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"Don't worry about that! We will review all the clubs that want to participate, and we will send you a copy of their information when the time comes."

Feng Xiao agreed very readily. He understood what Fang Yun meant. StarCraft was a promising project. If one or two pests appeared in the process of professionalization, it would be like a rat's shit mixed into a pot of porridge. Even if Fang Yun didn't say anything, their professional league would not allow such a thing to happen.

"That's fine, let's sign the contract.

Fang Yun thought about it and found nothing missing.

Feng Xiao immediately took out the contract. Fang Yun looked at it carefully and found that the contract was exactly the same as what Feng Xiao had said before. There was nothing unreasonable, so he signed and stamped it very quickly.

"Mr. Fang, we have a pleasant cooperation. If you have any questions, just call me and we will communicate more!"

Feng Xiao put away the contract, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Fang Yun, then handed Fang Yun a business card and said


The whole process took no more than ten minutes, and both parties acted very quickly.

Fang Yun sent the two out the door, and then returned to the front desk to think about the event.

This world does not have the annual super event like WCG in the previous life. Most of the world events are held by game production companies, inviting dozens of well-known players to participate in such events, and then there are professional leagues held by various countries or multiple countries.

Fang Yun wants to get involved! He wants to create the most influential e-sports event in the world like WCG!

But the fat man can't eat it all in one bite. The only game he has now that is qualified to host such an event is"StarCraft", but StarCraft StarCraft has not been launched overseas yet, although many overseas players have heard about the popular StarCraft in China and have watched various videos in China.

But there is nothing that overseas players can do if it is not launched. However, many professional players have secretly gone to the domestic server to practice StarCraft in advance.

And now, Fang Yun’s team is also stepping up the translation of StarCraft. Although the English and Chinese versions have been available for a long time, when promoting it internationally, Fang Yun wants to leave a good impression on international players, so he is preparing to release multiple language versions at the same time.

This workload is not small!

But if you calculate the time, it will be launched overseas soon.

《The fame of"StarCraft" has spread internationally, and many game companies have approached Fang Yun to ask for the game agency rights in their regions. As before, how could Fang Yun give them the agency rights?

The game association of H next door has approached Fang Yun several times, wanting to introduce"StarCraft" and quickly launch related professional competitions, but Fang Yun rejected them all with the excuse that"translation work is in progress." Fang

Yun, who was free, fell into a state of doing nothing again. Now he couldn't muster the interest to play StarCraft because people's level was too low for Fang Yun.

Every day Fang Yun just drank tea and watched the five-man group and Lu Ziming play games. It is worth mentioning that Liu Xin and Lu Ziming seemed to have regarded Fang Yun's place as their home. They came here early in the morning and played until Fang Yun closed the door before going back.

And Liu Xin's live broadcast work is now broadcast live by Fang Yun.

Only two days of this kind of life passed, and when Fang Yun was with the five people, Qu Xiaoyi came over with a printed document.

"Boss Fang, I have finished the plan you asked me to make before. Please take a look."

Fang Yun took the materials handed over by Qu Xiaoyi and carefully checked them.

Fang Yun asked Qu Xiaoyi to design a Japanese-style mobile game before. For so many days, Qu Xiaoyi sat at the front desk thinking about the topic given by Fang Yun besides work, and successfully wrote a plan.

Fang Yun quickly finished reading Qu Xiaoyi's work. The overall plan was a story-based mobile game, and the plot style was also biased towards anime style. Even under the influence of Fang Yun, she also designed many branching plots. Overall, it was a relaxing daily mobile game with a hint of love.

Under the gaze of the five-member group, Fang Yun said his evaluation:

"The overall design concept is very smooth, the plot is in line with the requirements, and the overall style is casual, suitable for young people's entertainment……"

As Qu Xiaoyi listened, her eyes became brighter and brighter. She didn't expect Fang Yun to make such an evaluation!

"Overall good...but……"

Fang Yun paused for a moment.

"But what? Is there anything wrong with it?"

Anxious Zhang Xin asked directly

"Overall it's good, but it needs a major revision! Or you can just rewrite it"



The five people, including Qu Xiaoyi, all looked puzzled.

"This game does meet all the requirements I mentioned, but aren't there many Japanese-style games on the market like this? What do I usually say most often? Innovation! In this, I only see your extension of the games on the market now, but I don't see your innovation."

Fang Yun gave his reasons.

Qu Xiaoyi thought about it and realized that it was indeed the case. Which of Fang Yun's games was not innovative? And the plan she wrote only made some extensions to the existing games, and there was no real innovation.

"Have you ever understood the players?"

Just when Qu Xiaoyi was thinking, Fang Yun asked another seemingly random question.


Not only Qu Xiaoyi, but also the five people who had been listening were confused.

"What do players know? Do you want to investigate the types of games that players like?"

Lin Han asked

"No, let me give you an example. Nowadays, so many young people like R's anime. Why is that?

Fang Yun's question triggered everyone's thinking. After a while, everyone gave their own answers:

Zhang Xin:"Is the plot more attractive?"

Shao Ziyi:"The production is much better than domestic ones."

Lu Mang:"Is the setting more novel?"

Lin Han:"The personality of the characters"


Everyone expressed their own opinions. After hearing them, Fang Yun shook his head and said:

"You are both right, but also wrong."

"In my opinion, if we really talk about the settings, the settings in many domestic novels are no worse than these, the characters are equally distinct, and the plot scenes are even more grand than Japanese comics. But why do the animations adapted from these novels receive such a lukewarm response?"

"I think the advantage of Japanese comics is the design of the original characters!"


PS: The update in the early morning is here, and the rest will be updated during the day~ Finally, I will roll over and ask for flowers and evaluation tickets! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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