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"Fang Yun’s"StarCraft" is going to have an international version?"

"I am quite optimistic about it. In my opinion, StarCraft is no worse than the foreign games I played! If that is the case, then there is nothing wrong with releasing an international version!"

"We definitely have to support it! It's not easy for a domestic game to enter the international market. Support it!"

"And by then, there will definitely be overseas servers available, and we can team up to beat up our international friends!"

"That makes sense. Even if the international version is launched, it will take some time for foreign players to get familiar with the game. We have been beaten enough to almost learn how to play it, so it’s our turn to have some dumplings!"

"Take me with you, bro!"

"How many points do you have?"


"Go away! Losing all ten qualifying matches is 1800. Have you never won a single match since the end?"

"I have won, twice!"

"How many points were added?"

"One is 7 points and the other is 8 points!"

"That's because you met an opponent with a lower score than you, right? With your level, you'd better not go out and embarrass us!"


Finally, after the pre-promotion and warm-up sparked discussion among players,"StarCraft" was launched simultaneously around the world!

As for the results, Fang Yun could only watch. If it was in China, he could still post a Weibo to brag or something, but this was international, and he was just a new designer. Although he is now an intermediate designer, there are a lot of senior designers abroad, not to mention a mere intermediate.

Whether it can succeed depends entirely on"StarCraft" itself!

Since this is the first time Fang Yun's game is launched internationally, he priced"StarCraft" at $35, which is much more expensive than the domestic price.

Fang Yun did not think about lowering the price. First, foreign players have a strong sense of genuine products. With the quality of his"StarCraft", the price of $35 is even considered to be one of the lower prices, which is already a great value for money!

So this price will not be one of the factors affecting sales, and making money from foreigners, the more the better!


After the game was launched, players who had been paying attention to the game downloaded it one after another.

What surprised foreign players was that if they hadn't known in advance and were just asked to play it, they would definitely think that this was the latest generation of RTS produced by Hurricane Company!

And this RTS also has a plot! These exquisite plot animations are like watching a Hollywood blockbuster, which makes them want more!

Anyone who likes science fiction themes, whether they like RTS games or not, basically bought this game without hesitation!

Players from all over the world are experiencing the charm of"StarCraft"!

The exquisite CG combined with the perfect plot firmly caught the players' attention from the beginning, and the players also experienced the plot while getting familiar with the gameplay of the game in the plot campaign.

After experiencing the entire plot, they turned on the battle mode and played two games, and then they found that the real essence of the game was this battle mode!

Then, they discovered the existence of the ladder mode...

Groups of players flew into the flame called"StarCraft" like moths!

Many foreign media outlets will rate new games online. One week after the international version of StarCraft was launched, the scores from major media outlets were already out. The lowest was M's [Game Times], which gave StarCraft an 8.8 score. The scores given by other media outlets or game platforms were all above 9 points!

This has never happened before in the history of domestic games going global!

In other words, StarCraft directly broke the record for the highest score for domestic games!

And the comments from major media outlets were also quite high:

"The richness and balance of this game are beyond my imagination. Although some players now say that some of the high-tech soldiers' skills are useless, I also interviewed some professional players and they think that these skills have not been developed yet, not that the game balance is bad. After experiencing it myself, I think this game is worthy of being called a masterpiece of RTS!"----【Daily Game Express】Country Y

"I don't know how the game's designers came up with the idea of these three races. The three races, buildings, and arms are completely different. Even the cost of the most basic arms is very different. But when you really play it, you can see that they are very balanced. It's really hard to do this well! Just based on this point, it has surpassed War Alert.》"

----【Game】M Country

"This game is the culmination of RTS games. I originally thought that the slogan was a lie, but after playing it, I think it's okay to praise this game! Maybe we should pay more attention to the games designed by designers from Country Z."----【Game Times】

Players in Country M also praised it...


"When will designers from Country Z be able to create such a grand sci-fi plot? I find it incredible. I always feel that these Orientals cannot understand our culture."

"If no one told me, I would have thought that this game was developed by the United States. I think it will become an unsurpassed classic in the history of real-time strategy game development!"

"Although current PC games cannot compete with VR games, this game still fascinates me. Good games are not platform-specific!"


"As an RTS game player, if you are still playing"War Alert", it only means that you are out of date."StarCraft" is the future of RTS!"

"It is said that there are already players with scores above 4500 in Country Z. We have to hurry up. We cannot lose to Country Z in this respect!"

Country M

"To be honest, as a player from country M, I feel very frustrated that this game was designed by people from country Z. Are the designers in our country so lacking in imagination?"

"I was not optimistic about this game at first, and now I apologize,"Starcraft" is really the best RTS game I have ever seen!"


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