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Although the previous"War Alert" also requires tactics and the combination of arms,"StarCraft" requires a very important operation in addition to these: micro-management!

《In War Alert, the basic soldiers in the early stage are completely cannon fodder. Players only need to circle the mouse and then directly attack. However, StarCraft is different. Each soldier has its unique role, and in the case of tight resources in the early stage, especially the"noble" soldiers of the Protoss, the impact of losing one is huge! Although ordinary players have not realized these things, high-level players have already experienced the difference of this game!

In short, if you want to play StarCraft well, the amount of operation required is at least twice that of War Alert!

Not only do you need to switch screens back and forth and operate with shortcut keys, but every soldier in each formation needs to manually control its movement and release of skills!

This is also a very important means for StarCraft to distinguish between the superior and the inferior!

Professional players' sense of smell is undoubtedly sharp. Of course, the sense of smell of clubs and [Professional League] is definitely not worse than that of players!

Seeing the setting and operation of the entire StarCraft, players only think that the game mechanism is novel and the plot is attractive, but in the eyes of professionals:

RTS competition is about to change!

There is only one large-scale RTS competition now, and that is the"War Alert" competition, which is divided into 1V1 and 2V2 events. However, once"StarCraft" was released, professional players and professionals agreed that"StarCraft" would replace"War Alert" as the RTS competition event!

Since it is going to become a competition event, there is no need to say, practice!

Therefore, almost all professional players gave up"War Alert" and switched to"StarCraft". Lu Ziming, who used to be quite comfortable in the ladder, sadly discovered that although his skills could not beat people like Wang Hao, at the current level of StarCraft, he was at the level of killing gods and Buddhas. However, in recent days, there seem to be more and more people who can abuse him...

And looking at their IDs, they can be said to be famous IDs!

Players are now discussing various interstellar tactics and tricks on forums online, and Kong Lin was also appointed.

He also played"StarCraft".

From the overall experience, even if the plot is excluded, in terms of the gameplay of the battle, although some arms of some races seem to be a bit"useless", this is also caused by the tactics not being developed yet.

In terms of overall gameplay, his"Sand" is not comparable.

Since it can't be compared, just admit defeat quickly, so that some players can be saved.

Soon, Kong Lin sent a message to Fang Yun on Weibo, and Fang Yun also replied that he would not take it to heart.

In fact, when Fang Yun made the game, he no longer took Kong Lin to heart. If Kong Lin's game could surpass"StarCraft", he would even be willing to live broadcast eating upside down.*

【Ding, mission completed, rewards have been issued, please check! 】

The system prompt was also given when Kong Lin posted the apology letter.

So far, Fang Yun has officially passed the"novice stage"!

On this day, Fang Yun was sitting in the hall looking at the replies of those famous players' StarCraft games downloaded on the computer, and two men in black suits walked in.

As soon as they came in, the taller man in the black suit in front of him said,"Mr. Fang Yun, we are staff members of the [Professional League]. The"StarCraft" you designed has a very professional future, so we want to discuss related matters with you."

【The full name of the professional league is the Z country e-sports professional competition league. All domestic e-sports events are held by them.

Fang Yun immediately understood that this time he went to Fang Yun to ask for authorization to hold professional competitions in China.

"Let's go upstairs to the conference room to talk."

Fang Yun turned off the rep video he was watching and led the two to the conference room on the second floor.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Feng Xiao, and I am from the [Professional League]. I believe Mr. Fang also knows why we are here. We are here with sincerity this time. Mr. Fang has authorized us to hold domestic events, and we will give a 35% dividend! This was the dividend ratio when we sought authorization from Hurricane Company for the previous"War Alert"!"

The tall man in black was very active. As soon as Fang Yun led him to the meeting room and sat down, he explained his purpose to Fang Yun.

"I know this, this sincerity is great, I am very satisfied."

This dividend refers to the net profit dividend of tickets and peripherals in related professional competitions. In the [Professional League], this dividend has three levels: 15; 25; 35.

Generally speaking, only when foreign games are professionalized will the [Professional League] give such a high dividend of 35. Most of the games produced in China are 15, and the better ones are 25. So when their dividends were mentioned, Fang Yun knew that they came with sincerity!

"So, does Mr. Fang agree?"

Feng Xiao asked immediately after hearing this.

"I have a question. The authorization you want is only for the domestic professional league, right? What if I host my own event?"

"What kind of tournament is it? An individual tournament with prize money or a long-term round-robin tournament with many clubs participating?"

"Individual competition, held once a year, open to all professional players in the world"

"This is not within the scope of the authorization we want. Mr. Fang is free to hold it. Many international game companies hold similar individual competitions every year and invite well-known professional players to participate. We will not interfere with this."

Feng Xiao quickly understood Fang Yun's meaning and said

"That's fine. I can authorize you to host the domestic professional StarCraft competition, but I need to carefully understand the information of the clubs participating in the professional competition. I don't want some clubs with ulterior motives (betting on fake matches) to participate." Fang

Yun said.

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