the swarm. When besieging the Dark Templar, Raynor's fleet rushed over, blocked the swarm, and helped the Protoss retreat.

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