Although from the perspective of the plot, this is already a complete story, starting from the Zerg invasion, to the Zerg Overmind transforming Kerrigan, to Kerrigan leading the Zerg army to invade the Protoss, and finally the Overmind and the Supreme Archon of the Protoss perished together, Kerrigan became the Zerg Queen, and at the same time the Terrans also covered the Protoss's retreat.

According to the movie plot, this is a complete story, the beginning, development, climax, and ending are all reflected here, but for some reason, Lin Han always felt that there were still many plots that Fang Yun had not yet told, so there was the scene of asking before.

"This story is quite complete, isn't it? And it also leaves a lot of room for imagination. Are you overthinking it?"

Before Fang Yun spoke, Shao Ziyi spoke first.

"I know the story is complete, but I think it doesn't fit the senior's character. Although the story is complete, it is just a"blockbuster". According to the senior's character, I think there will definitely be a sequel!"

Lin Han said confidently.

Fang Yun was a little surprised. Lin Han's understanding of him was really extraordinary. He nodded and admitted it very readily:

"Yes, there is indeed a follow-up plot, but that is no longer the matter of this version. The follow-up plot will be released when the version is updated, or a new DLC will be released. I haven’t thought about these yet, but the plot team is already working on it."

"Already written? Reveal it!"

"There is nothing much to reveal about this. The protagonists of each of the three races have already appeared. The subsequent plot will definitely be about these three people. It is easy to guess. As for the details, you will know when the time comes."

"……What's the difference between saying this and not saying it?"

"There is a difference. I just confirmed your thoughts directly, so you don't have to think of some unreliable things."



It was already close to the end of October, and the time had come for the release of Battlefield. Although Kong Lin was in a state of anxiety that could not be described by the song"Anxiety", he still had to go to the execution ground.

Kong Lin could only bite the bullet and announce the specific time for the release of Battlefield, and Sky Interactive Entertainment had already prepared a recommended position. Although Wang Lin was getting more and more annoyed with Kong Lin, he still had to push it. One flagship game a year had become a routine, and it could not be broken this year.

《Battlefield was launched as scheduled!

Moreover, the sales performance of Battlefield on the first day exceeded everyone's expectations!

Originally, people thought that Battlefield's performance would be bleak after Fang Yun's StarCraft revealed so many things, but in fact, it was... not only not bleak, but even exceeded their expectations!

《The first-day sales of"Battlefield" even tied the first-day sales of Sky Interactive Entertainment's best flagship game of the year!

This shocked everyone!

But on the second day,"Battlefield" took a dive like a 100-meter diving platform!

The performance dropped from the first place in sales that day to outside the top 50...

After people really understood the specific situation, they could only say that Sky Interactive Entertainment could only blame itself for being unlucky and had to provoke the evil star Fang Yun.

The reason for the horrible sales on the first day was also found: it was the majority of players who did it, and the players' reasons were also very legitimate: there would be no killing without buying and selling, oh, no, there would be no harm without comparison!

We must compare"Battlefield" and"StarCraft" from a fair, just and open perspective, so we will buy the game"Battlefield".

When"StarCraft" is launched, we will also buy and experience it as soon as possible.

If"StarCraft" is fun, we will consider buying a second copy to give to friends, and give"Battlefield" a bad review.

So people found that although the sales of"Battlefield" had increased, the negative reviews were increasing.……

"Aren't you going to give bad reviews only when StarCraft is released? Why are there more and more bad reviews for Battlefield now?"

"That’s because the feeling of experiencing"Battlefield" is not even as good as watching those anchors broadcasting StarCraft. The gap between the two games is really too big!"


Sky Interactive Entertainment:

"Is this the work you promised me so solemnly before?"

Wang Lin slammed the table hard.


Kong Lin still wants to speak

""Okay, go down and hand over the work. Let Qu Yang be in charge of the RTS game department. You go and help him. This is a warning. If it happens again next time, it won't be as simple as being a deputy!"

Wang Lin waved his hand impatiently and said,


Kong Lin looked at his boss's angry expression, and could only sigh in his heart and retreat.

Although the game has only been out for two days, this result is beyond words. Yesterday, he thought that God had opened his eyes and his game had reached a peak, but he didn't expect that it was all the players' fault.

Now he felt hatred and fear towards Fang Yun. He hated him for destroying his hard work for the whole year, and was afraid that if he said anything at this time, he might be beaten up by Fang Yun again.


Of course, Lu Ziming and his team bought a copy of Battlefield as soon as it was released, and Fang Yun was no exception. After all, they had to get to know their opponent first. When Fang Yun saw the sales performance of Battlefield on the first day, he was puzzled:

How could this RTS game, which obviously only looks like a second-tier game, sell so well? Could it be that RTS is the trend of the PC market?

Fang Yun even discussed this issue with Qu Xiaoyi.���After discussing for a long time, unfortunately, no results were reached. It was not until the next day that the online players found out the answer, which made Fang Yun laugh and cry.

After the players belittled"Battlefield", they began to ask Fang Yun when his game would be launched.

In fact, up to now, the production of the entire game is nearing completion, of course, I mean the first part. The second part is the content of the previous life StarCraft 2. The entire production team is dividing half of the manpower to produce it.

As for the remaining half, Fang Yun of course has other arrangements!

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