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This time is equivalent to the game time of a story-based game! And this is just the story of an RTS game.

"Damn, this plot is as exciting as a Hollywood blockbuster. As for this CG production, it seems that no company in China uses such CG to make games?"

"No, this CG can even be a movie if it is taken out alone! Is Fang Yun going to develop into the entertainment industry?"

"Although I played for a whole afternoon, I still feel unsatisfied and want to see the sequel.……"

"Yes, there are still many things that have not been said about the relationship between Raynor and Kerrigan! And now the opening is only the introduction of the Terran, and the Protoss and Zerg have not been mentioned yet. There should be some DLC to update these things later, right?!"

"DLC? I think it will cost money.……"

"It should be. After all, Fang Yun only sold StarCraft for 128. For a game of this kind, this price is really too conscience! And this is a game that does not require in-app purchases. You can experience everything for only 128!"

After playing, the players who experienced the plot said it was good, and then said it was not good enough, and urged Fang Yun to update. Then someone suggested that Fang Yun change the company name to Yunmeng Studio. This kind of CG can't be done better even if some professional companies are asked to do it.

Players who like RTS battles have been engaged in fierce"pecking" on!

After half a day, everyone thought they were familiar with these arms, selected a race they liked, and started fighting on Fang Yun also added a ladder ranking function to StarCraft. The ladder can only be 1v1, which maximizes personal ability.

Of course, there is also an entertainment matching mechanism. Players can wait for a while after creating a room, and other players will enter. Then two or several people will discuss and go happily.

Liu Xin and Wang Hao These two people still chose to broadcast live here at Fang Yun today, while the other three anchors bought the game at home and broadcast live at home.

Since they were so far ahead of the others, Liu Xin and Wang Hao started the ladder ranking right away!

Although most of the players chose matching, there were still a considerable number of players who chose the ladder!

Players who choose the ladder are either confident in themselves or blindly confident in themselves.

The former really has a good level of RTS game skills, while the latter simply doesn't know their own weight.

Therefore, Liu Xin and Wang Hao's ladder ranking speed is relatively fast, and the two of them agreed at the beginning to rank at different times to avoid colliding with each other, which would undoubtedly affect their goal of rushing to score points. The first game of the two was quickly ranked, and the game ended quickly, GG in five or six minutes, and the two easily won their first victory.

《The biggest charm of the game"StarCraft" lies in the uncertainty of the duration. Sometimes, if you choose to rush at the beginning, if the opponent fails to defend, it may be over in four or five minutes. If both teams choose to develop peacefully and harass each other in the late stage, then the game can even drag on for more than an hour! Liu

Xin and Wang Hao both understand this very well. Moreover, they want to rush points. What is the fastest way to rush points? Of course, rush!

Although Fang Yun has never taught them how to rush. But they have learned a lot by themselves when watching the reps in the game with Fang Yun. Although the current rush is not as good as Fang Yun, it is more than enough to fight these rookies.

In the first game, Wang Hao directly released 6D. The opponent has not even built a supply station. Wang Hao's six dogs and a drone have rushed into the opponent's base and bit it randomly. Before the opponent understands where the things come from, his SCV has been bitten to death. After a while, the whole base was bitten to pieces by six dogs.

Liu Xin is the same. A wild barracks rush tactic, easily and quickly wins, and the two have a ladder positioning record of 1/0.

The players are now familiar with the operation at most. The more powerful players have learned the shortcut keys, and the more professional players have an understanding of the arms. However, no one has yet developed any tactics in such a short time since they went online.

While everyone is still busy mining and upgrading technology, these"tactical masters" undoubtedly have a great advantage.

Soon, after 10 positioning matches, both of them won all the games!

During this period, Wang Hao also met an anchor who had experienced Fang Yun before, but Wang Hao's current level is not on the same level as them. It took more than 20 minutes to win.

10 consecutive wins, 3000 points!

This is also the highest score set by Fang Yun for a new account to win all the positioning matches. If they play the ladder again, they will add or subtract points according to the opponent's score. If the opponent's score is much higher than his, he can get more points by winning, and if it is lower than his, he will get very few points. As for the matching record, it will not affect the hidden points of the ranking.

Soon, the ladder leaderboard was refreshed!

The top six players all scored 3,000 points, five of whom were Liu Xin and Lu Ziming. As for the sixth person, Wang Hao and the others recognized him at a glance. He was a professional player of"War Alert". Then there were three people with 2,900 points, one of whom was the anchor who had only lost to Wang Hao. One of the other two was an anchor, and the other was also a professional player.

It seems that the gap between high-level players and ordinary players in this world is the same as in the previous life. Although Fang Yun did not recognize the IDs at the top of the list,���Most of them are known to Wang Hao, they are either anchors or professional players, and there are a few well-known high-scoring passers-by. Of course, there will be a few people they don’t know, maybe lucky players or hidden masters.

PS: I contacted the editor before and said it would be put on the shelves, but I don’t know how the remarks posted in the evening also became VIP...

I’m really sorry everyone, please don’t read that, I will contact the editor during the day to see if it can be removed from the VIP chapter!

Thank you for your monthly tickets, flowers and evaluation votes, I will add one more chapter today!

Starting from 11!

Let the flowers come more fiercely!

There will be three updates in the early morning tonight, and the rest will be updated during the day!

_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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