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"You mean... cute girl?"

Lin Han seemed to understand a little.

"Yes, girls and handsome guys. Fang Yun nodded.

"The question I asked you before about understanding gamers is also very simple. Except for some special jobs, most people now have easy jobs, and students have plenty of time. But why are all the games on the market now light games? In other words, games that don't take up much time?"

"This is because they have never understood the players. They only investigate what types of games the players like recently, and then they make games of that type. In the past, there were only these light games, and players had no choice, so they could only choose the types they liked from these games. However, game designers did not consider this point, and only continued to make games based on the types that players liked.……"

"Watching anime is actually a very time-consuming activity. It’s not that it’s a waste, but it takes a long time to watch anime in one go. If there is such a game on the market now: anime style, full of handsome men and beautiful women, but in order to play well, players need to spend a lot of time to play, do you think these players will accept it?"

"And what I wanted Xiaoyi to design before was exactly this kind of game. Since anime can occupy a lot of players' time, why can't anime-type games do the same?"


Fang Yun's words once again triggered everyone's thinking. They had indeed not considered related issues before, especially the mobile game market in this world. They only see what types of games are popular in the market now, but they don't see what kind of games will be popular next.

Especially in this world, there is not a single mobile game that is a heavy game! This is extremely funny to Fang Yun: people have plenty of time, but they only play a game for a few minutes, and after playing for a while, they don't want to play anymore and go do other things...

Think about the previous life, those mobile games that you wanted to be online 24 hours a day...

Fang Yun can only sigh that these two worlds are really incomparable!

"So take this plan back and redo it. Even if you don't follow what I say, you can refer to my ideas."

Fang Yun made the final summary.


Qu Xiaoyi went back to revise it. Fang Yun fell into a state of doing nothing again. Besides, it was close to the end of the year. Fang Yun was not going to make a new game. Of course, the design of the game for next year still needed to be prepared, but the production would have to wait until next year. Now Fang Yun's job was to wait for the translation of"StarCraft" to be completed, and then launch the international version of"StarCraft".

At the same time, Fang Yun also had to pay attention to the situation of the clubs in the domestic professional league.

Fang Yun also contacted a well-known domestic advertising agency to let them be responsible for promoting"StarCraft" internationally. For this, Fang Yun paid a lot of money. After all, if there were so many things to promote, the advertising fee would be huge.

Fortunately, Fang Yun didn't have much money now, and the funds were sufficient. The publicity fee this time was at most a bruise for Fang Yun, and it was far from breaking the bones.

Originally, some foreigners knew that Country Z had released a new RTS game with a very good reputation, and it was a science fiction type. Although some people paid attention to it, it was only a few.

However, after Fang Yun's promotion, foreign players all knew about this game, and some people posted on forums (in Europe and the United States) to discuss this game:

"《StarCraft, has anyone studied this game in detail? There is so much publicity now, is there anyone who knows about it who can tell us about it?"

"I know, it's the work of a new designer from Country Z, I think his name is Fang Yun? I heard that this designer is quite well-known in their country, and the reputation of this game is pretty good!"

"Sci-fi RTS? You said it has a good reputation? Are you kidding me? When has Country Z ever been good at this kind of genre?"

"I've seen some videos and the production of StarCraft is really good. I think it's worth looking forward to!"


On the forum, many players who didn’t know much about the game posted questions. Some players looked down on domestic games, while some players who had watched the video or live broadcast refuted what the previous players had said. For a time, foreign forums were also abuzz.

And the fact that Fang Yun was going to launch"StarCraft" internationally was soon known in China!

Domestic game industry:

"Have you heard? Fang Yun spent a lot of money to promote the international version of StarCraft internationally"

"Europe and America?"

"No, it seems that he wants to launch it globally simultaneously! He even made versions in German, French, Japanese, and Korean!"

"What the hell? He took a really big step! Isn't he afraid of getting into trouble?"

"I don't think so."StarCraft" is not the same domestic game as before, so it's hard to say whether it can be successful this time!"

"I think you are all overthinking it. Science fiction themes are already very popular abroad, so why can he succeed?"

"I also think that the tastes of foreign players are quite different from those in China. Although this game is popular in China, it is hard to say whether it will be popular in the international market. This time, it should be that Fang Yun did not think it through."

"Young people, it is always good to be motivated. If they fail once, they will learn their lesson. What's more, even if they lose money, they won't lose much. Of course, this is for him."

"Indeed, looking at how popular"StarCraft" is in China, the money earned has long been enough to cover the international publicity costs. However, I do hope that his game can be popular, which can also bring some face to our domestic peers. After all, the domestic gaming environment... Alas"

"Whether it will be popular or not is not up to us, so just wait and see, we’ll know the result after it goes online!"

"Eh? You guys think, if Fang Yun's game is really popular, it should be almost the end of the year now, right? If his game is popular, will it be selected for this year's game selection?"

"Domestic selection? Of course."

"Who is talking about domestic here? I am talking about international, which is the selection activities held by several major game magazines at the end of each year!"

"I think... that shouldn't be the case, right?"

"'s hard to say……"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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